"Lying for money" - what crazy Marje did this week.

bullshit. they WORK for us. they were hired BY US. our taxes pay their fucking salary; & a representative from the house is defined by it's very name.... to represent US. a senator works for the individual state that HIRED him.

you're a dolt.

No. I’m an Originalist. Read the founding documents. There’s nothing in there about making the lives of individuals better. It’s all about maintaining the NATION (not the citizens) best interests. That’s where the Tenth Amendment comes in. The State and Local Governments are where individuals were supposed to go for their handouts and their pork. NOT Washington DC.

bet you wish the 14th & 19th amendments were abolished too.

lol ... amiright?

btw, maintaining the citizens' best interest IS in the best interest of the nation.
& to promote the general welfare.

OF THE NATION, not the Peoole you brain dead waste of flesh and oxygen!!!!!

calm down, buttercup.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

‹ U.S. Constitution up Article I ›

The Congress shall have Power To ... provide for the ... general Welfare

Article I, Section 8, Constitution of the United States

Congress is charged by the Constitution with providing for the general welfare of the country's citizens. Historically, this has meant improving transportation, promoting agriculture and industry, protecting health and the environment, and seeking ways to solve social and economic problems. These documents reflect Congressional actions to ensure "the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."
General Welfare

By and large, it is for Congress to determine what constitutes the general welfare. The Court accords great deference to Congress’s decision that a spending program advances the general welfare,15 and has even questioned whether the restriction is judicially enforceable.16 Dispute, such as it is, turns on the conditioning of funds.
Spending Power | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

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