Looking for reasonable explanations for the Paluxy River footprints.

I'm saying take no ones word for anything. Use an open mind. Look at the evidence and draw your own conclusions. Don't start with dinosaurs were 70 million years ago, that's a bias.

There is no threat to my faith with a billion year old earth. But my interest in geology and archeology has me outside the box of what they teach in schools.

Claiming dinosaurs were 70 million years ago is not a bias. It is supported by substantial scientific evidence
There is no evidence of man being around even one million years ago
How old that fossil?
70 million years
How do you know that?
The rocks there are that old.
How do you know the rocks are that old?
It has a 70 million year old fossil in it.

You can also carbon date, you can look at the formation of rock strata to determine the era the fossil was formed in

Regardless, it is not even close
Man was not around when the dinosaurs were. There were some simple mammals but it would be millions of years after the last of the dinosaurs before the earliest humans evolved
You can't carbon date rocks. And as I've shown earlier, the laying of rocks exhibit traits of rapid formation.

If we were talking about a million years here or there, I'd indulge your silly fantasies. But when we are talking about over 50 million years between dinosaurs and humans......I'm not playing your games
You're parroting 50 million years.

It's why you're a leftist. You parrot without thought.

Use your brain.
First answer; yes.

Second answer; something preserved it.
What were reptiles the sizes of busses eating in your desert?

In the case of T-Rex, other dinosaurs.
And what were they eating in your desert?

Keep digging

You think that all deserts look like the Sahara? They don't. But many had to migrate long distances to find food. It is theorized that, like birds, they migrated long distances instinctively.

The fact that they did so is proven.

Trying to get back to the soft tissue that was found in the T-Rex, there could have been many other reasons as well. Ever heard of peat bogs?

Just like the conditions that are required to preserve bones and turn them into fossils, the conditions needed to preserve soft tissue are rarely achieved. That doesn't mean it can't happen.
Technically the largest desert in the world is....Antarctica. Just one of those little interesting facts.

If we had an honest look at this too. If we went back in time to any period and tried to tell people about the future, you would more than likely be burned at the stake as a heretic.

Imagine for instance trying to tell devout people that one day we would be able to see people on the other side of the planet in the palm of your hand. Imagine if you told people we would be able to fly around the world. Around the world? The world is not round, right?

Imagine all of that and we know how people would stone you to death. Granted, not saying "Christians."

What I am saying is for me there is not a reason to be mutually exclusive about the issue of evolution. Does it sound like I am playing both sides? Maybe. Then again I cannot really speak to things I am not an expert in.

Oh, I have heard experts talk about these footprints issue. I listen to them and they had compelling things to say. It is just a little too much for me to stomach that humans shared the planet with dinosaurs and we have very little documented evidence that they lived with side by side with us.

As I said, I need more than ancient footprints and ONE carving in Cambodia and stories of folklore that can be explained.

To me the notion of evolution is actual proof of intelligent design. We all have this paradigm of how that intelligence reveals itself. I believe life (just to reiterate) is far more than things we can all just measure.

Well said and I agree. I believe that evolution is a creation of God himself. If you learn about it, study it, you can see God's hand in it. That's what I believe.
I didnt think we had any. We have "sue" which is like 80 or 85% complete. The others are like 50 and 60%. Maybe i am wrong?
I'm going fossil hunting next week. I will likely find dozens of intact fossils.
I have read about marine fossils found on MT Everest.


Not sure if that is an actual example from Everest, but I believe there are ones like that.

If it is true that fossils of MARINE ANIMALS are on Everest, which is around 30K feet high, how long did the Himalayas take to rise so high out of sea level?

Just curious.
There are two possibilities.
It took hundreds of billions of years for the continents to press it up.
Or during the flood the earth was reformed.
Well, the hundreds of billions comment is you being sarcastic. I get that.

The flood came after Moses, right? Obviously after Abraham. Were the continents one continent during the time of Pharoah and Moses?

