Look who’s behind ‘voter id is racist’ campaign


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
LOOK WHO’S BEHIND ‘VOTER ID IS RACIST’ CAMPAIGN. Data called into question, contradicted by group’s own report

Posted on August 29, 2012 at 1:10 AM EST
By Aaron Klein

TAMPA, Fla. – A radical group funded by billionaire George Soros that has a history of biased research is primarily behind a national campaign to paint voter ID laws as racist.
The voter ID data collected by the group, the Brennan Center for Justice, has been called into question by experts and has been contradicted by other credible studies. Yet the center’s information is cited widely by news media and even members of the Obama administration.

Besides receiving a reported $7.4 million from Soros’ Open Society Institute since 2000, the Brennan Center was also the recipient of grants from the Joyce Foundation from 2000 to 2003. President Obama served on the Joyce board from 1994 through 2002.

The Brennan Center is located at New York University School of Law. Its primary focus is so-called voting rights and creating a “living constitution” as well as pushing for a “living wage.”

In November 2006, the Brennan Center issued “Citizens Without Proof,” an extensive report that claimed voter ID policies will disfranchise millions of minority, elderly and low-income voters because those voting blocs are less likely to possess documentation than the general population.

The report is routinely cited by news media and activists seeking to prove voter ID is racist. Just yesterday, MSNBC featured two segments citing the Brennan Center information as evidence the GOP is attempting to block minorities from voting by pushing ID laws.


GroupSnoop.org, a website run by the National Center for Public Policy Research, recently posted a new profile of the Brennan Center that documents how its voter ID information is highly questionable and may be based on biased data.

LOOK WHO’S BEHIND ‘VOTER ID IS RACIST’ CAMPAIGN. Data called into question, contradicted by group’s own report « Klein Online

It's pathetic how the left condemns rich people solely for the crime of being rich -- but praises Soros.

What's even more pathetic is that people actually try to make a case why someone should not have to prove who they are before doing such an important thing as voting.

There shouldn't even be a debate over it. It should be the law.
biased sites and racism.

what trash you people swallow to defend your racism
It's pathetic how the left condemns rich people solely for the crime of being rich -- but praises Soros.

What's even more pathetic is that people actually try to make a case why someone should not have to prove who they are before doing such an important thing as voting.

There shouldn't even be a debate over it. It should be the law.

Indeed. People who insist there should be no voter ID support voter fraud. Period.
LOL...when George Soros has donated half the scratch that the Koch Brothers have, then you can be scared.
Half? Try 50 times.

MRC Special Report on George Soros: Godfather of the Left | TheBlaze.com
Soros funded programs and classes at universities around the world promote his radical ideology. Soros’s Open Society Foundations granted $407,790,344 in gifts and commitments to higher education since the year 2000. The Koch brothers were vilified by the American political left for donating almost $7 million to universities while their beloved Soros gave more than 50 times that amount to the same type of groups. Alternet, funded by Soros complained about a “shady deal” that helped the Kochs fund Florida State University. Colorlines, also funded by Soros, said of the same donation: “FSU Trades Academic Freedom for Billionaire Charles Koch’s Money.”


ThinkProgress detailed the Koch contributions to higher education on May 11 2011, with Koch brothers’ contributions totaling nearly $7 million. That’s not even as much as the Center for American Progress, which operates ThinkProgress, has received from Soros.
dear dickheaded boy,

I will shut up the day you on the right start being honest.


in other words
LOOK WHO’S BEHIND ‘VOTER ID IS RACIST’ CAMPAIGN. Data called into question, contradicted by group’s own report

Posted on August 29, 2012 at 1:10 AM EST
By Aaron Klein

TAMPA, Fla. – A radical group funded by billionaire George Soros that has a history of biased research is primarily behind a national campaign to paint voter ID laws as racist.
The voter ID data collected by the group, the Brennan Center for Justice, has been called into question by experts and has been contradicted by other credible studies. Yet the center’s information is cited widely by news media and even members of the Obama administration.

Besides receiving a reported $7.4 million from Soros’ Open Society Institute since 2000, the Brennan Center was also the recipient of grants from the Joyce Foundation from 2000 to 2003. President Obama served on the Joyce board from 1994 through 2002.

