Louisiana: Obamacare Yes, Vitter No


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

An Edwards administration is expected to be a marked shift from Gov. Bobby Jindal's approach to public policy over the past eight years. The Democrat is expected to bring Medicaid expansion to Louisiana shortly after taking office, meaning thousands of more Louisiana residents could have access to health insurance in a couple of months. Teachers unions and other organized labor groups will also have more of a voice with Edwards than they ever had with Jindal.

Excerpt from - John Bel Edwards beats David Vitter to become Louisiana's next governor
November 21, 2015 at 10:48 PM

WTG Louisiana, ¼ of a million of you and your Louisiana neighbors will soon be eligible for health insurance.
Can Hillary 4 Prez in Louisiana B far behind?

Glad to see a blue dog win! A lot of pissed off moderate republicans are going to be voting democrat in 2016 because of the loserterians take over of the gop!

in your sig you say that NASA should get 100 billion per year.

Do you realize that obozo had redefined the mission of NASA as muslim outreach?

Do you realize that the country is 19 trillion in debt? Where will the 100 B come from?

Would you cut the military and national security at a time when the world is on fire and our enemies are walking in the country by the thousands?

you are very naïve, Matt. How old are you? I 'm guessing under 25.
Edwards is a conservative with a D behind his name. He is not going to expand failed obamacare in La.

Health Care

As a state legislator, John Bel has championed the cause of bringing $16 billion of our own taxes home to Louisiana over the next ten years to care for working families in our state. Accepting Medicaid expansion would provide a much-needed spark of life to our state’s healthcare system, which has suffered due to an ever expanding number of uninsured patients.

Expansion would provide health insurance to over 290,000 uninsured parents and adults, most of whom come from working families. By increasing the number of insured patients, expansion would decrease the amount of uncompensated care providers must deliver each year. Decreasing the amount of uncompensated care allows healthcare providers to pass savings along to all consumers through lowered costs and expanded access. Accepting the Medicaid money to which we are entitled would also inject 1.8 billion dollars into our economy and create over 15,000 jobs within two years.

The economic benefits of Medicaid expansion are impactful, but just as importantly, we must recognize that it is simply the right thing to do. To improve healthcare for everyone, we must ensure the parents, children and working-disadvantaged of our state have access to care and that providers are not struggling to provide that care.
Edwards is a conservative with a D behind his name. He is not going to expand failed obamacare in La.

Health Care

As a state legislator, John Bel has championed the cause of bringing $16 billion of our own taxes home to Louisiana over the next ten years to care for working families in our state. Accepting Medicaid expansion would provide a much-needed spark of life to our state’s healthcare system, which has suffered due to an ever expanding number of uninsured patients.

Expansion would provide health insurance to over 290,000 uninsured parents and adults, most of whom come from working families. By increasing the number of insured patients, expansion would decrease the amount of uncompensated care providers must deliver each year. Decreasing the amount of uncompensated care allows healthcare providers to pass savings along to all consumers through lowered costs and expanded access. Accepting the Medicaid money to which we are entitled would also inject 1.8 billion dollars into our economy and create over 15,000 jobs within two years.

The economic benefits of Medicaid expansion are impactful, but just as importantly, we must recognize that it is simply the right thing to do. To improve healthcare for everyone, we must ensure the parents, children and working-disadvantaged of our state have access to care and that providers are not struggling to provide that care.

Medicaid is not obamacare. do some research before making a fool of yourself.

BTW, Maggie Hassan (a woman with an arab name) is opposed to bringing Syrian refugees into this country. what does she know that you don't?
Edwards is a conservative with a D behind his name. He is not going to expand failed obamacare in La.

Health Care

As a state legislator, John Bel has championed the cause of bringing $16 billion of our own taxes home to Louisiana over the next ten years to care for working families in our state. Accepting Medicaid expansion would provide a much-needed spark of life to our state’s healthcare system, which has suffered due to an ever expanding number of uninsured patients.

Expansion would provide health insurance to over 290,000 uninsured parents and adults, most of whom come from working families. By increasing the number of insured patients, expansion would decrease the amount of uncompensated care providers must deliver each year. Decreasing the amount of uncompensated care allows healthcare providers to pass savings along to all consumers through lowered costs and expanded access. Accepting the Medicaid money to which we are entitled would also inject 1.8 billion dollars into our economy and create over 15,000 jobs within two years.

The economic benefits of Medicaid expansion are impactful, but just as importantly, we must recognize that it is simply the right thing to do. To improve healthcare for everyone, we must ensure the parents, children and working-disadvantaged of our state have access to care and that providers are not struggling to provide that care.