Did the bible refer to how long the actual flood lasted? There were no mountain ranges before the flood? How long does it take for the mountain ranges to be formed?

I guess a blink of an eye or something. I don't know. I am confused.
During the biblical era, the continents were pretty close to what they are now. Pangea is 100's of millions of years in the past.

Oh I know. Just that there are some fundamentalists who truly believe the earth is (whole universe) 6000 years old.

I am sure there are people who still believe "we" are the center of the universe and everything revolves around the earth.

There is an actual earth flat society.
The Flat Earth Society -- Home
The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.

Oh and it hurts a little to argue with them because I agree with 90% of everything else the believe.
I'm going fossil hunting next week. I will likely find dozens of intact fossils.
I have read about marine fossils found on MT Everest.


Not sure if that is an actual example from Everest, but I believe there are ones like that.

If it is true that fossils of MARINE ANIMALS are on Everest, which is around 30K feet high, how long did the Himalayas take to rise so high out of sea level?

Just curious.
There are two possibilities.
It took hundreds of billions of years for the continents to press it up.
Or during the flood the earth was reformed.
Well, the hundreds of billions comment is you being sarcastic. I get that.

The flood came after Moses, right? Obviously after Abraham. Were the continents one continent during the time of Pharoah and Moses?

Did the bible refer to how long the actual flood lasted? There were no mountain ranges before the flood? How long does it take for the mountain ranges to be formed?

I guess a blink of an eye or something. I don't know. I am confused.
During the biblical era, the continents were pretty close to what they are now. Pangea is 100's of millions of years in the past.

Oh I know. Just that there are some fundamentalists who truly believe the earth is (whole universe) 6000 years old.

I am sure there are people who still believe "we" are the center of the universe and everything revolves around the earth.

There is an actual earth flat society.
The Flat Earth Society -- Home
Well, it goes without saying that 'We' are NOT the center of the universe. Everyone knows its Me.

The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.

I cannot back up what is false. Your "evidence" isn't. That has already been shown to you. Just because you refuse to accept it doesn't mean it isn't a fact.
The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.
The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.
Right now I am going to hold off on stating that humans lived with dinosaurs, cause as I said I need more.

As I also said I do believe in evolution, at least at the macro level. I also happen to believe that is creation or intelligent design if you will.

I think I may start another thread to discuss the Anthropic Coincidence principle. How it shows that there is an actual mathematical impossibility that everything happened by chance. Most physicists know it too.
The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.

Ok, I'll play your game. Let's say that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Why doesn't the Bible mention them? There should be more stories than Job's leviathan. Shouldn't there be stories about villages being attacked by packs of velociraptors? Shouldn't there be stories of Brachiosaurs stomping around? I mean they would be pretty difficult to miss. And if the flood killed them all, what aren't there more intact skeletons buried in the mud? What are bones from men who lived in those times not fossilized too?

Why would there only be one carving of a stegosaurus? Where are the triceratops? The apatosaurus? The T-Rex, velociraptor, dinonychus,
brachiosaurus, dinomymus, dimetrodon, terrannodon, and on and on?

The cave drawing is accurate, I believe, and so is the stegosaurus, it's difficult to deny that but why then aren't all of the other Dino's drawn accurately? Why dragon drawings that don't look like any dinosaur except maybe Pterodon?

The reason those two were drawn accurately is because they found the fossils intact.
The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.

Ok, I'll play your game. Let's say that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Why doesn't the Bible mention them? There should be more stories than Job's leviathan. Shouldn't there be stories about villages being attacked by packs of velociraptors? Shouldn't there be stories of Brachiosaurs stomping around? I mean they would be pretty difficult to miss. And if the flood killed them all, what aren't there more intact skeletons buried in the mud? What are bones from men who lived in those times not fossilized too?

Why would there only be one carving of a stegosaurus? Where are the triceratops? The apatosaurus? The T-Rex, velociraptor, dinonychus,
brachiosaurus, dinomymus, dimetrodon, terrannodon, and on and on?

