Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
The fat boy in me cried out after work. I decided to appease the demon with the incredibly unhealthy but incredibly delicious jalapeño burger from Wendy’s. Guess what. They’re out of BEEF. That’s in America, where we have such an over abundance a food we fill entire landfills up with what we don’t use. The UN recently said some 250 million people world wide are going to be starving if we don’t get our food chains back up to snuff soon. That’s going to require pretty significant re-openings. Restaurants, Bars, schools, anywhere that has food, which is almost everywhere. Otherwise, it’s no longer profitable for farmers and manufacturers to make the food if half of their buyers aren’t purchasing anymore. And if this lockdown continues, a lot of those places are going to be out of business permanently. At what point is extending the life of someone 6 months going to outweigh millions of families around the world starving to death? How long are we going to lock away our elderly from their grandkids? Herd immunity is and has always been the only practical option. But instead we’re catering to the rich white kids who’re playing a social game with each other, seeing who can spray the most virtue from their mouths by feigning care for the at risk pop of covid.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.

You force your grandparents to work?
My grandparents are long dead and I am grandparent age. I still work for a living, A lot of older Americans still work. Opening up stuff way early means they will have to go to work or lose their jobs. Pray you never have to find a job later in life. Older American workers are being sacrificed as surely as the nursing home residents.
are you hoping to get paid while sitting at home on your duff?

if the shutdown continues how do you know any jobs will be waiting for you?
He's obviously got a gaurenteed source of income. Only people in such a situation could be such utter douchebags.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.

You force your grandparents to work?
My grandparents are long dead and I am grandparent age. I still work for a living, A lot of older Americans still work. Opening up stuff way early means they will have to go to work or lose their jobs. Pray you never have to find a job later in life. Older American workers are being sacrificed as surely as the nursing home residents.
are you hoping to get paid while sitting at home on your duff?

if the shutdown continues how do you know any jobs will be waiting for you?
He's obviously got a gaurenteed source of income. Only people in such a situation could be such utter douchebags.
No, that's not the reason. Nobody wants to see financial ruin, but when you compare that to loss of life, there is no arguing what is more important and vital. Not if you are sane.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
You really are an asshole.

Your gandma can die, for all I care. I won't have my life destroyed so your grandma doesn't have to isolate herself.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.

You force your grandparents to work?
My grandparents are long dead and I am grandparent age. I still work for a living, A lot of older Americans still work. Opening up stuff way early means they will have to go to work or lose their jobs. Pray you never have to find a job later in life. Older American workers are being sacrificed as surely as the nursing home residents.
are you hoping to get paid while sitting at home on your duff?

if the shutdown continues how do you know any jobs will be waiting for you?
He's obviously got a gaurenteed source of income. Only people in such a situation could be such utter douchebags.
No, that's not the reason. Nobody wants to see financial ruin, but when you compare that to loss of life, there is no arguing what is more important and vital. Not if you are sane.
Wrong. There is plenty to argue about.
People who want the lockdowns
Nobody wants them. Some of us just recognize their necessity. And the enormous peril of re-opening before we have certain protocols in place like the ability to test on a massive scale. Something the admin promised we would be able to do by now but failed again to come through.
We can't go another month with this lockdown or the economy will be destroyed.

Do you actually want another Great Depression?

We can go another month and human life is more important than the economy.
No it isn't. Not for the numbers we're talking about.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
Actually that's wrong. Plenty of TDS morons are fans of the lockdowns.

I couldn't care less about your grandma. If you don't her to get COVID-10, then keep her inside and away from people. The rest of us have bills to pay.
Deranged Trump supporters (DTS)like you are here arguing for a chance to go out, get infected, spread the infection and cause more infections and death.
Your arguing to bankrupt the entire country.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
You really are an asshole.

Your gandma can die, for all I care. I won't have my life destroyed so your grandma doesn't have to isolate herself.
My grandmother died in 1995. But I refuse to see lives destroyed because your punk ass doesn't have the discipline to do what it takes to reduce the spread of the virus just so you can go down to the store and buy a bag of seeds. We don't need to be infected because of idiots like you. You right wingers are like children. I don't like this any more than you do, but I am not willing to get sick so I can go watch state u play a football game. Nor am I willing to get sick just so I can make some money. We don't have an economy if half the people are sick. And we certainly don't if people are dying. So grow up. You ain't missing nothing because you can't go sell something
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
IOW, you're stupid enough to think that the virus will just die if we hide long enough.

Whatta fucking retard.
Hey dumbshit: South Korea Reports No New Domestic Coronavirus Cases

Unlike Trump, South Korea took this disease seriously from the beginning, and began a massive testing program while Trump went golfing and held rallies for six weeks and called this all a hoax.

Notice that this happened in South Korea in the span of a few months. What you're suggesting we do with America will take at minimum a couple of years, even with all the bureaucracy shoved out of the way.

Stop being childish.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
Actually that's wrong. Plenty of TDS morons are fans of the lockdowns.

