Low Information Voters versus Dimwitted Voters

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Spent the holiday week listening to the Right Wing Noise Machine .. replays of Rushbo and other wingnut, echo chamber mouthpieces and let me tell you I got an education.

It seems right wing world is of the opinion that the GOP lost the Presidential election, not because of Romney or the right wing kooks that came out of the woodwork to actually help the President and Democrats (the Dems actually won seats in BOTH houses of Congress in 2012), but because of low information voters...people new to the process, first time voters and others.

Imagine a party actually running against more people voting? It's hilariously funny and sad at the same time.

I guess the GOP base thinks having information o matter how twisted or distorted makes a better voter.

Denial runs rampant, but what is worth watching is how the right wingers deal with the fact that more people are voting now...more youth, and blacks, and others who usually sit out an election

Dante predicts more victimhood for the GOP and it's base
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Not too surprising that you missed the point. But do you have to publicize it so?
Spent the holiday week listening to the Right Wing Noise Machine .. replays of Rushbo and other wingnut, echo chamber mouthpieces and let me tell you I got an education.

It seems right wing world is of the opinion that the GOP lost the Presidential election, not because of Romney or the right wing kooks that came out of the woodwork to actually help the President and Democrats (the Dems actually won seats in BOTH houses of Congress in 2012), but because of low information voters...people new to the process, first time voters and others.

Imagine a party actually running against more people voting? It's hilariously funny and sad at the same time.

I guess the GOP base thinks having information o matter how twisted or distorted makes a better voter.

Denial runs rampant, but what is worth watching is how the right wingers deal with the fact that more people are voting now...more youth, and blacks, and others who usually sit out an election

Dante predicts more victimhood for the GOP and it's base

I don't give a rats behind about the GOP.. But I do care that more voters are on the dole and are concerned about voting themselves a free ride. I guess that didn't factor in to your one man circle jerk, did it?
Spent the holiday week listening to the Right Wing Noise Machine .. replays of Rushbo and other wingnut, echo chamber mouthpieces and let me tell you I got an education.

It seems right wing world is of the opinion that the GOP lost the Presidential election, not because of Romney or the right wing kooks that came out of the woodwork to actually help the President and Democrats (the Dems actually won seats in BOTH houses of Congress in 2012), but because of low information voters...people new to the process, first time voters and others.

Imagine a party actually running against more people voting? It's hilariously funny and sad at the same time.

I guess the GOP base thinks having information o matter how twisted or distorted makes a better voter.

Denial runs rampant, but what is worth watching is how the right wingers deal with the fact that more people are voting now...more youth, and blacks, and others who usually sit out an election

Dante predicts more victimhood for the GOP and it's base

I don't give a rats behind about the GOP.. But I do care that more voters are on the dole and are concerned about voting themselves a free ride. I guess that didn't factor in to your one man circle jerk, did it?

more voters are on the dole? as the economy keeps growing and jobs come back that will change.

now let the grownups do the hard work
Spent the holiday week listening to the Right Wing Noise Machine .. replays of Rushbo and other wingnut, echo chamber mouthpieces and let me tell you I got an education.

It seems right wing world is of the opinion that the GOP lost the Presidential election, not because of Romney or the right wing kooks that came out of the woodwork to actually help the President and Democrats (the Dems actually won seats in BOTH houses of Congress in 2012), but because of low information voters...people new to the process, first time voters and others.

Imagine a party actually running against more people voting? It's hilariously funny and sad at the same time.

I guess the GOP base thinks having information o matter how twisted or distorted makes a better voter.

Denial runs rampant, but what is worth watching is how the right wingers deal with the fact that more people are voting now...more youth, and blacks, and others who usually sit out an election

Dante predicts more victimhood for the GOP and it's base

I don't give a rats behind about the GOP.. But I do care that more voters are on the dole and are concerned about voting themselves a free ride. I guess that didn't factor in to your one man circle jerk, did it?