The cave drawing is accurate, I believe, and so is the stegosaurus, it's difficult to deny that but why then aren't all of the other Dino's drawn accurately? Why dragon drawings that don't look like any dinosaur except maybe Pterodon?

The reason those two were drawn accurately is because they found the fossils intact.
Bible doesn't mention owls or zebras either. What would a dinosaur have to do with salvation of mankind? You do know that's the purpose of Scripture don't you?
The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.

Ok, I'll play your game. Let's say that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Why doesn't the Bible mention them? There should be more stories than Job's leviathan. Shouldn't there be stories about villages being attacked by packs of velociraptors? Shouldn't there be stories of Brachiosaurs stomping around? I mean they would be pretty difficult to miss. And if the flood killed them all, what aren't there more intact skeletons buried in the mud? What are bones from men who lived in those times not fossilized too?

Why would there only be one carving of a stegosaurus? Where are the triceratops? The apatosaurus? The T-Rex, velociraptor, dinonychus,
brachiosaurus, dinomymus, dimetrodon, terrannodon, and on and on?

The cave drawing is accurate, I believe, and so is the stegosaurus, it's difficult to deny that but why then aren't all of the other Dino's drawn accurately? Why dragon drawings that don't look like any dinosaur except maybe Pterodon?

The reason those two were drawn accurately is because they found the fossils intact.
And as far as drawing, my skill level is a 2. So what if a bad artist did it? But you won't find any large fossils that have such detail without training.
The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.

Ok, I'll play your game. Let's say that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Why doesn't the Bible mention them? There should be more stories than Job's leviathan. Shouldn't there be stories about villages being attacked by packs of velociraptors? Shouldn't there be stories of Brachiosaurs stomping around? I mean they would be pretty difficult to miss. And if the flood killed them all, what aren't there more intact skeletons buried in the mud? What are bones from men who lived in those times not fossilized too?

Why would there only be one carving of a stegosaurus? Where are the triceratops? The apatosaurus? The T-Rex, velociraptor, dinonychus,
brachiosaurus, dinomymus, dimetrodon, terrannodon, and on and on?

The cave drawing is accurate, I believe, and so is the stegosaurus, it's difficult to deny that but why then aren't all of the other Dino's drawn accurately? Why dragon drawings that don't look like any dinosaur except maybe Pterodon?

The reason those two were drawn accurately is because they found the fossils intact.
Bible doesn't mention owls or zebras either. What would a dinosaur have to do with salvation of mankind? You do know that's the purpose of Scripture don't you?

But you quote the Bible yourself in defense of dinosaurs being contemporary with man. You cannot have it both ways.
The thing that bugs me about Creationists is how they cannot back up their beliefs with anything at all, yet they demand comprehensive proof of evolution.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.

Ok, I'll play your game. Let's say that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Why doesn't the Bible mention them? There should be more stories than Job's leviathan. Shouldn't there be stories about villages being attacked by packs of velociraptors? Shouldn't there be stories of Brachiosaurs stomping around? I mean they would be pretty difficult to miss. And if the flood killed them all, what aren't there more intact skeletons buried in the mud? What are bones from men who lived in those times not fossilized too?

Why would there only be one carving of a stegosaurus? Where are the triceratops? The apatosaurus? The T-Rex, velociraptor, dinonychus,
brachiosaurus, dinomymus, dimetrodon, terrannodon, and on and on?

The cave drawing is accurate, I believe, and so is the stegosaurus, it's difficult to deny that but why then aren't all of the other Dino's drawn accurately? Why dragon drawings that don't look like any dinosaur except maybe Pterodon?

The reason those two were drawn accurately is because they found the fossils intact.
And as far as drawing, my skill level is a 2. So what if a bad artist did it? But you won't find any large fossils that have such detail without training.

