Mad Dog Mattis


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
You gotta love a President (president elect) who would have the guts to appoint a Marine General nicknamed "mad dog" to the rank of Secretary of Defense in an era of hyper political correctness. Get used to it. General Mattis is an intellectual military mind that some would compare to WW2 General George Patton. Apparently his vision of the Military didn't sit well with the Obama regime and he was forced into retirement in 2013. It seems that he will be easily confirmed by the republican majority in the House.
General Mattis has only been retired for 4 years, according to LAW he has to be separated from armed services for 7 years.... he'll need special permission by Congress to go against the LAW. Our constitution is specific that CIVILIANS run the National Defense of our Nation, NOT MILITARY
  1. The National Security Act of 1947 originally required an interval of ten years after relief from active duty, which was reduced to seven years by Sec. 903(a) of the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act.
General Mattis has only been retired for 4 years, according to LAW he has to be separated from armed services for 7 years.... he'll need special permission by Congress to go against the LAW. Our constitution is specific that CIVILIANS run the National Defense of our Nation, NOT MILITARY

Law? Pshhhh. Trump's driving now. Get in the back seat and hold on to your butt
General Mattis has only been retired for 4 years, according to LAW he has to be separated from armed services for 7 years.... he'll need special permission by Congress to go against the LAW. Our constitution is specific that CIVILIANS run the National Defense of our Nation, NOT MILITARY

It's happened before,no reason it cant happen again.
General Mattis has only been retired for 4 years, according to LAW he has to be separated from armed services for 7 years.... he'll need special permission by Congress to go against the LAW. Our constitution is specific that CIVILIANS run the National Defense of our Nation, NOT MILITARY

Congress will grant a waiver, as they did for George Marshall back in Eisenhower's admin.
Yes it's been much to long since we sent our soldiers off to die in glorious battle for the motherland

Obungles has been doing since 2008
In puny numbers. He even brought thousands of them home! :mad:

Trump and Mattis know that our soldiers yearn to die in battle for a seat in Valhalla!
Brought thousands of them home while they were winning thereby abandoning the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, allowing them to fall into chaos. Yep, that's what smart Generalissimo did to win the minds and hearts of the people. This time we're gonna get a warrior running things.
Yes it's been much to long since we sent our soldiers off to die in glorious battle for the motherland

Obungles has been doing since 2008
In puny numbers. He even brought thousands of them home! :mad:

Trump and Mattis know that our soldiers yearn to die in battle for a seat in Valhalla!
Brought thousands of them home while they were winning thereby abandoning the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, allowing them to fall into chaos. Yep, that's what smart Generalissimo did to win the minds and hearts of the people. This time we're gonna get a warrior running things.

When ISIS heard Mad Dog Mattis they shat themselves...or should have. Muslims are not real bright
Yes it's been much to long since we sent our soldiers off to die in glorious battle for the motherland

Obungles has been doing since 2008
In puny numbers. He even brought thousands of them home! :mad:

Trump and Mattis know that our soldiers yearn to die in battle for a seat in Valhalla!

Over 2.500 dead since 2008 isn't "puny" numbers, asswipe
Of course it is. If republicans had it their way since 2008 the number would be well into the 10,000's and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would be gloriously raging on! What fun adventures will Trump find for our soldiers? A few new pre-emptive invasions anyone?
Yes it's been much to long since we sent our soldiers off to die in glorious battle for the motherland

Obungles has been doing since 2008
In puny numbers. He even brought thousands of them home! :mad:

Trump and Mattis know that our soldiers yearn to die in battle for a seat in Valhalla!
Brought thousands of them home while they were winning thereby abandoning the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, allowing them to fall into chaos. Yep, that's what smart Generalissimo did to win the minds and hearts of the people. This time we're gonna get a warrior running things.
Yes just like how Vietnam only needed another 20 - 30 years and a few hundred thousands more dead U.S. soldiers for us to achieve victory! Damn you Obama!
General Mattis has only been retired for 4 years, according to LAW he has to be separated from armed services for 7 years.... he'll need special permission by Congress to go against the LAW. Our constitution is specific that CIVILIANS run the National Defense of our Nation, NOT MILITARY

Law? Pshhhh. Trump's driving now. Get in the back seat and hold on to your butt
no one believes's hard for me to even believe me :D, but so help me goodness...Trump has every single characteristic described about the proverbial antichrist in the Bible...a man of chaos, what was wrong, is now right, what was bad is now good, what was up is now down, master of deceit, man of destruction, deliverer of black and dark arts...mind control, master of lies.... :eek:
General Mattis has only been retired for 4 years, according to LAW he has to be separated from armed services for 7 years.... he'll need special permission by Congress to go against the LAW. Our constitution is specific that CIVILIANS run the National Defense of our Nation, NOT MILITARY

Law? Pshhhh. Trump's driving now. Get in the back seat and hold on to your butt
no one believes's hard for me to even believe me :D, but so help me goodness...Trump has every single characteristic described about the proverbial antichrist in the Bible...a man of chaos, what was wrong, is now right, what was bad is now good, what was up is now down, master of deceit, man of destruction, deliverer of black and dark arts...mind control, master of lies.... :eek:
Surely the devil would show up with at least some semblance of class and style. Wasn't he supposed to be the most beautiful angel?
General Mattis has only been retired for 4 years, according to LAW he has to be separated from armed services for 7 years.... he'll need special permission by Congress to go against the LAW. Our constitution is specific that CIVILIANS run the National Defense of our Nation, NOT MILITARY

Congress will grant a waiver, as they did for George Marshall back in Eisenhower's admin.
he is smart and knows his business, so they might give the A-OK though congress said an exception would NEVER be done again after Marshall....
Yes it's been much to long since we sent our soldiers off to die in glorious battle for the motherland

Obungles has been doing since 2008
In puny numbers. He even brought thousands of them home! :mad:

Trump and Mattis know that our soldiers yearn to die in battle for a seat in Valhalla!

Over 2.500 dead since 2008 isn't "puny" numbers, asswipe
Of course it is. If republicans had it their way since 2008 the number would be well into the 10,000's and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would be gloriously raging on! What fun adventures will Trump find for our soldiers? A few new pre-emptive invasions anyone?

US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush | Just Foreign Policy
Yes it's been much to long since we sent our soldiers off to die in glorious battle for the motherland

Obungles has been doing since 2008
In puny numbers. He even brought thousands of them home! :mad:

Trump and Mattis know that our soldiers yearn to die in battle for a seat in Valhalla!

Over 2.500 dead since 2008 isn't "puny" numbers, asswipe
Of course it is. If republicans had it their way since 2008 the number would be well into the 10,000's and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would be gloriously raging on! What fun adventures will Trump find for our soldiers? A few new pre-emptive invasions anyone?

US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush | Just Foreign Policy
Dummy didn't you read my post? The number of Iraq/Aghanistan dead could be gloriously into the 20,000's by now if Obama hadn't come along and put an end to all the fun!

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