Louis "The Lip" Farrakhan Say Deputy DNC Chair Kieth Ellison was a Disciple of Nation of Islam


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

An example of just how far afield the DimocRATs have gone. Obama invited Muslim terrorist groups to the White House and we now see one of the top party apparatchiks follows the same evil credo.

Couldn't find the video @ LOUIS FARRAKHAN Confirms DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Was Disciple of Nation of Islam (VIDEO)
Yes. The Party is all about racism and outright murders of it political adversaries, same with their La Raza DNC hack. They will hppily sell this country out to the most vile scum on the planet.
The Demonrat party has declared itself an enemy of the American that works hard, plays by the rules, and is a patriot.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter...

"These gentlemen are the moral equivalent of America's founding fathers."
R. Reagan
The Demonrat party has declared itself an enemy of the American that works hard, plays by the rules, and is a patriot.
What rules?
Dnc was for sale and guess who bought it? Geo Soros

He is considered by some the virtual owner of the Democratic Party, having contributed lavishly to the party, its causes and candidates, including Obama. Soros had backed Obama for president in 2008, saying that he had “the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world,” and personally contributed $50,000, the maximum allowed, to the Obama inauguration.
The Demonrat party has declared itself an enemy of the American that works hard, plays by the rules, and is a patriot.
What rules?
Dnc was for sale and guess who bought it? Geo Soros

He is considered by some the virtual owner of the Democratic Party, having contributed lavishly to the party, its causes and candidates, including Obama. Soros had backed Obama for president in 2008, saying that he had “the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world,” and personally contributed $50,000, the maximum allowed, to the Obama inauguration.
He didn't get much for his money..

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