It isn't a bad drawing. It's a pretty good rendition of one of the apatosaurus or its relative. What about the carving of the stegosaurus? Looks pretty much like a stegosaurus wouldn't you agree? Where is the triceratops? The velociraptor?

And why aren't human bones from times before the flood not also fossilized?

Your OP falls apart on so many levels.
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.

Ok, I'll play your game. Let's say that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Why doesn't the Bible mention them? There should be more stories than Job's leviathan. Shouldn't there be stories about villages being attacked by packs of velociraptors? Shouldn't there be stories of Brachiosaurs stomping around? I mean they would be pretty difficult to miss. And if the flood killed them all, what aren't there more intact skeletons buried in the mud? What are bones from men who lived in those times not fossilized too?

Why would there only be one carving of a stegosaurus? Where are the triceratops? The apatosaurus? The T-Rex, velociraptor, dinonychus,
brachiosaurus, dinomymus, dimetrodon, terrannodon, and on and on?

The cave drawing is accurate, I believe, and so is the stegosaurus, it's difficult to deny that but why then aren't all of the other Dino's drawn accurately? Why dragon drawings that don't look like any dinosaur except maybe Pterodon?

The reason those two were drawn accurately is because they found the fossils intact.
And as far as drawing, my skill level is a 2. So what if a bad artist did it? But you won't find any large fossils that have such detail without training.

It isn't a bad drawing. It's a pretty good rendition of one of the apatosaurus or its relative. What about the carving of the stegosaurus? Looks pretty much like a stegosaurus wouldn't you agree? Where is the triceratops? The velociraptor?

And why aren't human bones from times before the flood not also fossilized?

Your OP falls apart on so many levels.
You keep shooting yourself.

You earlier stated there are not that many fossils of thousands of species over a hundred million years.

Well, you're not going to find more for just humans. But you might find some footprints.....
You have yet to back up anything. 3 pieces of evidence laid out and all you did was fabricate stories.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.

Ok, I'll play your game. Let's say that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Why doesn't the Bible mention them? There should be more stories than Job's leviathan. Shouldn't there be stories about villages being attacked by packs of velociraptors? Shouldn't there be stories of Brachiosaurs stomping around? I mean they would be pretty difficult to miss. And if the flood killed them all, what aren't there more intact skeletons buried in the mud? What are bones from men who lived in those times not fossilized too?

Why would there only be one carving of a stegosaurus? Where are the triceratops? The apatosaurus? The T-Rex, velociraptor, dinonychus,
brachiosaurus, dinomymus, dimetrodon, terrannodon, and on and on?

The cave drawing is accurate, I believe, and so is the stegosaurus, it's difficult to deny that but why then aren't all of the other Dino's drawn accurately? Why dragon drawings that don't look like any dinosaur except maybe Pterodon?

The reason those two were drawn accurately is because they found the fossils intact.
Bible doesn't mention owls or zebras either. What would a dinosaur have to do with salvation of mankind? You do know that's the purpose of Scripture don't you?

But you quote the Bible yourself in defense of dinosaurs being contemporary with man. You cannot have it both ways.
God used a two large species to as examples to put Job back in his place. And they describe nothing like what's around today.
the majority of animals that are on the Earth at one time or the other have gone extinct, what does that say about evolution? What does that say about intelligent design?

Macro evolution is easy to see. A bird adapts to environment is easily found but in the end the bird is still a bird. I would be hard pressed to name on transitional animal alive today. As I would have a hard time explaining how any animal went from NO eyes to fully functional eyes. As far as I know there are no fossils that show an animal with 1/2 an eye.

In my opinion, DNA changes are just not something that changes with the environment. Maybe some tweaking within the specie but not a changing of the specie, from one type of animal to another, not so much.
Well, the cambrian explosion happened like 600M years ago. Pretty sure the fossil record from that time, and before, is pretty limited..
That is why we talk evidence and not just time. In other words anything can be explained if time is the only answer. Such as the eye. How could it develop, the answer is always, given enough time it could evolve. So if the evidence is limited because of time that does not prove munch, it just proves that there isn't evidence.
Do we believe there was a such thing as a pangea at one point IN TIME? How long does it take continents to drift? How long did it take for the continents to drift apart?

