Long term solution to illegal immigration


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

is not amnesty, dream act, temporary legal status or work permits. 1986 amnesty for over 3 million lead to 20 million now and had no positive effect on the economy, did not secure the borders and did not control illegal immigration, so why take that same route again. It failed in 1986 and it will fail now. It way past time to try something that will work long term and permanent and the is enforcement with deportation. A necessary evil for some people but the right thing for America and Americans.
Legal status benefits no one but politicians and greedy businesses’ need for cheap labor.
We already have thousands if not millions of healthcare providers that are foreign born and it did not save us and 20 million Illegal Aliens did not save us and did not create any jobs but took jobs from American and lowered their wages.
Amnesty has proven to not be a long term solution, so a repeat performance will not be a long term solution either. This policy will only lead to 20 million more in 25 years and the border less secure and another amnesty. And it retch of politics.
I thought Romney was the solution but he has flip flopped again on what to do about long term illegal immigration.
Those kids are no more entitled to amnesty than their parents. What part of illegal is not understood and what part of deportation is not understood?
Its not amnesty? Of course its amnesty and without a fine. All roads lead to amnesty. So what will it cost U.S. tax payers?
Round them up and send them home to wherever they came from. Treat the ones that stay here like hunted animals. Prosecute anyone who assists or harbors them.
I agree and disagree:
(1) Secure the border! Do it first and formost.
(a) Start with a high border fence (they have worked in places across the globe),
(b) Then a virtual fence with cameras, motion detectors etc.
(c) Triple the number of border patrolmen
(d) Back the border patrol with nation guardsmen
(e) Use drones to monitor sparsely populated areas.
(f) Use CLEARLY marketed and fences off landmine fields in distant hard to monitor areas

(2) Remove the main non-employment incentives:
(a) Birth Right Citizenship.
(b) Free Healthcare without detention - Stablize the patient and then detain for deportation!
(c) Free education
(d) Access to welfare and food stamps

(3) Remove the MAIN incentive to MOST - Employment:
(a) Make e-Verify a requirement for ALL employers big or small.
(b) Hit violating corporations HARD and SWIFT
(c) The FTC used to fine the radio stations for shock-jocks, then they started to fine both the shock-jocks and the station; this method achieved it's objective. Use it here. Fine the business and the HR/Hiring personell who hires the illegal out of compliance.
(d) Monitor key areas hard. Assembly Plants, Construction Companies, Restaurants, Farms, etc.

(4) Hit Sanctuary Cities hard with lost Fed dollars and fines.

(5) Require e-Verify for landlords also and hit them hard for renting to illegals.

(6) Do better accounting and tracking of students staying past their VISA

(7) Provide Guest Worker Permits for the agricultural industry,but hold them to the US employment laws. The biggest LIE the illegal immigrant apologist state is that "the majority of illegals work in the fields picking fruit." Truth is only 3% of illegals work in that industry, since they don't want to work for slave wages either. However, they still make up a majority of the fruit pickers, which is an essential industry

(8) Secure the ports. There has to be a better way.

(9) Stop all immigration from Muslim countries!!! :D Both legal and illegal! :D


is not amnesty, dream act, temporary legal status or work permits. 1986 amnesty for over 3 million lead to 20 million now and had no positive effect on the economy, did not secure the borders and did not control illegal immigration, so why take that same route again. It failed in 1986 and it will fail now. It way past time to try something that will work long term and permanent and the is enforcement with deportation. A necessary evil for some people but the right thing for America and Americans.
Legal status benefits no one but politicians and greedy businesses’ need for cheap labor.
We already have thousands if not millions of healthcare providers that are foreign born and it did not save us and 20 million Illegal Aliens did not save us and did not create any jobs but took jobs from American and lowered their wages.
Amnesty has proven to not be a long term solution, so a repeat performance will not be a long term solution either. This policy will only lead to 20 million more in 25 years and the border less secure and another amnesty. And it retch of politics.
I thought Romney was the solution but he has flip flopped again on what to do about long term illegal immigration.
Those kids are no more entitled to amnesty than their parents. What part of illegal is not understood and what part of deportation is not understood?
Its not amnesty? Of course its amnesty and without a fine. All roads lead to amnesty. So what will it cost U.S. tax payers?
I agree and disagree:
(1) Secure the border! Do it first and formost.
(a) Start with a high border fence (they have worked in places across the globe),
(b) Then a virtual fence with cameras, motion detectors etc.
(c) Triple the number of border patrolmen
(d) Back the border patrol with nation guardsmen
(e) Use drones to monitor sparsely populated areas.
(f) Use CLEARLY marketed and fences off landmine fields in distant hard to monitor areas

