Log of Failed Liberal Policy

Did you notice one thing?

All those liberal policies were opposed by Conservatives
Abolition is the unique and exclusive history of Republicans.

Tawwy. :rolleyes:

Democrats pushed for continuing slavery long after the civil war. Republicans held their line.

I am always amazed, and disgusted, when I hear this argument and we hear it a lot. It is a commentary on our political, and historic, ignorance. As always it takes a history lesson to correct it. as it is only necessary to advance a cause, or more exactly, a political agenda and not to spread the truth. The problem is that there is just enough truth in this to make some kind of point but it is not the point that any modern republican would care to make.

First, and most basically, this mixes apples and oranges. Liberalism and conservatism are not political parties, they are political philosophies and both the democrats and republicans have been both over our history.

Second, one must understand the definition of liberal and conservative at the most basic level. Conservatives are status quo kind of guys, resistant to change, liberals on the other hand have the tendency to embrace change. These are basic definitions so don’t so don’t get your shorts in a bind. Both can fall off the edge of the world when taken to extremes.

Lincoln was a member of the new Republican Party. That much is true. From there it gets quite murky. Lincoln himself is not as cut and dried as history displays him but that is another story.

Liberalism and conservatism must always be viewed in the context of time. What is now ultra conservative, perhaps even oppressive, was liberal at the time of the founding. It was change, not something conservatives take lightly.

So Lincoln was a member of the new Republican Party. It was anti slavery. Hardly conservative in nature, nor was Lincoln. For his time, Lincoln was a radical, flame throwing liberal, a change the entire makeup of the nation kind of liberal. That’s what liberals do although not usually as radically as when talking about abolishing slavery.

By definition neither Lincoln nor the Republican Party of 1860 were conservatives. Actually quite the opposite.

The south was defeated and defeat never sits well. In the years of reconstruction they had a lot shoved down their throat that they did not like and that would forever be associated with the Republican party. Change comes slowly, sometimes never and after reconstruction the south labored for decades to return to what it was. The Republican Party was associated their defeat and humiliation and would remain so till the Nixon administration. The democrats ruled the south but they were racist conservative democrats.

Then came the civil rights act pushed through by Johnson and the democratic administration. The south was overwhelmingly democratic, they were known as “dixiecrats” and the “solid south”. A lot of irony here, civil rights pushed through by a southern president. Worse yet it could never have passed without the support of the northern liberal Republicans. Names like Rockefeller, Percy, and Dirksen come to mind.

The south had some new people to hate. Then along came Nixon and the “southern strategy”. He had the novel idea of uniting all those civil rights sore losers behind the Republican party. It worked…….wonderfully!

In the years following, the southern racist democrats were gradually replaced, by attrition and party change into the southern racist Republicans, democrats in general being blamed for civil rights. This has become the base for the modern Republican party . Sad commentary that those who were responsible for the passage became a symbol for those who opposed it.

And the Northern Liberal Republicans? Gone the way of the do do bird. By the time Clinton came to power they were extinct, perhaps Bob Dole being just a last dismal representative of what once was.

Another irony? People like Allen West expounding on the Republican service to the black man. With friends like those…………

This is a bare outline, somewhat lacking in detail but those details are there for anyone who has the desire, and the honesty, to look into it.

Thank God for my public school education.

LMAO! Yeah - that's what happened. Racist liberals suddenly got behind Richard M. Nixon! Damn, I've seen some outrageous liberal propaganda before, but this one is the crown jewel.

Keep trying to convince everyone of this... :lol:

Anyone who knows anything about both the racist south and the liberal is that they don't bend their ideology for anything, much less completely abandon it. Liberals are liberals because they are brainwashed young and refuse to acknowledge reality. You're not going to rally them behind any GOP leader, much less Richard freaking Nixon.... :lol:
Failed Liberal Policy:

Today's jobs report is a broken record, with the unemployment rate stuck at 8.2 percent. The Department of Labor reports that only 80,000 jobs were added in June—consistent with other data revealing the economy has downshifted from slow to slower. This picture is starkly different from the economy President Obama promised of a strong recovery and millions of "saved or created" jobs a few years ago.

In 2009, the President promised that his "recovery plan" composed almost entirely of government spending was the only way to stave off rising unemployment. The White House even drafted a chart showing projected unemployment with the economic stimulus plan and without it—to scare lawmakers into voting for it. According to their projections, by now, unemployment should be at 5.5 percent. Instead, of course, it's 8.2 percent—and has been above 8 percent for 41 straight months.

