Lori beaker light foot will not be Chicago’s next mayor

She was talking about equity on Twitter. Why is this happening in our country. Why are all the Democrats here in US message board allowing this to happen. Do you people want a horrible country for the future? Get off the marijuana get off dope!!

Why was I born into this. Why can’t I have been around in the 1940s or even the 1980s that’s pretty cool you know the 1980s with the music.

All the Democrats are robbing this country blind. It’s truly an outrage. But you know you do you stay positive have a lot of positive energy. Always end with positive energy don’t be mad…. if we stay positive the good guys will win.

It’s good for us all to show up frustration as American patriots. But always in the end say positive because America always prevails.
I hope the next mayor cleans up Chicago the whole place smells like marijuana you got….screw it no need to go on with this
I hope the next mayor cleans up Chicago the whole place smells like marijuana you got….screw it no need to go on with this

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