(2) Remove the main non-employment incentives:
(a) Birth Right Citizenship.
(b) Free Healthcare without detention - Stablize the patient and then detain for deportation!
(c) Free education
(d) Access to welfare and food stamps

(3) Remove the MAIN incentive to MOST - Employment:
(a) Make e-Verify a requirement for ALL employers big or small.
(b) Hit violating corporations HARD and SWIFT
(c) The FTC used to fine the radio stations for shock-jocks, then they started to fine both the shock-jocks and the station; this method achieved it's objective. Use it here. Fine the business and the HR/Hiring personell who hires the illegal out of compliance.
(d) Monitor key areas hard. Assembly Plants, Construction Companies, Restaurants, Farms, etc.

(4) Hit Sanctuary Cities hard with lost Fed dollars and fines.

(5) Require e-Verify for landlords also and hit them hard for renting to illegals.

(6) Do better accounting and tracking of students staying past their VISA

(7) Provide Guest Worker Permits for the agricultural industry,but hold them to the US employment laws. The biggest LIE the illegal immigrant apologist state is that "the majority of illegals work in the fields picking fruit." Truth is only 3% of illegals work in that industry, since they don't want to work for slave wages either. However, they still make up a majority of the fruit pickers, which is an essential industry

(8) Secure the ports. There has to be a better way.

(9) Stop all immigration from Muslim countries!!! :D Both legal and illegal! :D


AMen to all that esp taking away the incentives. Amazing that we tell illegals not to come here but if they do, we give them good jobs and free health care and free schooling!!!
I agree and disagree:
(1) Secure the border! Do it first and formost.
(a) Start with a high border fence (they have worked in places across the globe),
(b) Then a virtual fence with cameras, motion detectors etc.
(c) Triple the number of border patrolmen
(d) Back the border patrol with nation guardsmen
(e) Use drones to monitor sparsely populated areas.
(f) Use CLEARLY marketed and fences off landmine fields in distant hard to monitor areas

(2) Remove the main non-employment incentives:
(a) Birth Right Citizenship.
(b) Free Healthcare without detention - Stablize the patient and then detain for deportation!
(c) Free education
(d) Access to welfare and food stamps

(3) Remove the MAIN incentive to MOST - Employment:
(a) Make e-Verify a requirement for ALL employers big or small.
(b) Hit violating corporations HARD and SWIFT
(c) The FTC used to fine the radio stations for shock-jocks, then they started to fine both the shock-jocks and the station; this method achieved it's objective. Use it here. Fine the business and the HR/Hiring personell who hires the illegal out of compliance.
(d) Monitor key areas hard. Assembly Plants, Construction Companies, Restaurants, Farms, etc.

(4) Hit Sanctuary Cities hard with lost Fed dollars and fines.

(5) Require e-Verify for landlords also and hit them hard for renting to illegals.

(6) Do better accounting and tracking of students staying past their VISA

(7) Provide Guest Worker Permits for the agricultural industry,but hold them to the US employment laws. The biggest LIE the illegal immigrant apologist state is that "the majority of illegals work in the fields picking fruit." Truth is only 3% of illegals work in that industry, since they don't want to work for slave wages either. However, they still make up a majority of the fruit pickers, which is an essential industry

(8) Secure the ports. There has to be a better way.

