Lunch Nazis to be fired

I don't know how your schools do it, but no schools that I have ever attended or worked in have ever done what you are talking about.
A lot of the large school districts do it and the food quality, even at our local schools is poorer, imo. I hear they don't get the USDA surplus like they used to.

Many have 'privatized' their school systems' cafeteria services, and corporations like Coca Cola pay them to place their soft drink and junk food machines on campuses, even grade schools. These 'services' use the cheapest nasties quality stuff they can, and provide only a modest benefit to the school's bottom line, and none at all to the consumers of the food, most of which you wouldn't feed your house pets.

Soft drink machines do not operate during the school day. Thank you for your input, but you are dead wrong.
Trump loves soft drinks....believe me

Put them in every classroom

Yes. We've seen all those pics of him rolling them into the buildings on dollies from the trucks.

If you really gave a shit about what your children are eating, then you'd not buy a school lunch for them. You would act like a mature adult and pack them a lunch with ingredients you know are good for them, tastes better than the school gruel and on the plus side, know what your kids were eating.

Do away with all federal funding for school lunch programs. The funds, if they are to be had, should come from the school district, paid for by the community.
Great idea, except most hungry kids who are getting two meals a day at school free come from poor communities that can't afford to pay more than they already do. Packing healthy lunches is expensive and wouldn't be possible on a family's SNAP budget. I'm just telling ya, this would only make poor kids hungrier.

Betsy DeVos knows that. So does trump.

According to the right its, Let them eat cake. Better yet, starve.
No, I don't think they're doing this intentionally. They have no clue how most Americans live, and especially not people living on the margins of survival. Neither do a lot of the posters here, apparently, who think it's a dandy idea.
I've told this story before, so excuse me if you've heard it, but my mom's first teaching job was in a one room schoolhouse in a very small rural community during WWII. One family sent their kids to school with no lunch, or on a lucky day, half a raw potato. Mom would pack extra sandwiches and say "Oh, look, they packed me way too much again. Can anyone help me finish all this?" She was the federal school lunch program. Not every teacher would do that, I'm guessing, across the country in this day and age. So kids who come to school with empty stomachs would stay that way all day.

"Half a raw potato" is BS. Besides that, the rest still goes on today.
Michelle thought maybe she could introduce something a little healthier, give kids a taste of something else, but OH NO Republicans won't have that!

my wife used to look forward to lunch at the school where she teaches.

Now? she packs her lunch daily. In fact, 3 of my 4 children get their lunches packed.

Our 6 year old daughter is "high functioning autistic" - so we have her eat the school lunch (we are trying to get her to try new things & it helps that she sees other kids eating the same stuff)

anyway - schools in Alabama used to serve FRIED CHICKEN, but deep fryers were outlawed because of Michelle Obama. Talk about overreach...

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