London Olympics Provide Further Evidence Socialism Sucks


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Firstly , I would like to congratulate the athletes who are in peak condition and push the boundaries of human performance. Specially those who participate in my favorite sport womens beach volleyball.


There's only one way to buy London Olympic tickets-- through the 'official' office that's controlled by the government. They've even solidified their monopoly by making it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for individuals to resell Olympic tickets.

The government's central planning of Olympic ticketing has been a complete failure, perhaps best evidenced by the THOUSANDS of empty seats at many of the events.


I was watching a mixed doubles tennis match (I think a quarterfinal) and the venue must've been about 9/10th empty. You could literally hear the individual conversations. And yes, I'm sick of government stifling free market solutions and I'm even more sick of thee a-holes who don't get its a scam and intrusion of rights.
I was watching a mixed doubles tennis match (I think a quarterfinal) and the venue must've been about 9/10th empty. You could literally hear the individual conversations. And yes, I'm sick of government stifling free market solutions and I'm even more sick of thee a-holes who don't get its a scam and intrusion of rights.

Yesssiree bob, we concur.

Long Live capitalism. Long Live the Free Market.
Firstly , I would like to congratulate the athletes who are in peak condition and push the boundaries of human performance. Specially those who participate in my favorite sport womens beach volleyball.


There's only one way to buy London Olympic tickets-- through the 'official' office that's controlled by the government. They've even solidified their monopoly by making it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for individuals to resell Olympic tickets.

The government's central planning of Olympic ticketing has been a complete failure, perhaps best evidenced by the THOUSANDS of empty seats at many of the events.



England is a parliament (right wing)

Also stop reading the propaganda from those radical right wing outlets, it warps the brain.

I've yet to not see a packed house on Woman's volleyball, as well as the other events.

Even things like horse jumping

Firstly , I would like to congratulate the athletes who are in peak condition and push the boundaries of human performance. Specially those who participate in my favorite sport womens beach volleyball.


There's only one way to buy London Olympic tickets-- through the 'official' office that's controlled by the government. They've even solidified their monopoly by making it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for individuals to resell Olympic tickets.

The government's central planning of Olympic ticketing has been a complete failure, perhaps best evidenced by the THOUSANDS of empty seats at many of the events.



England is a parliament (right wing)


Firstly , I would like to congratulate the athletes who are in peak condition and push the boundaries of human performance. Specially those who participate in my favorite sport womens beach volleyball.


There's only one way to buy London Olympic tickets-- through the 'official' office that's controlled by the government. They've even solidified their monopoly by making it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for individuals to resell Olympic tickets.

The government's central planning of Olympic ticketing has been a complete failure, perhaps best evidenced by the THOUSANDS of empty seats at many of the events.



England is a parliament (right wing)


Also stop reading the propaganda from those radical right wing outlets, it warps the brain.

I've yet to not see a packed house on Woman's volleyball, as well as the other events.

Even things like horse jumping


London 2012 Olympics: Games organisers vow to investigate empty seats

This is in the second most savage capitalistic society in the world, dipstick. It's like sports tickets here now, corporations getting the tickets with tax deductions, too expensive for the drones.
Great Britain has become a Police State. And it's very sad to see our Nation following their lead on that.
Firstly , I would like to congratulate the athletes who are in peak condition and push the boundaries of human performance. Specially those who participate in my favorite sport womens beach volleyball.


There's only one way to buy London Olympic tickets-- through the 'official' office that's controlled by the government. They've even solidified their monopoly by making it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for individuals to resell Olympic tickets.

The government's central planning of Olympic ticketing has been a complete failure, perhaps best evidenced by the THOUSANDS of empty seats at many of the events.



England is a parliament (right wing)

Also stop reading the propaganda from those radical right wing outlets, it warps the brain.

I've yet to not see a packed house on Woman's volleyball, as well as the other events.

Even things like horse jumping


Do you suck off everyone in the left. WTF Palirmentary government is right wing? ARe you fucking crazy? The right just took over England after years of Blair and Brown. You dont know shit, do you know what NOW stands for? Jesus you're ignorant.
And no parlimentary governments are not right wing, they are a system not an ideology, but you're too stupid to know that. And they SUUUUUUUUCK

The US has the best system EVER....just ask Obama. God you are STOOOOOOOOPID
Obama: Everyone wants to be us -
Firstly , I would like to congratulate the athletes who are in peak condition and push the boundaries of human performance. Specially those who participate in my favorite sport womens beach volleyball.


