Mad Maxine Waters admits she's playing the race card, tells blacks: "you better get controversial"

I find it real funny that conservatives love it when Trump speaks his mind and gets "controversial" but as soon as a liberal or *gasp* black person gets "controversial", ya'll lose your minds.

Of course Brietbart is going to sensationalize this.

What she said was absolutely 100% correct. Black people are often called controversial for simply speaking about the truths of injustices done to blacks in America. You're controversial if you speak out against police brutality. You're controversial if you speak out against any racial injustice.

Some white people ( mainly conservatives) like to pretend / lie that racism is doesn't exist in America. That people are just race baiting and making up things.

Then you have house niggas who just want to please white people, and speak out against the racial injustices because they want to please white people like a good house nigga is supposed to.

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