lying to get reelected


Apr 3, 2011
this president is lying to the public so he can hopefully get reelected, shameful and desperate.

he says that the republicans want to strip medicare, thats a lie, if youre 55 or older today you may continue with medicare as you know it, however medicare will not be solvent for those under 55 today when they reach medicare age, thats why medicare must be delt with financially so that others will be taken care of.

he says republicans want dirty air and dirty water, really! thats a lie, they want to look at some rediculous regulations that have no effect on the enviroment, but yet strangle companys
and small businesses so they cannot financially operate, loosing tax money and jobs.

he says republicans want to do away with social security, thats a lie, however if something isnt done with social security, people 45 and younger that are paying into it, they wont have it unless something is done.

why dont the obama adminstration want peoples i.d. checked when they go to vote? so they can have anybody vote, illegals, people not registered, everyone needs an i.d. its a legal way to do anything, it prevents fraud, what does the above say about this and the above, with this adminstration? crooked.

all the negative comments are directed to scare people from voting for romney, because obama has nothing in four years to run on that has overall helped america and the people. i hope everyone sees all the lies that has been told by this president and his administration.

we need the young folks that were conned last election, we need the independents, we need the good moderate democrats, we need the christians, we need the catholics, we need the republican base, we need the jewish, we need the military, we need the people who believe in a strong free america to turn out and vote for a better america, for an america of more jobs and america that can stand on its own, without borrowing debt from china, an america that stands up for fair trade.

we need an america that on 9-11 we have the security at home and on foreign soil that protect the people that work for us, we dont need obamas ideas of america, growing government that cannot be sustained financially, not a government that promotes welfare and entitlements for folks that can actually work. 50 percent of the working class support 50 percent that do not contribute, thats why states cities counties and the federal government are going broke. we have to stimulate the economy and promote bussiness, so
that we can have more people pay taxes for a stronger america and better lives for everyone. yes there is a need for welfare and assistance, but not for half of america, too much fraud. thank you!
No lies, Pub dupe. Romney wants to keep wrecking the nonrich and the country- see sig pp1. 86% of workers pay more in payroll taxes than income taxes. The poorest pay more in all taxes and fees %wise than corporations or Romney. Everything you know is Pubcrappe. Change the channel.
yeah he's got a large percentage of ball lickers, who would let OBama take their women and feel proud about it.
Franco did you take you mouth off OBama's cock long enought to post another dumb answer? Just keep sucking, it's what your best at
Yep, tell a lib a lie and their perfectly happy, tell them the truth, they get really, really pissed. LAMO

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