LOL....smog in Paris!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Interesting article. Speaks to how much smog in major European cities equates to # of cigarettes per person per day!!

A year in Paris is as bad for your health as smoking 183 cigarettes - France 24

Top story on DRUDGE right now but I have to laugh watching climate crusaders in here poke fun at skeptics about them being clueless on "the decided science" because the climate scientists say so!!

Lol.....but we've known this for 2 decades and the smog could not possibly be any thicker in these cities! Because nobody is caring what the scientists are saying....they might be saying it in some dopey poll but nobody is doing shit about it!

Renewable energy is ghey is fringe and always will be fringe! Check the photos in the article.....tells one all they need to know!!!:113::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
The Paris that we read in "Lost Generation" books

That Paris is more

scum Paris now....sad....

would not like to live there.

that's all.
The Paris that we read in "Lost Generation" books

That Paris is more

scum Paris now....sad....

would not like to live there.

that's all.

Paris is the epicenter of Europe . . . . all of it, gone, lost to progressive, socialist ideology, that while they thought they were improving the whole thing, they've actually destroyed it. And any place that tries to emulate the same progressive model: San Fransisco---- follows suit.
Have traveled to Paris many times over the past couple of decades for work, I could never understand how people get so misty-eyed over the place.

No one has cleaned the place since the Nazis left. The streets are and public places are dirty and strewn with litter. The cars belch smoke and the sidewalks are strewn with dog crap.

There are some very nice museums and cultural exhibits will insanely long queues and expensive entrance fees. Much better museums in Washington DC.

The food is no better than any other modern city and considerably less diverse. Easier to get Mexican food in London than Paris. Outdoor cafes are common in all cities these days.

The people are rude and have total disdain for visitors. They scoff at you just as much if you speak French with an accent than if you don't speak French at all.

The people aren't particularly stylish and way to many track suits in public for what is reputed to be the home of haute mode.

Travel to the suburbs of Paris ... where many of the businesses have their headquarters ... and you'll find rundown, crime-ridden slums reminiscent of Detroit.
How many of you (above) have ever even been to Paris?
I seriously doubt most of these fools have ever left the state they were born in, much less the country.

I know Paris

I loved Paris

not anymore...not after the Islamic invasion
I have been to Paris, I did not form a favorable impression of the place. Of course most of my time there was spent in detention so others may have different views.
This is the Paris I long for....this is the only Paris in my Heart.

1920s Paris

Paris then....

some of us ...we love it still....all the past...yes

here my darlings

this is what i miss so much from old Paris

Islamic invasion doesn't sing like this.... fuck Islamic invasion... fuck know what I mean.

Charles Trenet - La Mer
Have traveled to Paris many times over the past couple of decades for work, I could never understand how people get so misty-eyed over the place.

No one has cleaned the place since the Nazis left. The streets are and public places are dirty and strewn with litter. The cars belch smoke and the sidewalks are strewn with dog crap.

There are some very nice museums and cultural exhibits will insanely long queues and expensive entrance fees. Much better museums in Washington DC.

The food is no better than any other modern city and considerably less diverse. Easier to get Mexican food in London than Paris. Outdoor cafes are common in all cities these days.

The people are rude and have total disdain for visitors. They scoff at you just as much if you speak French with an accent than if you don't speak French at all.

The people aren't particularly stylish and way to many track suits in public for what is reputed to be the home of haute mode.

Travel to the suburbs of Paris ... where many of the businesses have their headquarters ... and you'll find rundown, crime-ridden slums reminiscent of Detroit.

Lemme guess -- you spent the whole time at Place Pigalle.
How many of you (above) have ever even been to Paris?
I seriously doubt most of these fools have ever left the state they were born in, much less the country.

I know Paris

I loved Paris

not anymore...not after the Islamic invasion

:lol: When were you there last?

I just find the irony thick because when I was there, almost 40 years ago, I hung out with Muslims all the time --- that is, I assume they were Muslims since they were from Algeria and Tunisia and Morocco. Nobody ever brought up religion nor did they ask about mine. So "eek--- Muslims" rings a bit hollow as they've been living there for a long time.

I think some people on message boards are more than a bit obsessed.

Particularly the OP who finds an obscure story about air quality in Paris and somehow finds a way to twist that into "renewable energy is ghey".

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