Medicaid is not obamacare. do some research before making a fool of yourself.

BTW, Maggie Hassan (a woman with an arab name) is opposed to bringing Syrian refugees into this country. what does she know that you don't?

Medicaid expansion is directly tied to Obamacare actually....otherwise what else would he be "expanding" obamacare for???
Edwards is a conservative with a D behind his name. He is not going to expand failed obamacare in La.

Health Care

As a state legislator, John Bel has championed the cause of bringing $16 billion of our own taxes home to Louisiana over the next ten years to care for working families in our state. Accepting Medicaid expansion would provide a much-needed spark of life to our state’s healthcare system, which has suffered due to an ever expanding number of uninsured patients.

Expansion would provide health insurance to over 290,000 uninsured parents and adults, most of whom come from working families. By increasing the number of insured patients, expansion would decrease the amount of uncompensated care providers must deliver each year. Decreasing the amount of uncompensated care allows healthcare providers to pass savings along to all consumers through lowered costs and expanded access. Accepting the Medicaid money to which we are entitled would also inject 1.8 billion dollars into our economy and create over 15,000 jobs within two years.

The economic benefits of Medicaid expansion are impactful, but just as importantly, we must recognize that it is simply the right thing to do. To improve healthcare for everyone, we must ensure the parents, children and working-disadvantaged of our state have access to care and that providers are not struggling to provide that care.

Medicaid is not obamacare. do some research before making a fool of yourself.

BTW, Maggie Hassan (a woman with an arab name) is opposed to bringing Syrian refugees into this country. what does she know that you don't?

The Medicad expansion is part of the Affordable Care Act, Fishy. Jesus do some research before you spout off.
Edwards is a conservative with a D behind his name. He is not going to expand failed obamacare in La.

Health Care

As a state legislator, John Bel has championed the cause of bringing $16 billion of our own taxes home to Louisiana over the next ten years to care for working families in our state. Accepting Medicaid expansion would provide a much-needed spark of life to our state’s healthcare system, which has suffered due to an ever expanding number of uninsured patients.

Expansion would provide health insurance to over 290,000 uninsured parents and adults, most of whom come from working families. By increasing the number of insured patients, expansion would decrease the amount of uncompensated care providers must deliver each year. Decreasing the amount of uncompensated care allows healthcare providers to pass savings along to all consumers through lowered costs and expanded access. Accepting the Medicaid money to which we are entitled would also inject 1.8 billion dollars into our economy and create over 15,000 jobs within two years.

The economic benefits of Medicaid expansion are impactful, but just as importantly, we must recognize that it is simply the right thing to do. To improve healthcare for everyone, we must ensure the parents, children and working-disadvantaged of our state have access to care and that providers are not struggling to provide that care.

Medicaid is not obamacare. do some research before making a fool of yourself.

BTW, Maggie Hassan (a woman with an arab name) is opposed to bringing Syrian refugees into this country. what does she know that you don't?

Medicaid expansion is directly tied to Obamacare actually....otherwise what else would he be "expanding" obamacare for???

the obamacare exchanges are failing, going broke. Medicaid existed before obozocare. One does not depend on the other.
Vitter pushed the "Boo! Scary muslims!" line hard. It didn't help. He still got pasted.

Republicans should take note that fear tactics don't work as well as they might hope. Sure, Vitter was damaged goods, but he didn't just lose, he lost big, even with the fear tactics.

Democrats should learn some lessons as well. The biggest is "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Bring an assault rifle." Edwards wasn't afraid to go for the jugular. Timid Democrats lose, aggressive Democrats win.
Vitter pushed the "Boo! Scary muslims!" line hard. It didn't help. He still got pasted.

Republicans should take note that fear tactics don't work as well as they might hope. Sure, Vitter was damaged goods, but he didn't just lose, he lost big, even with the fear tactics.

Democrats should learn some lessons as well. The biggest is "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Bring an assault rifle." Edwards wasn't afraid to go for the jugular. Timid Democrats lose, aggressive Democrats win.

Vitter was never a good candidate. He only got a senate seat because his dem opponent was a complete doofus.
Edwards is a conservative with a D behind his name. He is not going to expand failed obamacare in La.

Health Care

As a state legislator, John Bel has championed the cause of bringing $16 billion of our own taxes home to Louisiana over the next ten years to care for working families in our state. Accepting Medicaid expansion would provide a much-needed spark of life to our state’s healthcare system, which has suffered due to an ever expanding number of uninsured patients.