(9) Stop all immigration from Muslim countries!!! :D Both legal and illegal! :D


AMen to all that esp taking away the incentives. Amazing that we tell illegals not to come here but if they do, we give them good jobs and free health care and free schooling!!!

All the above is not necessary and would cost much. All that has to be done is go after businesses with the E-Verify with the military and they will all leave because they will not be able to work.
I agree and disagree:
(1) Secure the border! Do it first and formost.
(a) Start with a high border fence (they have worked in places across the globe),
(b) Then a virtual fence with cameras, motion detectors etc.
(c) Triple the number of border patrolmen
(d) Back the border patrol with nation guardsmen
(e) Use drones to monitor sparsely populated areas.
(f) Use CLEARLY marketed and fences off landmine fields in distant hard to monitor areas

(2) Remove the main non-employment incentives:
(a) Birth Right Citizenship.
(b) Free Healthcare without detention - Stablize the patient and then detain for deportation!
(c) Free education
(d) Access to welfare and food stamps

(3) Remove the MAIN incentive to MOST - Employment:
(a) Make e-Verify a requirement for ALL employers big or small.
(b) Hit violating corporations HARD and SWIFT
(c) The FTC used to fine the radio stations for shock-jocks, then they started to fine both the shock-jocks and the station; this method achieved it's objective. Use it here. Fine the business and the HR/Hiring personell who hires the illegal out of compliance.
(d) Monitor key areas hard. Assembly Plants, Construction Companies, Restaurants, Farms, etc.

(4) Hit Sanctuary Cities hard with lost Fed dollars and fines.

(5) Require e-Verify for landlords also and hit them hard for renting to illegals.

(6) Do better accounting and tracking of students staying past their VISA

(7) Provide Guest Worker Permits for the agricultural industry,but hold them to the US employment laws. The biggest LIE the illegal immigrant apologist state is that "the majority of illegals work in the fields picking fruit." Truth is only 3% of illegals work in that industry, since they don't want to work for slave wages either. However, they still make up a majority of the fruit pickers, which is an essential industry

(8) Secure the ports. There has to be a better way.

(9) Stop all immigration from Muslim countries!!! :D Both legal and illegal! :D


AMen to all that esp taking away the incentives. Amazing that we tell illegals not to come here but if they do, we give them good jobs and free health care and free schooling!!!

Jobs are the only incentive that really matters because if they cannot work, they will have to leave and they will not come. Solving all the other problems. They live on anchor babies welfare no because they have live-ins that work. Anchor babies will no longer be an incentive. You cannot live off welfare anymore.
If Obama gets 4 more years, you can kiss that border goodbye.

Obama is not as lenient as you think. He was careful as not to give it all away. Romney is the one to watch because he will give it all away to get re-elected. If Obama did not need the Hispanic vote, he would not have done this at all. He could have done it on day one if he really wanted to.
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Secure the border first. I don't know of another country that does what we do. The very fact that we know they are here illegally begs the question why they are not on the way out of the counry. When someone breaks into your home you don't invite them to dinner and put them through college. NO more illegals period.
I agree and disagree:
(1) Secure the border! Do it first and formost.
(a) Start with a high border fence (they have worked in places across the globe),
(b) Then a virtual fence with cameras, motion detectors etc.
(c) Triple the number of border patrolmen
(d) Back the border patrol with nation guardsmen
(e) Use drones to monitor sparsely populated areas.
(f) Use CLEARLY marketed and fences off landmine fields in distant hard to monitor areas

(2) Remove the main non-employment incentives:
(a) Birth Right Citizenship.
(b) Free Healthcare without detention - Stablize the patient and then detain for deportation!
(c) Free education
(d) Access to welfare and food stamps

(3) Remove the MAIN incentive to MOST - Employment:
(a) Make e-Verify a requirement for ALL employers big or small.
(b) Hit violating corporations HARD and SWIFT
(c) The FTC used to fine the radio stations for shock-jocks, then they started to fine both the shock-jocks and the station; this method achieved it's objective. Use it here. Fine the business and the HR/Hiring personell who hires the illegal out of compliance.
(d) Monitor key areas hard. Assembly Plants, Construction Companies, Restaurants, Farms, etc.

