Lyin' Joe


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
“It looks a little bit like plagiarism,” Vice President Mike Pence said in Thursday night’s debate regarding the Democratic candidate’s plan to tackle COVID-19, “which is something Joe Biden knows a little bit about.”

Biden, of course, famously plagiarized speeches by Hubert Humphrey, John F. Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy (Pence should watch out for the Democratic nominee recycling his plagiarism line in the next debate). In law school, Biden flunked a class for inserting five pages from a law journal article into his paper.

He provided a different account of his academic career on the campaign trail in Claremont, New Hampshire, in the spring of 1987. “I think I have a much higher IQ than you do,” he responded to a stunned Democratic voter asking about his credentials. He boasted of winning “the outstanding student in the political science department” at the University of Delaware, from which he “graduated with three degrees,” and then “went to law school on a full academic scholarship,” where he “ended up in the top half” of his class.

Biden didn’t win an “outstanding student” award at the University of Delaware, where he had performed poorly. He actually graduated from the school with one, and not as he claimed three, degrees. He received a partial scholarship based on need to Syracuse Law, where he graduated in the bottom fifth of his class. Biden conceded, “I exaggerate when I’m angry” (and understates when he apologizes).
Joe says he became smitten with Jill upon seeing her in an airport advertisement in 1975. It just so happened that Biden’s brother knew the woman and offered to set up a date, in which they went to see A Man and a Woman, a movie about a widower given a second chance at love. Jill Biden’s first husband remembers their courtship differently.

Bill Stevenson says he volunteered with his first wife on Biden’s 1972 Senate run and Jill babysat Biden’s sons after the death of Biden’s wife. Stevenson first understood his wife had stepped out on his marriage when she declined to meet Bruce Springsteen with him in 1974. Instead, she said she needed to mind Joe Biden’s kids. “Then one of her best friends told me she thought Joe and Jill were getting a little too close,” he told the Daily Mail. “I was surprised that she came to me.” When a man confronted a stunned Stevenson about his Corvette crashing into his car, Stevenson says he discovered that Joe Biden caused the damage out with Jill and did not pay the accident’s victim. Stevenson told Joe Biden’s girlfriend to pack.

Less understandable than the whitewashed marriage creation story, Biden presented the biography of Neil Kinnock as though it were his own in 1987. Kinnock talked about being the first member of his family to graduate from college and his relatives’ eight-hour days slaving in coal mines only to emerge to play (European) football. Biden talked about being the first member of his family to graduate from college and his relatives’ 12-hour days slaving in coal mines only to emerge to play (American) football.

Joe Biden did not have “the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see” Nelson Mandela. Biden’s wife and daughter did not die because a truck driver “drank his lunch” (Neilia Biden, investigators determined, missed a stop sign). Joe Biden did not play football for the University of Delaware as he boasted to Ohio audiences.

Politicians routinely exaggerate their accomplishments and issue campaign promises they do not intend to keep. Joe Biden transcends this garden-variety mendacity in a field synonymous with dishonesty. He deceives not just with calculation but reflexively as though his nature. Corn Pop does not approve of jive talkers.

Hillary Clinton was once called a congenital liar. IMHO, the same can be said for Joe Biden. He will say what he thinks you want to hear, whether it is truthful or not is beside the point. Which is to get your vote. True, Trump plays somewhat fast and loose with the truth too, it seems to be a problem with most politicians. But let's not pretend Biden has the morality high ground when it comes to honesty and integrity.
“It looks a little bit like plagiarism,” Vice President Mike Pence said in Thursday night’s debate regarding the Democratic candidate’s plan to tackle COVID-19, “which is something Joe Biden knows a little bit about.”

Biden, of course, famously plagiarized speeches by Hubert Humphrey, John F. Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy (Pence should watch out for the Democratic nominee recycling his plagiarism line in the next debate). In law school, Biden flunked a class for inserting five pages from a law journal article into his paper.

He provided a different account of his academic career on the campaign trail in Claremont, New Hampshire, in the spring of 1987. “I think I have a much higher IQ than you do,” he responded to a stunned Democratic voter asking about his credentials. He boasted of winning “the outstanding student in the political science department” at the University of Delaware, from which he “graduated with three degrees,” and then “went to law school on a full academic scholarship,” where he “ended up in the top half” of his class.

