Looks like the left has their new George Floyd. Jordan Neely arrested 42 times, threatening passengers.

For the same reason that professional boxers can punch each other with the clear and undeniable intent to cause physical injury. Outside of those sporting events, what football players and martial artists and boxers, etc., do to each other in their arenas would constitute crimes outside.

Therefore, by that definition if somebody attacks you, you must do nothing but run away.

Your logic has enough holes to drive a truck through.
Therefore, by that definition if somebody attacks you, you must do nothing but run away.

Your logic has enough holes to drive a truck through.
Not a tiny bit of what you posted there makes even the slightest sense.

Congratulations on being the dufus of the day.
Wow. It is legal for even civilians to choke somebody out and render no aid where you come from? It's a stand your choke hold state? Interesting. Well, I guess we will see if it is the same in New York.
Wow. Maybe we should wait for facts to come out instead of what the media is telling us.
I kind of figured. I suspect the Marine (in civilian life) is in a lot of trouble. Though he's not a cop, I would not be surprised if the BLM gets involved and ramps up protests, so it could get ugly. I am glad it is up there and not down here.

The video, shot by freelance journalist Juan Alberto Vázquez, shows Neely trying to escape the choke hold for two minutes before his body stops moving.

“He moved his arms, but he couldn’t express anything,” Vázquez told the Post. “Then suddenly he just stopped moving. He was out of strength.” On Facebook, Vázquez said the choke hold lasted 15 minutes and that the situation reminded him of George Floyd’s murder.

The actual choke likely didn’t last that long. Penny probably held him for maybe 15 min and only actually placed pressure for the hold in the last few seconds. Why he held for 15 min in the first place is a mystery. Just apply the choke, put him to sleep, go back to your seat and wait to get out at the next stop.
Not a tiny bit of what you posted there makes even the slightest sense.

Congratulations on being the dufus of the day.
He was screaming "I'm ready to go back to jail m*fkr at passengers on a New York subway. Oh yeah, he's homeless, black and mentally ill. White guy puts him in a choke hold and kills him. AOC, NY Governor and the Leftist Media machine is already whipping the minions into a frenzy. Wheeee! Welcome to America under Democratic Party rule.

They are not one in the same but neither deserved to die.
He was screaming "I'm ready to go back to jail m*fkr at passengers on a New York subway. Oh yeah, he's homeless, black and mentally ill. White guy puts him in a choke hold and kills him. AOC, NY Governor and the Leftist Media machine is already whipping the minions into a frenzy. Wheeee! Welcome to America under Democratic Party rule.

Yes, and like Floyd, was also self medicating. Neely was taking K2, also known as 'Spice' (synthetic cannabinoid) Floyd was on Fentanyl.
another BackAgain flop.

Neither was acting in a way to deserve being executed.
Both were acting crazy and threatening which is why they had to be subdued. They were both physically compromised by the drugs they took. They probably wouldn't have died otherwise.
You are right, we'd have never have heard of him because he would have been arrested and charged, and it wouldn't have anything more than local coverage.

But he still would have been charged.

I don't know if he's guilty or not, because I haven't seen the uncut video of the incident. But 15 minutes of a chokehold does sound excessive.
You are most funny when you are trying to be serious. We have no justice system. We have a political revenge system that is run by the Democrats. Once you grasp that reality, then everything going on in our fukked up country will begin to make sense.
You are most funny when you are trying to be serious. We have no justice system. We have a political revenge system that is run by the Democrats. Once you grasp that reality, then everything going on in our fukked up country will begin to make sense.

If a black man had choked the life out of a white person, it would not have taken over a week to indict him.

Frankly, I'm no the fence about this guy's guilt, because I have yet to see anything but exerpts of the incident.

The way I would put it is Floyd was a dead man walking. He was either going to die on the street or in a gun fight or alone from an overdose.

But he died under Darren Chauvin's knee, which is why Chauvin is in jail for the next 20 years.

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