This jobs drought is the result of counterproductive policies, many of which could be reversed immediately. But in the meantime, employers aren't hiring because they are suffering from prolonged uncertainty, as economists readily admit.

Morning Bell: Jobs, Unemployment Stuck

Hey give Papa Obama a break

He says he is hard at work, as he says:
"Most Folks Understand How Hard I Work"


Can you name a single case where Obama violated the Constitution?

Actually, no. I cannot name a "single case where Obama violated the Constitution". I wish there were a single case. Unfortunately, there are literally dozens and dozens and dozens of cases. He violates the Constitution on almost a daily basis. Here's is latest violation - from just last week!

Obama’s Gutting of Welfare Reform Is Illegal

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has a General Counsel and legal staff to ensure that the agency’s actions are lawful. Did they take the day off last Thursday?

We have to question whether the department lawyers were consulted at all about the “Information Memorandum” issued by HHS last Thursday that invites states to come up with creative excuses (aka “demonstration projects”) to suspend the work requirements in the welfare reform law.

Given the clear, unambiguous, and binding legal prohibition for that type of waiver, if they were consulted, the lawyers involved were embarrassingly careless in approving language that is in direct violation of federal law. Because there is no legal basis for permitting the waivers at issue, HHS needs to follow the law and withdraw the illegal Memorandum.

Obama's Gutting of Welfare Reform Is Illegal
Hey give Papa Obama a break

He says he is hard at work, as he says:
"Most Folks Understand How Hard I Work"


Can you name a single case where Obama violated the Constitution?

Actually, no. I cannot name a "single case where Obama violated the Constitution". I wish there were a single case. Unfortunately, there are literally dozens and dozens and dozens of cases. He violates the Constitution on almost a daily basis. Here's is latest violation - from just last week!

Obama’s Gutting of Welfare Reform Is Illegal

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has a General Counsel and legal staff to ensure that the agency’s actions are lawful. Did they take the day off last Thursday?

We have to question whether the department lawyers were consulted at all about the “Information Memorandum” issued by HHS last Thursday that invites states to come up with creative excuses (aka “demonstration projects”) to suspend the work requirements in the welfare reform law.

Given the clear, unambiguous, and binding legal prohibition for that type of waiver, if they were consulted, the lawyers involved were embarrassingly careless in approving language that is in direct violation of federal law. Because there is no legal basis for permitting the waivers at issue, HHS needs to follow the law and withdraw the illegal Memorandum.

Obama's Gutting of Welfare Reform Is Illegal

Typical Commie propaganda..

Where in the hell is that unconstitutional?

Are you always so fucking dumb?
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Failed Liberal Policy:

Today's jobs report is a broken record, with the unemployment rate stuck at 8.2 percent. The Department of Labor reports that only 80,000 jobs were added in June—consistent with other data revealing the economy has downshifted from slow to slower. This picture is starkly different from the economy President Obama promised of a strong recovery and millions of "saved or created" jobs a few years ago.

In 2009, the President promised that his "recovery plan" composed almost entirely of government spending was the only way to stave off rising unemployment. The White House even drafted a chart showing projected unemployment with the economic stimulus plan and without it—to scare lawmakers into voting for it. According to their projections, by now, unemployment should be at 5.5 percent. Instead, of course, it's 8.2 percent—and has been above 8 percent for 41 straight months.

This jobs drought is the result of counterproductive policies, many of which could be reversed immediately. But in the meantime, employers aren't hiring because they are suffering from prolonged uncertainty, as economists readily admit.

Morning Bell: Jobs, Unemployment Stuck
The problem with Obama is a simple one: Obama cannot deliver jobs. He is wired to think somebody else is responsible for all his problems, somebody else must pay for his pet rock projects, and his demands delivered through what is beginning to be ridiculous grabs at Congressional power through presidential edicts without consulting Congress. He's a maniac.

Obama rejects the founders America, and he is more interested in making an international name for himself by pleading America out to liberals in the EU and enemies of America by placing our law subservient to One World law. In order to accomplish that, he must first destroy those who support America's Constitution and give away all our property he can get his filthy hands on and shove off without consulting states, i.e., Alaska and its sovereign as well as oil-rich sea waters he is trying to give away to a former Communist country that sold it to the United States under President Andrew Johnson.