(4) Hit Sanctuary Cities hard with lost Fed dollars and fines.

(5) Require e-Verify for landlords also and hit them hard for renting to illegals.

(6) Do better accounting and tracking of students staying past their VISA

(7) Provide Guest Worker Permits for the agricultural industry,but hold them to the US employment laws. The biggest LIE the illegal immigrant apologist state is that "the majority of illegals work in the fields picking fruit." Truth is only 3% of illegals work in that industry, since they don't want to work for slave wages either. However, they still make up a majority of the fruit pickers, which is an essential industry

(8) Secure the ports. There has to be a better way.

(9) Stop all immigration from Muslim countries!!! :D Both legal and illegal! :D


AMen to all that esp taking away the incentives. Amazing that we tell illegals not to come here but if they do, we give them good jobs and free health care and free schooling!!!

All the above is not necessary and would cost much. All that has to be done is go after businesses with the E-Verify with the military and they will all leave because they will not be able to work.

I forgot what I disagree on: We should give Amnesty to some:
Case by Case
Minimum Requirements:
(1) No felony or misdemeanors on the record.
(2) College Graduate from an acredited school and a diploma to provide it
(3) Zero ties to an gangs, terrorist groups or any separatist groups (including La Raza)
(4) Speak, read and write English fluently
(5) Never declared bankruptcy, never on welfare, food stamps or section 8.
(6) Been in the country at leat 15 years.
(7) Never in an auto accident WITHOUT INSURANCE
(8) Not an alcoholic or drug addict

Considerations that improve chances of acceptance:
(1) Currently have a job
(2) Second Generation (1st generation is a disqualifier thought), 2nd I mean your parents brought you here as a child.
(3) Master Degree
(4) Successful Business Owner
(5) Military Services, without a dishonorable discharge
(6) Proof of means of providing health insurance
(7) Property owner
(8) Spouse is US citizen
(9) Job Skills - The more skilled the better

Additional Requirements:
(1) Legally renounce and give up any other citizenship.
(2) Pledge Alliance to America and the Constitution
(3) Pass a constitution and US history class

Nothing guarantees amnesty, nor should it, but many things prohibit it and the more the better your chances.
I agree and disagree:
(1) Secure the border! Do it first and formost.
(a) Start with a high border fence (they have worked in places across the globe),
(b) Then a virtual fence with cameras, motion detectors etc.
(c) Triple the number of border patrolmen
(d) Back the border patrol with nation guardsmen
(e) Use drones to monitor sparsely populated areas.
(f) Use CLEARLY marketed and fences off landmine fields in distant hard to monitor areas

(2) Remove the main non-employment incentives:
(a) Birth Right Citizenship.
(b) Free Healthcare without detention - Stablize the patient and then detain for deportation!
(c) Free education
(d) Access to welfare and food stamps

(3) Remove the MAIN incentive to MOST - Employment:
(a) Make e-Verify a requirement for ALL employers big or small.
(b) Hit violating corporations HARD and SWIFT
(c) The FTC used to fine the radio stations for shock-jocks, then they started to fine both the shock-jocks and the station; this method achieved it's objective. Use it here. Fine the business and the HR/Hiring personell who hires the illegal out of compliance.
(d) Monitor key areas hard. Assembly Plants, Construction Companies, Restaurants, Farms, etc.

(4) Hit Sanctuary Cities hard with lost Fed dollars and fines.

(5) Require e-Verify for landlords also and hit them hard for renting to illegals.

(6) Do better accounting and tracking of students staying past their VISA

(7) Provide Guest Worker Permits for the agricultural industry,but hold them to the US employment laws. The biggest LIE the illegal immigrant apologist state is that "the majority of illegals work in the fields picking fruit." Truth is only 3% of illegals work in that industry, since they don't want to work for slave wages either. However, they still make up a majority of the fruit pickers, which is an essential industry

(8) Secure the ports. There has to be a better way.