Biden didn’t win an “outstanding student” award at the University of Delaware, where he had performed poorly. He actually graduated from the school with one, and not as he claimed three, degrees. He received a partial scholarship based on need to Syracuse Law, where he graduated in the bottom fifth of his class. Biden conceded, “I exaggerate when I’m angry” (and understates when he apologizes).
Joe says he became smitten with Jill upon seeing her in an airport advertisement in 1975. It just so happened that Biden’s brother knew the woman and offered to set up a date, in which they went to see A Man and a Woman, a movie about a widower given a second chance at love. Jill Biden’s first husband remembers their courtship differently.

Bill Stevenson says he volunteered with his first wife on Biden’s 1972 Senate run and Jill babysat Biden’s sons after the death of Biden’s wife. Stevenson first understood his wife had stepped out on his marriage when she declined to meet Bruce Springsteen with him in 1974. Instead, she said she needed to mind Joe Biden’s kids. “Then one of her best friends told me she thought Joe and Jill were getting a little too close,” he told the Daily Mail. “I was surprised that she came to me.” When a man confronted a stunned Stevenson about his Corvette crashing into his car, Stevenson says he discovered that Joe Biden caused the damage out with Jill and did not pay the accident’s victim. Stevenson told Joe Biden’s girlfriend to pack.

Less understandable than the whitewashed marriage creation story, Biden presented the biography of Neil Kinnock as though it were his own in 1987. Kinnock talked about being the first member of his family to graduate from college and his relatives’ eight-hour days slaving in coal mines only to emerge to play (European) football. Biden talked about being the first member of his family to graduate from college and his relatives’ 12-hour days slaving in coal mines only to emerge to play (American) football.

Joe Biden did not have “the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see” Nelson Mandela. Biden’s wife and daughter did not die because a truck driver “drank his lunch” (Neilia Biden, investigators determined, missed a stop sign). Joe Biden did not play football for the University of Delaware as he boasted to Ohio audiences.

Politicians routinely exaggerate their accomplishments and issue campaign promises they do not intend to keep. Joe Biden transcends this garden-variety mendacity in a field synonymous with dishonesty. He deceives not just with calculation but reflexively as though his nature. Corn Pop does not approve of jive talkers.

Hillary Clinton was once called a congenital liar. IMHO, the same can be said for Joe Biden. He will say what he thinks you want to hear, whether it is truthful or not is beside the point. Which is to get your vote. True, Trump plays somewhat fast and loose with the truth too, it seems to be a problem with most politicians. But let's not pretend Biden has the morality high ground when it comes to honesty and integrity.
Trumptards now think lying is bad, apparently forgetting who their Dear Leader is...priceless
It's quite laughable to hear Trumpists complain about lying .... but when you have to reach back more than 30 years for becomes pathetic :lol:
You fascists keep up with that lie, its more than despicable, its indisputable evidence of exactly who you folk are! Trump, is certainly as poor a communicator as ever there has been, but he is not a liar, he is the very first president in over a hundred years, to effectively stick to his every campaign promise made with but a few exceptions, and those exceptions are all on obstructionist democrats and rinos in the two houses of the congress! Do you really wish to enter into contest with "Moi" quoting actual lies spewed by the psychopathic Biden over the course of the last 4-weeks, let alone the previous half century??? You will not win such a duel...... :auiqs.jpg:
It's quite laughable to hear Trumpists complain about lying .... but when you have to reach back more than 30 years for becomes pathetic :lol:
You fascists keep up with that lie, its more than despicable, its indisputable evidence of exactly who you folk are! Trump, is certainly as poor a communicator as ever there has been, but he is not a liar, he is the very first president in over a hundred years, to effectively stick to his every campaign promise made with but a few exceptions, and those exceptions are all on obstructionist democrats and rinos in the two houses of the congress! Do you really wish to enter into contest with "Moi" quoting actual lies spewed by the psychopathic Biden over the course of the last 4-weeks, let alone the previous half century??? You will not win such a duel...... :auiqs.jpg:

Oh. My. God.

I can't believe you actually said that :lmao:

" poor a communicator as ever there has been, but he is not a liar.."

So...we've gone from his lies shouldn't be taken's Trump being Trump to "he's a poor communicator"...