There's only one way to buy London Olympic tickets-- through the 'official' office that's controlled by the government. They've even solidified their monopoly by making it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for individuals to resell Olympic tickets.

The government's central planning of Olympic ticketing has been a complete failure, perhaps best evidenced by the THOUSANDS of empty seats at many of the events.



England is a parliament (right wing)

Also stop reading the propaganda from those radical right wing outlets, it warps the brain.

I've yet to not see a packed house on Woman's volleyball, as well as the other events.

Even things like horse jumping


A parliament is 'right wing'? :lol::lol::lol: Every time I think you've reached the depth of stupid, you prove me wrong.
England is a parliament (right wing)

Huh? That's the most curios definition of "right wing" I've ever seen. Don't libturds like you hold up the UK health system as a shining example of socialism?
I think the UK health system sucks, NZ's is better; even if we have to wait a year for treatment in some cases. But the UK's economic performance* is being weighed down by heavy regulation and whatever else, rather than its health-care system: Index of Economic Freedom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hong Kong 89.9 2
Singapore 87.5 3
Australia 83.1 4
New Zealand 82.1 5
Switzerland 81.1 6
Canada 79.9 7
Chile 78.3 8
Mauritius 77.0 9
Ireland 76.9 10
United States 76.3 11
Denmark 76.2 12
Bahrain 75.2 13
Luxembourg 74.5 14
United Kingdom 74.1
This is in the second most savage capitalistic society in the world, dipstick. It's like sports tickets here now, corporations getting the tickets with tax deductions, too expensive for the drones.

So you don't know what Capitalism is, read and learn

Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.

The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human relationships: basically, rights can be violated only by means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group may initiate the use of physical force against others. The only function of the government, in such a society, is the task of protecting man’s rights, i.e., the task of protecting him from physical force; the government acts as the agent of man’s right of self-defense, and may use force only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use; thus the government is the means of placing the retaliatory use of force under objective control."
There's only one way to buy London Olympic tickets-- through the 'official' office that's controlled by the government. They've even solidified their monopoly by making it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for individuals to resell Olympic tickets.

Ticketing policy has nothing to do with government. Ticketing policy is determined by the IOC and LOCOG and administered by the latter.

LOCOG (The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games) is not a government body. It is a private company.
There's only one way to buy London Olympic tickets-- through the 'official' office that's controlled by the government. They've even solidified their monopoly by making it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for individuals to resell Olympic tickets.

Ticketing policy has nothing to do with government. Ticketing policy is determined by the IOC and LOCOG and administered by the latter.

LOCOG (The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games) is not a government body. It is a private company.

london olympic and paralympic games act 2006 section 31
see once you start to give these right wingers FACTS like how it is a PRIVATE company they all shut up. Also here in the united states its illigal to scalp tickets as well, hmmmmm
There's only one way to buy London Olympic tickets-- through the 'official' office that's controlled by the government. They've even solidified their monopoly by making it a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for individuals to resell Olympic tickets.

Ticketing policy has nothing to do with government. Ticketing policy is determined by the IOC and LOCOG and administered by the latter.

LOCOG (The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games) is not a government body. It is a private company.

london olympic and paralympic games act 2006 section 31

So what point are you trying to make? There have long been laws making it an offence for non-licensed individuals to sell on tickets for certain sporting events. That's what empowers the police to arrest ticket touts or confiscate their tickets. For example:

resale of football tickets is illegal under section 166Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. This Act stipulates that it is anoffence for an unauthorised person to sell a ticket for a designated footballmatch or otherwise dispose of such a ticket to another person.

However, touts began to find ways around this legislation, for example, byselling other types of merchandise at an inflated price with the inclusion of a‘free’ match ticket. Consequently, this Act has been amended by section 53 ofthe Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006. This imposes the following restrictions inrelation to the resale of football tickets:
•newspapers cannot carry advertising for ticket touts;
•touts are prevented from claiming that a match ticket comes ‘free’ withanother product;
•section 166 will apply to people offering tickets with a wider/hospitalitypackage and people who provide tickets to touts.

If someone is convicted of ticket touting at football matches under UK law,they may be liable to a fine of up to £5,000 and have a football banning order imposed upon them.

Ticket touting - Consumer Law

With ticket touting guaranteed to be a major problem with the Olympics, why should it be any surprise that an existing law was extended to cover the Olympics? It would have been irresponsible to NOT implement such policies and law, which is probably one of the IOC conditions anyway.

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