The Brennan Center is located at New York University School of Law. Its primary focus is so-called voting rights and creating a “living constitution” as well as pushing for a “living wage.”

In November 2006, the Brennan Center issued “Citizens Without Proof,” an extensive report that claimed voter ID policies will disfranchise millions of minority, elderly and low-income voters because those voting blocs are less likely to possess documentation than the general population.

The report is routinely cited by news media and activists seeking to prove voter ID is racist. Just yesterday, MSNBC featured two segments citing the Brennan Center information as evidence the GOP is attempting to block minorities from voting by pushing ID laws.


GroupSnoop.org, a website run by the National Center for Public Policy Research, recently posted a new profile of the Brennan Center that documents how its voter ID information is highly questionable and may be based on biased data.

LOOK WHO’S BEHIND ‘VOTER ID IS RACIST’ CAMPAIGN. Data called into question, contradicted by group’s own report « Klein Online

If we had any doubts. Soros funding it means it is a lie. But libtards love lies when it benefits their stupidity.
biased sites and racism.

what trash you people swallow to defend your racism

From the Brennan report...

The Brennan study is undermined by some of its own footnotes.

One footnote states that “[t]he survey did not yield statistically significant results for differential rates of possession of citizenship documents by race, age, or other identified demographic factors.” That footnote appears to contradict the very premise of the Brennan report.

Another footnote relates that 135 respondents “indicated that they had both a U.S. birth certificate and U.S. naturalization papers. This most likely indicates confusion on the part of the respondents.” In other words, Heritage notes, nearly 14 percent of the respondents provided contradictory answers.

Explain that, dumb ass.
LOOK WHO’S BEHIND ‘VOTER ID IS RACIST’ CAMPAIGN. Data called into question, contradicted by group’s own report

Posted on August 29, 2012 at 1:10 AM EST
By Aaron Klein

TAMPA, Fla. – A radical group funded by billionaire George Soros that has a history of biased research is primarily behind a national campaign to paint voter ID laws as racist.
The voter ID data collected by the group, the Brennan Center for Justice, has been called into question by experts and has been contradicted by other credible studies. Yet the center’s information is cited widely by news media and even members of the Obama administration.

Besides receiving a reported $7.4 million from Soros’ Open Society Institute since 2000, the Brennan Center was also the recipient of grants from the Joyce Foundation from 2000 to 2003. President Obama served on the Joyce board from 1994 through 2002.

The Brennan Center is located at New York University School of Law. Its primary focus is so-called voting rights and creating a “living constitution” as well as pushing for a “living wage.”

In November 2006, the Brennan Center issued “Citizens Without Proof,” an extensive report that claimed voter ID policies will disfranchise millions of minority, elderly and low-income voters because those voting blocs are less likely to possess documentation than the general population.

The report is routinely cited by news media and activists seeking to prove voter ID is racist. Just yesterday, MSNBC featured two segments citing the Brennan Center information as evidence the GOP is attempting to block minorities from voting by pushing ID laws.


GroupSnoop.org, a website run by the National Center for Public Policy Research, recently posted a new profile of the Brennan Center that documents how its voter ID information is highly questionable and may be based on biased data.

LOOK WHO’S BEHIND ‘VOTER ID IS RACIST’ CAMPAIGN. Data called into question, contradicted by group’s own report « Klein Online

So much money, so little respect for the principle of one-person-one-vote tradition and law. What's sad is the Clinton lockstep federal judiciary branch in Florida hearing money talking over rule of sound law to prevent the DNC legendary voting hijinks.
It's pathetic how the left condemns rich people solely for the crime of being rich -- but praises Soros.

What's even more pathetic is that people actually try to make a case why someone should not have to prove who they are before doing such an important thing as voting.

There shouldn't even be a debate over it. It should be the law.
Unfortunately, due to the preponderance of voting irregularities exhibited in states where liberals can get away with stuffing the ballots, something needs to be done about it, and if it's a law, the courts should remand the decision as stated in the law, not legislate from the bench freedom from intelligent choices that requiring identification at the polls is of late.

Are the courts too damn lazy to recall the one-person-one-vote tradition (and possibly constitutional law)?

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