His rallies are point blank evidence that he is an EFFECTIVE (ie GOOD) communicator (though it says nothing about the quality of his message)...

You got any other excuses for his lies?
It's quite laughable to hear Trumpists complain about lying .... but when you have to reach back more than 30 years for becomes pathetic :lol:
You fascists keep up with that lie, its more than despicable, its indisputable evidence of exactly who you folk are! Trump, is certainly as poor a communicator as ever there has been, but he is not a liar, he is the very first president in over a hundred years, to effectively stick to his every campaign promise made with but a few exceptions, and those exceptions are all on obstructionist democrats and rinos in the two houses of the congress! Do you really wish to enter into contest with "Moi" quoting actual lies spewed by the psychopathic Biden over the course of the last 4-weeks, let alone the previous half century??? You will not win such a duel...... :auiqs.jpg:

Oh. My. God.

I can't believe you actually said that :lmao:

" poor a communicator as ever there has been, but he is not a liar.."

So...we've gone from his lies shouldn't be taken's Trump being Trump to "he's a poor communicator"...

His rallies are point blank evidence that he is an EFFECTIVE (ie GOOD) communicator (though it says nothing about the quality of his message)...

You got any other excuses for his lies?
Compared with Biden, Trump is the "Mahatma!" :auiqs.jpg:
It's quite laughable to hear Trumpists complain about lying .... but when you have to reach back more than 30 years for becomes pathetic :lol:

Joe Biden has a long history of lies, stretching back 30 years and likely longer. But let's talk about his more recent lies, like the ones in the 1st debate with Trump:

“We left him [Trump] a booming economy. And he caused the recession”

Economic growth was under 2% in 2016, and that is hardly a booming economy.

Trump didn't cause the recession, that is horseshit. Every other country also suffered economic decline from COVID-19, not just us and relative to other countries the US did better at containing the damage. That's 2 lies isn't it?

“Trump will be the first in American history to lose jobs during his presidency”

One, Trump hasn't left office yet, and Two, Herbert Hoover already holds the position of having left office with fewer jobs than when he took office.

“No, I don’t support the Green New Deal. I support the Biden plan I put forward, which is different than what [Trump] calls the Green New Deal.”

From Biden's own website:

This is disproven by the climate section of Biden’s own campaign website.


“His own former spokesperson said, you know, riots, chaos and violence help us and violence help his cause. That’s what this is all about.”

After Trump questioned whom Biden was quoting, he responded, “Kellyanne Conway.”
What Conway actually said came from an August Fox and Friends appearance, where she said: “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order.

“She [Amy Coney Barrett] thinks that the Affordable Care Act is not constitutional.”

There is no record of ACB ever saying she thinks ObamaCare is unconstitutional. It’s obviously entirely possible that she does, but it’s not confirmed as Biden claims.

“There was a peaceful protest in front of the White House (in Lafayette Square outside the White House). What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military do tear gas.”

The military was not used to clear the crowd Biden is speaking of, an a chemical irritant other than tear gas was used. The incident where Trump was in a bunker was days earlier when hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion.

“Close your eyes, try to remember the people coming out of the field with the torches, their veins bulging, spewing anti-Semitic bile, accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan. A young woman got killed. And they asked the president what he thought, and he said there were ‘very fine people on both sides.’ No president has ever said anything like that.”

The “very fine people” remark was one Trump clarified within seconds of making it: “So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

This is what Trump said about very fine people:

•“We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for, there is no place for this kind of violence in America. Let’s come together as one!” Trump wrote at 10:19 a.m. via Twitter, as the deadly riots began on August 12, 2017. “We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion, or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST.”

•“Racism is evil,” Trump said that August 14. “And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

•There were “very fine people, on both sides,” in Charlottesville, “protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee,” Trump said the next day. He specified: “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally.” He also called them “rough, bad people.”

So, actually Biden has been lying all the time, all the way up to now.
It's quite laughable to hear Trumpists complain about lying .... but when you have to reach back more than 30 years for becomes pathetic :lol:

Joe Biden has a long history of lies, stretching back 30 years and likely longer. But let's talk about his more recent lies, like the ones in the 1st debate with Trump:

“We left him [Trump] a booming economy. And he caused the recession”

Economic growth was under 2% in 2016, and that is hardly a booming economy.