Many of those mountain ranges have been CREATED by tectonic plates slamming into one another. I mean how long have they been drifting?

I was told if I believe the earth is any older than 6000 years old, that I am going to hell. Let me put it that way. Is that true?

No, you're not going to hell. Put another way I find fundies belief that a day in the life of man to be equivalent to a day in the life of their God to be quite presumptuous. No one knows how long a day would be in the time frame of a God.
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.

Ok, I'll play your game. Let's say that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Why doesn't the Bible mention them? There should be more stories than Job's leviathan. Shouldn't there be stories about villages being attacked by packs of velociraptors? Shouldn't there be stories of Brachiosaurs stomping around? I mean they would be pretty difficult to miss. And if the flood killed them all, what aren't there more intact skeletons buried in the mud? What are bones from men who lived in those times not fossilized too?

Why would there only be one carving of a stegosaurus? Where are the triceratops? The apatosaurus? The T-Rex, velociraptor, dinonychus,
brachiosaurus, dinomymus, dimetrodon, terrannodon, and on and on?

The cave drawing is accurate, I believe, and so is the stegosaurus, it's difficult to deny that but why then aren't all of the other Dino's drawn accurately? Why dragon drawings that don't look like any dinosaur except maybe Pterodon?

The reason those two were drawn accurately is because they found the fossils intact.
And as far as drawing, my skill level is a 2. So what if a bad artist did it? But you won't find any large fossils that have such detail without training.

It isn't a bad drawing. It's a pretty good rendition of one of the apatosaurus or its relative. What about the carving of the stegosaurus? Looks pretty much like a stegosaurus wouldn't you agree? Where is the triceratops? The velociraptor?

And why aren't human bones from times before the flood not also fossilized?

Your OP falls apart on so many levels.
You keep shooting yourself.

You earlier stated there are not that many fossils of thousands of species over a hundred million years.

Well, you're not going to find more for just humans. But you might find some footprints.....

You are wrong there too. There have been bones recovered of people who were the contemporarys of Abraham. There were also bones of people who lived before them but we will leave them out for now.

So why are t those bones fossilized?
I have to admit, I have not really heard anything that really explains the footprints yet.

I do believe they were human or humanoid footprints. I don't believe they were claws etc.

That is why I made the op.
And all I have ever said is you follow evidence. What we have here are deniers who refuse to look at evidence because it challenges what they were programmed to believe.

Ok, I'll play your game. Let's say that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together. Why doesn't the Bible mention them? There should be more stories than Job's leviathan. Shouldn't there be stories about villages being attacked by packs of velociraptors? Shouldn't there be stories of Brachiosaurs stomping around? I mean they would be pretty difficult to miss. And if the flood killed them all, what aren't there more intact skeletons buried in the mud? What are bones from men who lived in those times not fossilized too?

Why would there only be one carving of a stegosaurus? Where are the triceratops? The apatosaurus? The T-Rex, velociraptor, dinonychus,
brachiosaurus, dinomymus, dimetrodon, terrannodon, and on and on?

The cave drawing is accurate, I believe, and so is the stegosaurus, it's difficult to deny that but why then aren't all of the other Dino's drawn accurately? Why dragon drawings that don't look like any dinosaur except maybe Pterodon?

The reason those two were drawn accurately is because they found the fossils intact.
Bible doesn't mention owls or zebras either. What would a dinosaur have to do with salvation of mankind? You do know that's the purpose of Scripture don't you?

But you quote the Bible yourself in defense of dinosaurs being contemporary with man. You cannot have it both ways.
God used a two large species to as examples to put Job back in his place. And they describe nothing like what's around today.

Or anything that has been fossilized.

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