Lying presstitutes do not delivery pictures of dead children from Mossul


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Hey presstitutes, where are pictures of wounded children from Mossul and Merkel's sanctions against Obama?
Putin's bombing of Aleppo is bad, byt Obama's ones of Mossul is nice and good.
Your Pressitute Lying Mainstream Medias shall be printed directly on toilet paper, the best usage for your poor lying propaganda sheets.

It's spelled "Mosul", if your going to exploit the recent bombings to make some kind of racist political point atleast get the city's name right
The sycophants never sleep. Even managed to throw "racism" in there...
It's spelled "Mosul", if your going to exploit the recent bombings to make some kind of racist political point atleast get the city's name right

If it 'racist' to demand objectivity from presstitutes Mainstream 'Medias'.
Or anything is 'racist' if lefts do not agree with?

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