Trump didn't cause the recession, that is horseshit. Every other country also suffered economic decline from COVID-19, not just us and relative to other countries the US did better at containing the damage. That's 2 lies isn't it?

“Trump will be the first in American history to lose jobs during his presidency”

One, Trump hasn't left office yet, and Two, Herbert Hoover already holds the position of having left office with fewer jobs than when he took office.

“No, I don’t support the Green New Deal. I support the Biden plan I put forward, which is different than what [Trump] calls the Green New Deal.”

From Biden's own website:

This is disproven by the climate section of Biden’s own campaign website.


“His own former spokesperson said, you know, riots, chaos and violence help us and violence help his cause. That’s what this is all about.”

After Trump questioned whom Biden was quoting, he responded, “Kellyanne Conway.”
What Conway actually said came from an August Fox and Friends appearance, where she said: “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order.

“She [Amy Coney Barrett] thinks that the Affordable Care Act is not constitutional.”

There is no record of ACB ever saying she thinks ObamaCare is unconstitutional. It’s obviously entirely possible that she does, but it’s not confirmed as Biden claims.

“There was a peaceful protest in front of the White House (in Lafayette Square outside the White House). What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military do tear gas.”

The military was not used to clear the crowd Biden is speaking of, an a chemical irritant other than tear gas was used. The incident where Trump was in a bunker was days earlier when hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion.

“Close your eyes, try to remember the people coming out of the field with the torches, their veins bulging, spewing anti-Semitic bile, accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan. A young woman got killed. And they asked the president what he thought, and he said there were ‘very fine people on both sides.’ No president has ever said anything like that.”

The “very fine people” remark was one Trump clarified within seconds of making it: “So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

This is what Trump said about very fine people:

•“We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for, there is no place for this kind of violence in America. Let’s come together as one!” Trump wrote at 10:19 a.m. via Twitter, as the deadly riots began on August 12, 2017. “We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion, or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST.”

•“Racism is evil,” Trump said that August 14. “And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

•There were “very fine people, on both sides,” in Charlottesville, “protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee,” Trump said the next day. He specified: “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally.” He also called them “rough, bad people.”

So, actually Biden has been lying all the time, all the way up to now.

First - all politicians lie some of the time. We all know that. But some of what you list is a matter of opinion and parsing the facts. Some out right fictitious and lies (as were many Trump comments).

For example of opinion... economic growth - there is no question that Trump is overseeing the worst economic slump since the Depression. There is also no question that, while not "booming" - growth was steadily going up and the economy was healthy in 2016.

But when it comes to lying - there is no question Trump exceeds in that category. Even minor and unimportant stuff. Threads like this are laughable because you totally, completely excuse Trump's record here.
It's quite laughable to hear Trumpists complain about lying .... but when you have to reach back more than 30 years for becomes pathetic :lol:

Joe Biden has a long history of lies, stretching back 30 years and likely longer. But let's talk about his more recent lies, like the ones in the 1st debate with Trump:

“We left him [Trump] a booming economy. And he caused the recession”

Economic growth was under 2% in 2016, and that is hardly a booming economy.

Trump didn't cause the recession, that is horseshit. Every other country also suffered economic decline from COVID-19, not just us and relative to other countries the US did better at containing the damage. That's 2 lies isn't it?

“Trump will be the first in American history to lose jobs during his presidency”

One, Trump hasn't left office yet, and Two, Herbert Hoover already holds the position of having left office with fewer jobs than when he took office.

“No, I don’t support the Green New Deal. I support the Biden plan I put forward, which is different than what [Trump] calls the Green New Deal.”

From Biden's own website:

This is disproven by the climate section of Biden’s own campaign website.


“His own former spokesperson said, you know, riots, chaos and violence help us and violence help his cause. That’s what this is all about.”

After Trump questioned whom Biden was quoting, he responded, “Kellyanne Conway.”
What Conway actually said came from an August Fox and Friends appearance, where she said: “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order.

“She [Amy Coney Barrett] thinks that the Affordable Care Act is not constitutional.”

There is no record of ACB ever saying she thinks ObamaCare is unconstitutional. It’s obviously entirely possible that she does, but it’s not confirmed as Biden claims.

