Logger support Trump's claim that wildfires caused by poor forest management


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Loggers Support Trump’s Claim That Wildfires Caused By ‘Poor Forest Management’
A national logging organization is offering support to President Trump following catastrophic wildfires in California and a political debate over the causes of the destructive blazes.

There are many saying Trump is correct, and the Gov zombie never had the fire fighters do controlled burning. Jerry B. is an idiot a--hole and his people will pay for his stupidity.
Mismanagement is exactly why they have monster fires there.

Clean it up and fix it or the place will continue to burn down until Mother Nature burns the whole state down.
Every time the CDF suggests fuel breaks and controlled burns this group of know nothing lawyers Forest Watch takes it to court to judges they can count on and gets it outlawed....
Forest watch has blood on their hands as well as their buttlicking judges....ForestWatch News : Lawsuit Protects Endangered Species in Los Padres National Forest
They have caused the mess there.............they refused to address the situation and now are burning for it.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink...............I don't live there....it's up to them to get their heads out of their asses.
Its time to put groups like Forest watch out of business....they should be sued for blocking common sense forest management and they should be forced to pay restitution to the victims of these and future fires....get a hold of them...tell them what you think...
[email protected]
Its time to put groups like Forest watch out of business....they should be sued for blocking common sense forest management and they should be forced to pay restitution to the victims of these and future fires....get a hold of them...tell them what you think...
[email protected]
It's time for the people of California to hire politicians who aren't dumber than a box of rocks...........
Its time to put groups like Forest watch out of business....they should be sued for blocking common sense forest management and they should be forced to pay restitution to the victims of these and future fires....get a hold of them...tell them what you think...
[email protected]
It's time for the people of California to hire politicians who aren't dumber than a box of rocks...........
The republican candidate for governor in California made one commercial and it rarely aired....All the fight in the California GOP is gone....they are a bunch of Paul Ryan's.....roll over when the going gets tough.....I'm sick of it on a national level and a state level....
Its time to put groups like Forest watch out of business....they should be sued for blocking common sense forest management and they should be forced to pay restitution to the victims of these and future fires....get a hold of them...tell them what you think...
[email protected]
It's time for the people of California to hire politicians who aren't dumber than a box of rocks...........
The republican candidate for governor in California made one commercial and it rarely aired....All the fight in the California GOP is gone....they are a bunch of Paul Ryan's.....roll over when the going gets tough.....I'm sick of it on a national level and a state level....
They will never take this state..........we don't have many reps.........but we do our part.

Did that go for the wildfires in Texas that scorched 3.8 million acres as well?

2011 Texas wildfires - Wikipedia

Funny, I don’t recall anyone suggesting raking the forest in that case.

The common thread (and the actual cause of course) is drought. But with the Republicans, everything has to be about politics so here we are with the moronic blob suggesting we rake the forest and you guys lining up behind the dolt and his idiotic idea shoulder to shoulder.
Its time to put groups like Forest watch out of business....they should be sued for blocking common sense forest management and they should be forced to pay restitution to the victims of these and future fires....get a hold of them...tell them what you think...
[email protected]
It's time for the people of California to hire politicians who aren't dumber than a box of rocks...........

Right after they issue the IDs to buy cereal. Dumbass.
Loggers Support Trump’s Claim That Wildfires Caused By ‘Poor Forest Management’
A national logging organization is offering support to President Trump following catastrophic wildfires in California and a political debate over the causes of the destructive blazes.

There are many saying Trump is correct, and the Gov zombie never had the fire fighters do controlled burning. Jerry B. is an idiot a--hole and his people will pay for his stupidity.
However, wildfires are not in the forests. Do you think this member of a "logging organization" knows that?

Ron Dwyer
Loggers have volunteered to cut down and remove the trees killed by the bark beetle and stop its spread. The envirowackos screamed that Republicans wanted to give money to loggers to clearcut forests.

They are crazy. Just crazy.
Loggers have volunteered to cut down and remove the trees killed by the bark beetle and stop its spread. The envirowackos screamed that Republicans wanted to give money to loggers to clearcut forests.

They are crazy. Just crazy.

Wow…you mean those 7,000+ homes that were destroyed all had dead trees in their yards? Who knew.

Seriously, when you just make up shit, give it some thought before you post it and show us all how blatantly stupid you are.
Wow…you mean those 7,000+ homes that were destroyed all had dead trees in their yards? Who knew.
You are a freaking idiot...the fires start in wooded areas and spread into the neighborhoods.....stop making an ass out of yourself....

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