How many is "more", crazy person?
Not too surprising that you missed the point. But do you have to publicize it so?

That is Dante's Personal Zeitgeist...missing the point.

:eusa_clap: Dimwitted voters versus low information voters?

Imagine a world where the base of one party has information and lots of it, only it's almost all information that is junk science, and biased opinion substituting for fact?

Heck, we could have the base of one party believing a capitalist President is a socialist, a President born in the state of Hawaii is somehow a Kenyan, a President who attends a black Christian church is a secret Muslim...:clap2:

A world where there is a belief in one party for.. no human contribution to global warming, and where some people deny global warming is actually happening?
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Spent the holiday week listening to the Right Wing Noise Machine .. replays of Rushbo and other wingnut, echo chamber mouthpieces and let me tell you I got an education.

It seems right wing world is of the opinion that the GOP lost the Presidential election, not because of Romney or the right wing kooks that came out of the woodwork to actually help the President and Democrats (the Dems actually won seats in BOTH houses of Congress in 2012), but because of low information voters...people new to the process, first time voters and others.

Imagine a party actually running against more people voting? It's hilariously funny and sad at the same time.

I guess the GOP base thinks having information o matter how twisted or distorted makes a better voter.

Denial runs rampant, but what is worth watching is how the right wingers deal with the fact that more people are voting now...more youth, and blacks, and others who usually sit out an election

Dante predicts more victimhood for the GOP and it's base

I don't give a rats behind about the GOP.. But I do care that more voters are on the dole and are concerned about voting themselves a free ride. I guess that didn't factor in to your one man circle jerk, did it?

How many is "more", crazy person?

Someone who brands himself a one man lonely laugh band calling me crazy?:lol::lol:
Don't low information voters tend to be swing voters and could have swung either way? Must have saw something scary on that side of the fence.

No. Low Information Voters are incurious sorts who don't think critically...like the ones who were "glamored" by The Won.
I don't give a rats behind about the GOP.. But I do care that more voters are on the dole and are concerned about voting themselves a free ride. I guess that didn't factor in to your one man circle jerk, did it?

How many is "more", crazy person?

Someone who brands himself a one man lonely laugh band calling me crazy?:lol::lol:

Are you interested in how I came to decide upon my forum nickname? I'll gladly explain it to you. Of course, it will make your dopey post seem even less intelligent.
How many is "more", crazy person?

Someone who brands himself a one man lonely laugh band calling me crazy?:lol::lol:

Are you interested in how I came to decide upon my forum nickname? I'll gladly explain it to you. Of course, it will make your dopey post seem even less intelligent.

Quite honestly.. NO ONE CARES.. You can dish it out.. but you whine like a weasel when you get it back in return. Do yourself a favor.. Stop calling people names for no reason and perhaps someone will treat you the same in return.. Gee, there's a concept.
Someone who brands himself a one man lonely laugh band calling me crazy?:lol::lol:

Are you interested in how I came to decide upon my forum nickname? I'll gladly explain it to you. Of course, it will make your dopey post seem even less intelligent.

Quite honestly.. NO ONE CARES.. You can dish it out.. but you whine like a weasel when you get it back in return. Do yourself a favor.. Stop calling people names for no reason and perhaps someone will treat you the same in return.. Gee, there's a concept.

I'm sorry....did you hear me whining? There is nothing....and I mean absolutely nothing...that you could say or think of saying that would bother me in the least. I have so little respect for you...that having you treat me with respect would cause concern.
Someone who brands himself a one man lonely laugh band calling me crazy?:lol::lol:

Are you interested in how I came to decide upon my forum nickname? I'll gladly explain it to you. Of course, it will make your dopey post seem even less intelligent.

Hijack alert!!!!

this ain't about you two...

take it into the Flame Zone you fugly troll

Nice. I wouldn't think of hijacking a great thread like this.

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