“There was a peaceful protest in front of the White House (in Lafayette Square outside the White House). What did he do? He came out of his bunker, had the military do tear gas.”

The military was not used to clear the crowd Biden is speaking of, an a chemical irritant other than tear gas was used. The incident where Trump was in a bunker was days earlier when hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion.

“Close your eyes, try to remember the people coming out of the field with the torches, their veins bulging, spewing anti-Semitic bile, accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan. A young woman got killed. And they asked the president what he thought, and he said there were ‘very fine people on both sides.’ No president has ever said anything like that.”

The “very fine people” remark was one Trump clarified within seconds of making it: “So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

This is what Trump said about very fine people:

•“We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for, there is no place for this kind of violence in America. Let’s come together as one!” Trump wrote at 10:19 a.m. via Twitter, as the deadly riots began on August 12, 2017. “We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion, or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST.”

•“Racism is evil,” Trump said that August 14. “And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

•There were “very fine people, on both sides,” in Charlottesville, “protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee,” Trump said the next day. He specified: “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally.” He also called them “rough, bad people.”

So, actually Biden has been lying all the time, all the way up to now.

First - all politicians lie some of the time. We all know that. But some of what you list is a matter of opinion and parsing the facts. Some out right fictitious and lies (as were many Trump comments).

For example of opinion... economic growth - there is no question that Trump is overseeing the worst economic slump since the Depression. There is also no question that, while not "booming" - growth was steadily going up and the economy was healthy in 2016.

But when it comes to lying - there is no question Trump exceeds in that category. Even minor and unimportant stuff. Threads like this are laughable because you totally, completely excuse Trump's record here.

Do you really want to blame Trump for the economic slump caused solely by the pandemic? That's a load of crap IMHO. His policies had the economy performing extremely well up until the Coronavirus hit, AND THAT WAS NOT HIS FAULT. And BTW what does that have to do with lying.

Quite a bit of Trump's "lies" are also a matter of opinion too, or taking whatever he said out of context. Or he says the same thing 20 times and it gets counted as 20 lies. Frankly, I don't give a damn about the trivial and unimportant stuff, and I am by no means excusing Trump's record but let's not paint Joe Biden as honest and forthright either. As far as I can see, what we have here is 2 big liars, among many others in DC. The question over who is worse is a matter of opinion; I don't think either is trustworthy, but at least with Trump he doesn't hide anything or hold back. I can't say the same for Biden, we gotta wait until after the election to find out what he thinks about packing the court? Isn't that something we should know?
Do you really want to blame Trump for the economic slump caused solely by the pandemic? That's a load of crap IMHO. His policies had the economy performing extremely well up until the Coronavirus hit, AND THAT WAS NOT HIS FAULT. And BTW what does that have to do with lying.

When it comes to the economy - there are only two certainties.

President's take credit for good economies.
Presidents also get blamed for bad economies.

Most of the time - the state of the economy has little to do with the current occupant, at least not to begin with. A lot of factors outside the presidents control have an effect on the economy - global economic conditions, what congress does or does not do with the purse strings, employment conditions - for example automation (more than jobs going overseas) has cut into our better paying manufacturing jobs while a lot of our job growth has been in lower paying service industries (pay rates don't begin to approach what the old manufacturing jobs were). That is just a few examples. What the president can do to directly effect a bad economy is marginal beyond using the power of the government to keep the economy afloat until global conditions improve.

You can say Trump is responsible for a booming economy but I'm not sure the direct evidence is that strong - for example - tax cuts. It appears that those tax cuts had a short lived economic effect and the downside of it was that the huge gains corporations made from it went more towards buying back shares than to benefitting employees.

But I'm not an economist (obviously) - and I'm willing to give what ever president is in charge credit for a good economy - I hand both Obama and Trump that.

Obama get's blamed for a "the slowest recovery since the Great Depression" - yet, he also came into office at a point where we had the worst recession (til now) since the Great Depression.

Trump came into office with a healthy economy showing a multi-year steady upward growth. Booming? No. But healthy. Trump's economy reflected the same growth trend.

But on the same level, they have to take ownership when it turns bad. This isn't a cafeteria. Obama owns the slowness of the recovery, and probably more important - it's unevenness. Trump owns this crash.

