MAGA Convictions

Throw away the key on this fucker.

Not one of the people you've linked tweets to has been charged nor convicted that I can see! Only arrested. The one I did find has been convicted for 5 years which means he's probably out on appeal now and will end up getting reduced to 3 years at best then out in one year for good behavior!

What BLM members can you identify as “leading a riot”?

Any J6 protesters get a nine year sentence yet, Ace?


Any J6 protesters get a nine year sentence yet, Ace?

So they were punished. And?
This is part of a statement today from a lawyer for one of the seditionists. How many of Trump's 75 million voters does this also describe? It definitely describes many if not all of the Trumpers here at

View attachment 733031
View attachment 733030
If you think 75 million Americans have similar psychological problems, you might consider that you have a mental problem.
More than 60,000 law enforcement officers were assaulted in the line of duty in 2020, including more than 40 who were killed

I should add that through ALL of this I never heard one squeak of shock, horror, protest nor condemnation out of any leftist or democrat, indeed, many rallied to their cause and even helped bail them out of jail!


Which makes all of their faux tribulations now over that lone, single brief riot provoked on J6 not only PATHETIC and SAD, but falling on deaf ears as well as impossibly hypocritical their drive to see those involved prosecuted. Especially after four long years of their revolting against all things government, democratic and patriotic.

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