(9) Stop all immigration from Muslim countries!!! :D Both legal and illegal! :D


AMen to all that esp taking away the incentives. Amazing that we tell illegals not to come here but if they do, we give them good jobs and free health care and free schooling!!!

Jobs are the only incentive that really matters because if they cannot work, they will have to leave and they will not come. Solving all the other problems. They live on anchor babies welfare no because they have live-ins that work. Anchor babies will no longer be an incentive. You cannot live off welfare anymore.

They won't leave. They will pump out jackpot babies and go on welfare, just as they do now. Of course they can live on welfare. Welfare is only a smidgen of what they get.
I agree and disagree:
(1) Secure the border! Do it first and formost.
(a) Start with a high border fence (they have worked in places across the globe),
(b) Then a virtual fence with cameras, motion detectors etc.
(c) Triple the number of border patrolmen
(d) Back the border patrol with nation guardsmen
(e) Use drones to monitor sparsely populated areas.
(f) Use CLEARLY marketed and fences off landmine fields in distant hard to monitor areas

(2) Remove the main non-employment incentives:
(a) Birth Right Citizenship.
(b) Free Healthcare without detention - Stablize the patient and then detain for deportation!
(c) Free education
(d) Access to welfare and food stamps

(3) Remove the MAIN incentive to MOST - Employment:
(a) Make e-Verify a requirement for ALL employers big or small.
(b) Hit violating corporations HARD and SWIFT
(c) The FTC used to fine the radio stations for shock-jocks, then they started to fine both the shock-jocks and the station; this method achieved it's objective. Use it here. Fine the business and the HR/Hiring personell who hires the illegal out of compliance.
(d) Monitor key areas hard. Assembly Plants, Construction Companies, Restaurants, Farms, etc.

(4) Hit Sanctuary Cities hard with lost Fed dollars and fines.

(5) Require e-Verify for landlords also and hit them hard for renting to illegals.

(6) Do better accounting and tracking of students staying past their VISA

(7) Provide Guest Worker Permits for the agricultural industry,but hold them to the US employment laws. The biggest LIE the illegal immigrant apologist state is that "the majority of illegals work in the fields picking fruit." Truth is only 3% of illegals work in that industry, since they don't want to work for slave wages either. However, they still make up a majority of the fruit pickers, which is an essential industry

(8) Secure the ports. There has to be a better way.

(9) Stop all immigration from Muslim countries!!! :D Both legal and illegal! :D

Add also the spaying and neutering of all mex breeders. If this country had this policy in place since 1930's we not have the problems we have today. Also put the Border Patrol on the border, not fifty miles past it!
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If Obama gets 4 more years, you can kiss that border goodbye.

Obama let 30 million in this country?:cuckoo::eusa_liar:
we have not had a border in 100 years and obama has only been in office 4 years. what the fuck are you going to blame him for next.
Obama has deported more then ever and the border is secure than ever. :evil:
ass holes you voted for in the pass let them in and let them stay
(2) Second Generation (1st generation is a disqualifier thought), 2nd I mean your parents brought you here as a child.

That is not what "2nd generation" means.
That is why I qualified it smart guy. Ever read a statute? Most have a definitions section in the beginning. Many times the definition are different than what is in other statutes, the dictionary, what one thinks it might be etc.

For this case "2nd generation" would mean the child brought with a parent.

This is obvious different than the normal definition of 2nd generation.
(4) Speak, read and write English fluently

Defined and tested how?

Use your imagination. You get tested for a license correct? Say a series 7 for selling securities for example. Make it a location, charge everyone for taking the test (like we do with a series 7), then test them.

I know you want to make it rocket science, but it's not!

One location for every illegal alien in the country? And we will transport them all to this one location? And who will design, administer, and evaluate this test? And what exactly will it test? What constitutes "fluency"? How about those with special conditions or concerns that make testing and evaluation more problematic? What of those who can't afford to pay for this test? The details and expense of such an undertaking would be much greater than you have thought through.

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