Long interview with Conservative Dennis Prager, learn what conservatism thinks....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If you are new to the political war being waged in this country....this is a good place to start. Dennis Prager is a conservative who can explain conservatism clearly.........and also leftism.....

He goes into the discussion of Conservatives and science and the lies of the left....starting with evolution....at the 20 minute mark...

30 minute mark he explains why religion is so important for a moral society vs. secular atheism....

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"Conservative Thinks"


A definite Oxymoron.

Like Jumbo shrimp.
If you are new to the political war being waged in this country....this is a good place to start. Dennis Prager is a conservative who can explain conservatism clearly.........and also leftism.....

He goes into the discussion of Conservatives and science and the lies of the left....starting with evolution....at the 20 minute mark...

30 minute mark he explains why religion is so important for a moral society vs. secular atheism....

good ole crazy racist paranoid prager is that where you get your opinions from? ...explains alot

Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-fuckingly bizarre. He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself. He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings" he loses his freakin' mind. Hmm...

As of recently he's been focusing far more on pushing anti-environmentalism than usual, mainly through global warming denialism ("leftist hysteria" apparently) and myths around DDT bans,[2][3] though he's even gone into some weird "Environmentalism is replacing God" (paraphrasing) territory.[4] However he is rarely countered, largely due to the fact that nobody to the left of radical right can take him seriously any more anyway,[5] though he has a small group of very devoted fans.

Dennis Prager - RationalWiki
If you are new to the political war being waged in this country....this is a good place to start. Dennis Prager is a conservative who can explain conservatism clearly.........and also leftism.....

He goes into the discussion of Conservatives and science and the lies of the left....starting with evolution....at the 20 minute mark...

30 minute mark he explains why religion is so important for a moral society vs. secular atheism....

good ole crazy racist paranoid prager is that where you get your opinions from? ...explains alot

Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-fuckingly bizarre. He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself. He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings" he loses his freakin' mind. Hmm...

As of recently he's been focusing far more on pushing anti-environmentalism than usual, mainly through global warming denialism ("leftist hysteria" apparently) and myths around DDT bans,[2][3] though he's even gone into some weird "Environmentalism is replacing God" (paraphrasing) territory.[4] However he is rarely countered, largely due to the fact that nobody to the left of radical right can take him seriously any more anyway,[5] though he has a small group of very devoted fans.

Dennis Prager - RationalWiki

The Stupid is strong with this one.....
If you are new to the political war being waged in this country....this is a good place to start. Dennis Prager is a conservative who can explain conservatism clearly.........and also leftism.....

He goes into the discussion of Conservatives and science and the lies of the left....starting with evolution....at the 20 minute mark...

30 minute mark he explains why religion is so important for a moral society vs. secular atheism....

good ole crazy racist paranoid prager is that where you get your opinions from? ...explains alot

Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.

Unfortunately, for every reasonable position he has he seems to say at least ten things that are either blatant lies or mind-fuckingly bizarre. He is also notable for having one of the worst cases of psychological projection ever, even by wingnut standards and for possibly being a worse offender of Jonanism than Jonah Goldberg himself. He is well known for his opposition to "the left" allowing their "feelings" to get in the way of policy, but when policy hurts his "feelings" he loses his freakin' mind. Hmm...

As of recently he's been focusing far more on pushing anti-environmentalism than usual, mainly through global warming denialism ("leftist hysteria" apparently) and myths around DDT bans,[2][3] though he's even gone into some weird "Environmentalism is replacing God" (paraphrasing) territory.[4] However he is rarely countered, largely due to the fact that nobody to the left of radical right can take him seriously any more anyway,[5] though he has a small group of very devoted fans.

Dennis Prager - RationalWiki

I went to your link......if that is what you link to.......then you truly are a master of "The Stupid."

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