There is no question that Covid and the global economic damage caused by it, has crashed our economy. That was not in Trump's control. But some factors, that weakened our ability to weather it better - were. The damage caused by the tariffs are one. The other thing is - choices made to ramp up the economy to a roar don't leave us with many options to combat this downturn. We don't have much room to lower interest rates further and, while the economy was booming we should have cut spending right? That would be the time to increase the revenue side and pay down the debt side right?

So...Trump's responsibility for the down turn is mixed - but because he's president, he like any other owns it.

Quite a bit of Trump's "lies" are also a matter of opinion too, or taking whatever he said out of context. Or he says the same thing 20 times and it gets counted as 20 lies. Frankly, I don't give a damn about the trivial and unimportant stuff, and I am by no means excusing Trump's record but let's not paint Joe Biden as honest and forthright either. As far as I can see, what we have here is 2 big liars, among many others in DC. The question over who is worse is a matter of opinion; I don't think either is trustworthy, but at least with Trump he doesn't hide anything or hold back. I can't say the same for Biden, we gotta wait until after the election to find out what he thinks about packing the court? Isn't that something we should know?

Oh, I don't think Joe Biden is particularly honest (is ANY politician?) - but he is far from being the worst.

I DO care about the "trivial stuff" - because it reflects character when it is constant, unnecessary and erodes trust and credibility. Trump, unlike any other lies incessantly, and almost as frequently - changes his story. It gets excused as "Trump being Trump" and I think that's B.S. At some point, you have to wonder - why does he do this when it's not even necessary? It's not the occasional lie or "misspeaking" it's a part of his personality.

Politicians are skilled at dodging, deflecting, leaving out context...or half the story (we saw that from both sides in the debates)...but Trump is a whole 'other level when it comes to lying. IMO.
You don't need to be an economist to realize that president Trump's tax cuts, regulations cuts and business deals are responsible for the astounding economy. He simply puts Americans first and it shows.
" Trump is a whole 'other level when it comes to lying. IMO. "

LOL, I think otherwise. Trump says a lot of regrettable shit, but so does Biden. I trust Trump to do what he says more than I trust Biden, and I'm pretty sure Trump will be in charge for the next 4 years if he wins, so he is the devil I know. I dunno what the hell Biden is gonna do if he wins, but his platform is pretty far left of what Obama was. If he's telling us the truth about what he wants to do then we're in big trouble if he wins.
" Trump is a whole 'other level when it comes to lying. IMO. "

LOL, I think otherwise. Trump says a lot of regrettable shit, but so does Biden. I trust Trump to do what he says more than I trust Biden, and I'm pretty sure Trump will be in charge for the next 4 years if he wins, so he is the devil I know. I dunno what the hell Biden is gonna do if he wins, but his platform is pretty far left of what Obama was. If he's telling us the truth about what he wants to do then we're in big trouble if he wins.

Trust means a lot and that is where Trump lost me long ago, but I respect your view. know, sweetie..I AM a leftist ;). So left of center fits me, but... not too far.
" Trump is a whole 'other level when it comes to lying. IMO. "

LOL, I think otherwise. Trump says a lot of regrettable shit, but so does Biden. I trust Trump to do what he says more than I trust Biden, and I'm pretty sure Trump will be in charge for the next 4 years if he wins, so he is the devil I know. I dunno what the hell Biden is gonna do if he wins, but his platform is pretty far left of what Obama was. If he's telling us the truth about what he wants to do then we're in big trouble if he wins.

Trust means a lot and that is where Trump lost me long ago, but I respect your view. know, sweetie..I AM a leftist ;). So left of center fits me, but... not too far.

And I respect yours. We can just leave it at that I guess.
" Trump is a whole 'other level when it comes to lying. IMO. "

LOL, I think otherwise. Trump says a lot of regrettable shit, but so does Biden. I trust Trump to do what he says more than I trust Biden, and I'm pretty sure Trump will be in charge for the next 4 years if he wins, so he is the devil I know. I dunno what the hell Biden is gonna do if he wins, but his platform is pretty far left of what Obama was. If he's telling us the truth about what he wants to do then we're in big trouble if he wins.

Trust means a lot and that is where Trump lost me long ago, but I respect your view. know, sweetie..I AM a leftist ;). So left of center fits me, but... not too far.

And I respect yours. We can just leave it at that I guess.

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