Expansion would provide health insurance to over 290,000 uninsured parents and adults, most of whom come from working families. By increasing the number of insured patients, expansion would decrease the amount of uncompensated care providers must deliver each year. Decreasing the amount of uncompensated care allows healthcare providers to pass savings along to all consumers through lowered costs and expanded access. Accepting the Medicaid money to which we are entitled would also inject 1.8 billion dollars into our economy and create over 15,000 jobs within two years.

The economic benefits of Medicaid expansion are impactful, but just as importantly, we must recognize that it is simply the right thing to do. To improve healthcare for everyone, we must ensure the parents, children and working-disadvantaged of our state have access to care and that providers are not struggling to provide that care.

Medicaid is not obamacare. do some research before making a fool of yourself.

BTW, Maggie Hassan (a woman with an arab name) is opposed to bringing Syrian refugees into this country. what does she know that you don't?

Medicaid expansion is directly tied to Obamacare actually....otherwise what else would he be "expanding" obamacare for???

the obamacare exchanges are failing, going broke. Medicaid existed before obozocare. One does not depend on the other.

The ACA enabled the expansion of Medicaid (that Edwards is pushing for)....it's why there was a supreme court case about it in 2012.

You're clueless.
Edwards is a conservative with a D behind his name. He is not going to expand failed obamacare in La.

These are Moderate republicans obviously, Gov. Bobby Jindal seems to me like the least extreme right on the candidate trail, who of coarse just step down.
Sort of a warning of what is ahead I would think.
The media double standard:

A Republican wins in Kentucky? "Democrats are doomed!"

A Democrat wins in Louisiana? <crickets>

the problem with your theory is that Edwards is not a typical liberal democrat. He went to West Point, served in the military, is pro gun and pro life. The only thing democrat about him is the D behind his name.
Edwards is a conservative with a D behind his name. He is not going to expand failed obamacare in La.

Health Care

As a state legislator, John Bel has championed the cause of bringing $16 billion of our own taxes home to Louisiana over the next ten years to care for working families in our state. Accepting Medicaid expansion would provide a much-needed spark of life to our state’s healthcare system, which has suffered due to an ever expanding number of uninsured patients.

Expansion would provide health insurance to over 290,000 uninsured parents and adults, most of whom come from working families. By increasing the number of insured patients, expansion would decrease the amount of uncompensated care providers must deliver each year. Decreasing the amount of uncompensated care allows healthcare providers to pass savings along to all consumers through lowered costs and expanded access. Accepting the Medicaid money to which we are entitled would also inject 1.8 billion dollars into our economy and create over 15,000 jobs within two years.

The economic benefits of Medicaid expansion are impactful, but just as importantly, we must recognize that it is simply the right thing to do. To improve healthcare for everyone, we must ensure the parents, children and working-disadvantaged of our state have access to care and that providers are not struggling to provide that care.

Medicaid is not obamacare. do some research before making a fool of yourself.

BTW, Maggie Hassan (a woman with an arab name) is opposed to bringing Syrian refugees into this country. what does she know that you don't?

Medicaid expansion is directly tied to Obamacare actually....otherwise what else would he be "expanding" obamacare for???

the obamacare exchanges are failing, going broke. Medicaid existed before obozocare. One does not depend on the other.

The ACA enabled the expansion of Medicaid (that Edwards is pushing for)....it's why there was a supreme court case about it in 2012.

You're clueless.

I fully understand that. Do you understand that Medicaid means FREE medical care to those who qualify for it?

Someone has to pay, nothing is free to society as a whole. The ACA exchanges are failing, going broke, major insurers are dropping out. Obamacare is a failure, face reality.
Vitter pushed the "Boo! Scary muslims!" line hard. It didn't help. He still got pasted.

Republicans should take note that fear tactics don't work as well as they might hope. Sure, Vitter was damaged goods, but he didn't just lose, he lost big, even with the fear tactics.

Democrats should learn some lessons as well. The biggest is "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Bring an assault rifle." Edwards wasn't afraid to go for the jugular. Timid Democrats lose, aggressive Democrats win.

I believe it had more to do with his weirdo diaper shit. I wouldn't have voted for that freak.
Edwards is a conservative with a D behind his name. He is not going to expand failed obamacare in La.

These are Moderate republicans obviously, Gov. Bobby Jindal seems to me like the least extreme right on the candidate trail, who of coarse just step down.
Sort of a warning of what is ahead I would think.

Jindal is not a moderate. Neither is he extreme right. The left here in La hates him because he took measures to actually balance the state budget.

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