Lunch Shaming in Public Schools


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
WTF? Kids are being shamed for unpaid lunches due to budget shortfalls? When budget cuts come, they post children not being able to be fed for the weekend yet they shame kids with prison food because they are in arrears? Maybe, if bureaucrats would let up on their heavy hand in the till, children could get fed. What says you NEA???
I used to love the little paper cups of mashed potatoes and gravy....and the burritos...the rest sucked...we all went to Taco Bell for lunch...
I don't remember paying for lunch at school until later years. Yeah, the food wasn't great, but the school had the money to feed the children they kept for 6 hours a day. Seems like a pretty important thing to set aside money for.
Fucking pathetic that school systems will shame an elementary school student to trear with sub prison food. This is rampant across public school systems. I want to know what the unions are going to do for the children??
WTF? Kids are being shamed for unpaid lunches due to budget shortfalls? When budget cuts come, they post children not being able to be fed for the weekend yet they shame kids with prison food because they are in arrears? Maybe, if bureaucrats would let up on their heavy hand in the till, children could get fed. What says you NEA???

The NEA has nothing to do with this. Talk to the USDA which runs the school lunch program.

By the way, WTF is prison food?
During the Great Depression students had "cobbs." If we saw someone eating at lunchtime we could yell "Cobbs" and the person eating
by our rules had to give you "bites." By the same token if the person eating saw you coming he could yell, "No cobbs or bites." We knew all the hiding places students used to avoid cobbs.
Why are the taxpayers providing food for kids? Isn't that their parents' job? If impoverished, aren't the parents already getting foodstamps? What if they need clothing? Undershorts? A bicycle to get back and forth to school? Where do you draw the line?

What gives Congress the power to spend our money on this? Certainly not Article I of the Constitution.
Why are the taxpayers providing food for kids? Isn't that their parents' job? If impoverished, aren't the parents already getting foodstamps? What if they need clothing? Undershorts? A bicycle to get back and forth to school? Where do you draw the line?

What gives Congress the power to spend our money on this? Certainly not Article I of the Constitution.

Apparently you know so little about this program that any attempt at explanation would be like talking to a while. Why don't you educate yourself about the school lunch programs and stop believing the talking point lies?
WTF? Kids are being shamed for unpaid lunches due to budget shortfalls? When budget cuts come, they post children not being able to be fed for the weekend yet they shame kids with prison food because they are in arrears? Maybe, if bureaucrats would let up on their heavy hand in the till, children could get fed. What says you NEA???

What are you talking about? Are you referring to some incident or article or what? Are these kids on free and reduced lunches or not? Or what?
Why are the taxpayers providing food for kids? Isn't that their parents' job? If impoverished, aren't the parents already getting foodstamps? What if they need clothing? Undershorts? A bicycle to get back and forth to school? Where do you draw the line?

What gives Congress the power to spend our money on this? Certainly not Article I of the Constitution.

Of all the stupid shit the government gives our money away on, I'll take this one. I've taught too many hungry kids to begrudge them a meal when the government is throwing our money away on idiotic 'studies' and such.
Been reading about this increasingly and what most people don't realize is that this does not happen to "poor" kids. Poor kids are on free and reduced lunches and get theirs automatically. This is happening to kids whose parents CAN afford to pay, but don't, and typically happens when parents are days and days behind. So I don't know how you fix this--make it so the kid goes deeply into debt but then can't advance the grade or graduate until the debt is paid?

put a credit card on file and the amount is taken out monthly? That seems a good solution.
Seems some citizens can't find anything in the Constitutiion about feeding kids so they figure it's unconstitutional.

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