Jimmy Carter made sure America would not control the Panama Canal in the future. I'm sick and tired of Democrat do-gooders giving away American possessions.
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Failed Liberal Policy:

How Unions Just Shot Workers in the Foot

Union bosses are excited that they have prevented their members from getting raises.

It’s a bit mind-boggling, but that’s what happened. Last week, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) celebrated defeating a bill in the Senate that would have allowed raises, declaring that the legislation would have stripped workers’ “fundamental rights.” The union’s blog encouraged tweeting and sharing the “good news” on Facebook.

The RAISE (Rewarding Achievement and Incentivizing Successful Employees) Act, introduced this year by Senator Marco Rubio (R–FL), would lift the ceiling on unionized workers’ wages by allowing employers to pay individual workers more—but not less—than the union contract specifies. It was defeated in a 45-54 vote along party lines.

When you’re in a union, raises are usually all or nothing. They are not necessarily forbidden; the unions just have to sign off on them. Only about 20 percent of union contracts permit performance-based raises, less than half the rate in nonunion firms. This means 80 percent of workers can’t get an individual raise for doing good work—a raise must be negotiated for everyone. That certainly takes away the incentive to go above and beyond, because there are no performance-based bonuses or even merit increases.

Instead, unions typically base pay on seniority and job classifications—not individual effort or productivity. Workers cannot bargain individually for more. By law, hard-working union members get the same pay as those who slack off.

Morning Bell: Unions Prevent Workers from Getting Raises
Failed Liberal Policy:

A new study conducted by Ernst and Young proves conclusively that the President’s tax increase would be devastating to the economy and jobs.

The study finds that, if Congress misguidedly adopted President Obama’s plan to raise taxes on job creators by allowing the Bush-era tax policies to expire for incomes over $200,000 ($250,000 for married filers), the economy and jobs would suffer terribly:

  • Output in the long run would fall by 1.3 percent, or $200 billion, in today’s economy

  • Employment in the long run would fall by 0.5 percent or, roughly 710,000 fewer jobs, in today’s economy

  • Capital stock and investment in the long run would fall by 1.4 percent and 2.4 percent, respectively

  • Real after-tax wages would fall by 1.8 percent
There are almost 13 million Americans out of work today. President Obama’s tax increase would needlessly add almost three-quarters of a million people to that already much too large number. Even those with jobs wouldn’t escape the pain of President Obama’s tax increase, as they would see their wages suffer.

Ernst and Young: Obama

Liberal policy continues to fail at alarming rates...
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Sure easy...

Trying to force states into spending money for Papa Obama care
and Medicaid


The Constitution gives Congress the right to make laws. If the states don't like it, they can sue. It is all part of checks and balances.

Rightwingnuts challenged ....they lost

States have a constitution that requires them to balance their budget. An unfunded mandate from the Federal government can and will be ignored. Case in point, a number of states will not implement Obamacare.
Sure easy...

Trying to force states into spending money for Papa Obama care
and Medicaid


The Constitution gives Congress the right to make laws. If the states don't like it, they can sue. It is all part of checks and balances.

Rightwingnuts challenged ....they lost

States have a constitution that requires them to balance their budget. An unfunded mandate from the Federal government can and will be ignored. Case in point, a number of states will not implement Obamacare.

Yes they will

Insurance exchanges are part of the law. States were given a chance to set up their own exchanges. Those who refused will get the Federal Insurance exchange
Sure easy...

Trying to force states into spending money for Papa Obama care
and Medicaid


The Constitution gives Congress the right to make laws. If the states don't like it, they can sue. It is all part of checks and balances.

Rightwingnuts challenged ....they lost

States have a constitution that requires them to balance their budget. An unfunded mandate from the Federal government can and will be ignored. Case in point, a number of states will not implement Obamacare.

an element of Papa ObamaCare the SCOTUS found unconstitutional
in the Feds attempts to implement it

Combine that with the SCOTUS finding Papa ObamaCare's attempts to use
the Commerce Clause- unconstitutional

Why does the Left pass laws with so many unconstitutional parts to it?
No doubt a lack of respect for the rule of constitutional law

Well the left figures throw enough "sh*t at the wall" , some will stick
Which is why we are left with Papa ObamaCare being nothing
more than a big regressive tax
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The Constitution gives Congress the right to make laws. If the states don't like it, they can sue. It is all part of checks and balances.