I couldn't care less about your grandma. If you don't her to get COVID-10, then keep her inside and away from people. The rest of us have bills to pay.
Deranged Trump supporters (DTS)like you are here arguing for a chance to go out, get infected, spread the infection and cause more infections and death.
Your arguing to bankrupt the entire country.
No that's not what I am doing. But that is the result of opening up far too soon. You see, I find that there is something severely wring with a person who only thinks about money and how this pandemic is going to hurt this country financially. 70,000 people have died. Families have lost members, neighbors have lost friends, communities haver lost citizens, and your ass is talking about your mother fucking checkbook. You're fucked up in the head.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
IOW, you're stupid enough to think that the virus will just die if we hide long enough.

Whatta fucking retard.
Hey dumbshit: South Korea Reports No New Domestic Coronavirus Cases

Unlike Trump, South Korea took this disease seriously from the beginning, and began a massive testing program while Trump went golfing and held rallies for six weeks and called this all a hoax.

Notice that this happened in South Korea in the span of a few months. What you're suggesting we do with America will take at minimum a couple of years, even with all the bureaucracy shoved out of the way.

Stop being childish.
It doesn't have to take a couple of years. It could have been in place and going on right now had it not been for presidential idiocy.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
You really are an asshole.

Your gandma can die, for all I care. I won't have my life destroyed so your grandma doesn't have to isolate herself.
My grandmother died in 1995. But I refuse to see lives destroyed because your punk ass doesn't have the discipline to do what it takes to reduce the spread of the virus just so you can go down to the store and buy a bag of seeds. We don't need to be infected because of idiots like you. You right wingers are like children. I don't like this any more than you do, but I am not willing to get sick so I can go watch state u play a football game. Nor am I willing to get sick just so I can make some money. We don't have an economy if half the people are sick. And we certainly don't if people are dying. So grow up. You ain't missing nothing because you can't go sell something
Then stay home...no one said you have to go out....stay home and cower in the corner....that's where cowards belong....we are going to get back to....making America great again....
But I refuse to see lives destroyed because your punk ass doesn't have the discipline to do what it takes to reduce the spread of the virus just so you can go down to the store and buy a bag of seeds.

When scientific data suggests the survival rate for this virus is upwards of 96%, he can do whatever he damn well pleases as long as he observes some semblance of mitigation. And you can kindly take a hike.

There were people out here making a living before this virus struck, and now you want them to sacrifice their fiscal wellbeing purely so you can sate some sort of inane paranoia on your part.

My grandmother died in 1995.
My condolences.

However, she didn't die from COVID-19.
People who want the lockdowns
Nobody wants them. Some of us just recognize their necessity. And the enormous peril of re-opening before we have certain protocols in place like the ability to test on a massive scale. Something the admin promised we would be able to do by now but failed again to come through.
We can't go another month with this lockdown or the economy will be destroyed.

Do you actually want another Great Depression?

We can go another month and human life is more important than the economy.
No it isn't. Not for the numbers we're talking about.
Yes it is. The president needs to get off his ass and do what needs to be done.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
IOW, you're stupid enough to think that the virus will just die if we hide long enough.

Whatta fucking retard.
Hey dumbshit: South Korea Reports No New Domestic Coronavirus Cases

Unlike Trump, South Korea took this disease seriously from the beginning, and began a massive testing program while Trump went golfing and held rallies for six weeks and called this all a hoax.

Notice that this happened in South Korea in the span of a few months. What you're suggesting we do with America will take at minimum a couple of years, even with all the bureaucracy shoved out of the way.

Stop being childish.
It doesn't have to take a couple of years. It could have been in place and going on right now had it not been for presidential idiocy.


It won't be because of Trump, or any other president. The red tape and bureaucracy is what will make it take two years.

You're too eager to blame one president or another for something negative that happens to you.
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
that group apparently does not include Fredo’s brother, the New York governor who insisted that chinese disease patients be sent to nursing homes
How many dead Americans do you think are "acceptable" losses? Give us a number.
How many bankrupt and financially destroyed Americans do you believe to be acceptable?
More than the number of dead ones.
50 million, asshole?
50 million living people can start over again. The dead cannot, nor will the families and friends ever recover from the loss. Life is more important than money motherfucker, plain and simple.
You really are an asshole.

Your gandma can die, for all I care. I won't have my life destroyed so your grandma doesn't have to isolate herself.
My grandmother died in 1995. But I refuse to see lives destroyed because your punk ass doesn't have the discipline to do what it takes to reduce the spread of the virus just so you can go down to the store and buy a bag of seeds. We don't need to be infected because of idiots like you. You right wingers are like children. I don't like this any more than you do, but I am not willing to get sick so I can go watch state u play a football game. Nor am I willing to get sick just so I can make some money. We don't have an economy if half the people are sick. And we certainly don't if people are dying. So grow up. You ain't missing nothing because you can't go sell something
Then stay home...no one said you have to go out....stay home and cower in the corner....that's where cowards belong....we are going to get back to....making America great again....
Coward has nothing to do with this. You are a fool.

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