LOONEY TUNES Psychopath POTUS Continues Attacks on FED Chair

And you would replace the FED with?
Good question. If the fed were managed "for the greater good," rather than the enrichment of too-big-to-fail banks and certain European banking families, then getting rid of it would not be an option. But it is corrupt as I see it. What to replace it with? I don't know.
As you see it – but not in fact.

In fact the Fed is neither ‘corrupt’ nor in need of being ‘abolished.’
The real solution to this nation's mess?

Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party need to forget about all their other differences, and meet at the FED, and there they shall protest, and keep protesting, and hold vigil, until the dollar has value again and the 1% stop robbing us all.

OTH, I'm telling you now, the global elites intend to purposely crash this economy, rob what little wealth you have, and replace the dollar with an international electronic currency where they can control you ever more tightly. Your healthcare, your energy use, your food, your rent, your water, your automated transportation, everywhere you go and who you talk to and see, everything. What you can say, to eventually, what is the proper things to think.
And you would replace the FED with?
Good question. If the fed were managed "for the greater good," rather than the enrichment of too-big-to-fail banks and certain European banking families, then getting rid of it would not be an option. But it is corrupt as I see it. What to replace it with? I don't know.
As you see it – but not in fact.

In fact the Fed is neither ‘corrupt’ nor in need of being ‘abolished.’

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