Rightwingnuts challenged ....they lost

States have a constitution that requires them to balance their budget. An unfunded mandate from the Federal government can and will be ignored. Case in point, a number of states will not implement Obamacare.

an element of Papa ObamaCare the SCOTUS found unconstitutional
in the Feds attempts to implement it

Combine that with the SCOTUS finding Papa ObamaCare's attempts to use
the Commerce Clause- unconstitutional

Why does the Left pass laws with so many unconstitutional parts to it?
No doubt a lack of respect for the rule of constitutional law

Well the left figures throw enough "sh*t at the wall" , some will stick
Which is why we are left with Papa ObamaCare being nothing
more than a big regressive tax

Now that Obamacare has been declared constitutional, it is the law of the land

Republicans can't repeal it so if they don't like it, they are welcome to work to improve it
The Constitution gives Congress the right to make laws. If the states don't like it, they can sue. It is all part of checks and balances.

Rightwingnuts challenged ....they lost

States have a constitution that requires them to balance their budget. An unfunded mandate from the Federal government can and will be ignored. Case in point, a number of states will not implement Obamacare.

an element of Papa ObamaCare the SCOTUS found unconstitutional
in the Feds attempts to implement it

Combine that with the SCOTUS finding Papa ObamaCare's attempts to use
the Commerce Clause- unconstitutional

Why does the Left pass laws with so many unconstitutional parts to it?
No doubt a lack of respect for the rule of constitutional law

Well the left figures throw enough "sh*t at the wall" , some will stick
Which is why we are left with Papa ObamaCare being nothing
more than a big regressive tax

Because their deep belief in Communism causes them to loathe the Constitution and try to destroy it.
States have a constitution that requires them to balance their budget. An unfunded mandate from the Federal government can and will be ignored. Case in point, a number of states will not implement Obamacare.

an element of Papa ObamaCare the SCOTUS found unconstitutional
in the Feds attempts to implement it

Combine that with the SCOTUS finding Papa ObamaCare's attempts to use
the Commerce Clause- unconstitutional

Why does the Left pass laws with so many unconstitutional parts to it?
No doubt a lack of respect for the rule of constitutional law

Well the left figures throw enough "sh*t at the wall" , some will stick
Which is why we are left with Papa ObamaCare being nothing
more than a big regressive tax

Now that Obamacare has been declared constitutional, it is the law of the land

Republicans can't repeal it so if they don't like it, they are welcome to work to improve it

Pffff! Since when does the left abide by "the law of the land"?!?!?

Healthcare is NOT a right in the US Constitution, yet the left claims it is

The right to bear arms is a right in the US Constitution, yet the left claims it is not

Only the idiot liberal..... :lol:
an element of Papa ObamaCare the SCOTUS found unconstitutional
in the Feds attempts to implement it

Combine that with the SCOTUS finding Papa ObamaCare's attempts to use
the Commerce Clause- unconstitutional

Why does the Left pass laws with so many unconstitutional parts to it?
No doubt a lack of respect for the rule of constitutional law

Well the left figures throw enough "sh*t at the wall" , some will stick
Which is why we are left with Papa ObamaCare being nothing
more than a big regressive tax

Now that Obamacare has been declared constitutional, it is the law of the land

Republicans can't repeal it so if they don't like it, they are welcome to work to improve it

Pffff! Since when does the left abide by "the law of the land"?!?!?

Healthcare is NOT a right in the US Constitution, yet the left claims it is

The right to bear arms is a right in the US Constitution, yet the left claims it is not

Only the idiot liberal..... :lol:


Go figure the Left is happy because Papa ObamaCare has been
declared constitutionally to be nothing more than a tax
One of the largest regressive taxes in history

Failed Liberal Policy:

Dodd-Frank Financial Regulations Strangling Economy

Has your bank raised its fees or stopped offering free checking accounts in the last couple of years? If so, you can thank the regulatory boondoggle that is the Dodd-Frank financial law.

Since its passage two years ago tomorrow, the number of large banks that offer free checking has declined sharply. In 2009, 96 percent of them offered free checking, but just 34.6 percent did in 2011.

Dodd-Frank Regulations Strangling Economy at Two Year Anniversary
Failed Liberal Policy:

The key point in this article: "Instead of helping people get back on their feet—from job training to obtaining employment—welfare will now go back to locking them in a cycle of dependence on the government".

The left WANTS, in fact NEEDS, people dependent on government so they can retain power and implement the Communism they so badly desire.

Morning Bell: The End of Welfare Reform As We Know It

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