Long Live The Arab Spring


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Now over 15,000 dead in Arab Spring revolutions killing each other within their own countries. What greater contribution to peace, mankind & civilization?
these people have tasted freedom.

they will keep fighting for it until they get it.

freedom doesnt come easy.
keep hating on these people .

They are pressing towards freedom and you spit on those who are trying
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem Arabs need to wake up an' smell the coffee...
Do Arabs need a new awakening to win true democracy?
15 August 2012 - Religious issues have dominated post-revolution politics in Egypt
Arabs in several countries around the Middle East are relishing the prospect of a new era built on political reform and democratic rule. This craving for democracy was motivated by a desire to throw off the shackles of the past and finally achieve independence in every sense of the word. This is hardly surprising. For decades, Arabs' self-esteem had been smothered by the totalitarian rule that followed colonial occupation. Colonialism itself had been preceded by centuries of Ottoman domination.

This long legacy is enduring and invidious. For all the euphoria and the undoubted bravery seen on the streets of Cairo and elsewhere, there remains a fundamental and persistent doubt amongst Arabs that democracy can work for them as free-thinking individuals. And these doubts are prompting voters to seek the reassurance of religious or ethnic affiliation. This trend, by definition, limits freedom of choice, which is a pillar of independent, democratic life.

'Not fair'

In Tunisia and Egypt, for example, post-revolution politics has been dominated by Islamist groups. The electoral success of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists has set a pattern that will not be easy to break. President Mohammed Mursi's promise to create an inclusive society will be hard to keep. Prime Minister Hisham Qandil, on forming a new government, said it was time for Egyptians "to stop asking who is a Copt, a Muslim or a Salafi. I don't see that. All I see is that we are all Egyptians and this should be the main principle."

This might be the ideal. But the overwhelming desire thus far in democracies in Arab countries has been for representation, first and foremost, on a sectarian or ethnic basis. This has been the case most obviously in Lebanon and Iraq. Egypt looks like following suit, as the reaction to the formation of a technocrat-dominated cabinet has illustrated. Egypt's Salafists complained that their strong showing in the parliamentary elections was not reflected in the apportioning of cabinet posts - they received none.

Muslim Brotherhood supporters felt aggrieved that only two of their members had become ministers; and the Copts were unhappy at the appearance of only one Christian in the cabinet. "It is not right that Copts get treated in this way," Bishop Bakhomious, the acting head of the Coptic Church, told a Cairo newspaper. "We had expected an increase in the representation of Copts. The way the cabinet has been formed is not fair on us." Egyptian Christians' unhappiness at the cabinet composition is an indicator of their lack of confidence in the new democratic system. They feel that only their own strong representation in government would safeguard their interests. As a result, Copts are seeking to form political parties, thus strengthening further the grip of religion on democratic life.

Political paralysis?
Since this thread began there are now over 55,000 dead Arabs from killing each other in their own countries. Over 23,000 in Syria alone. What greater contribution to peace, mankind & civilization? LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING.
Bless you eots for giving us something to laugh at during these troubled times of your people killing us infidels all over the world today.

You are not only pathetic but sick in the head. Zionists are dropping bombs on Syrians now? Is there anything you anti Semitic cocksuckers don't blame Jews for? Do yourself a favor and go get mental help, you are a fucking lunatic.

blah,blah blah what ?[/QUOTE]

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