Liz Warren is "part Indian in mythical terms"


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
<cue twilight zone music>

No lie is too great to be construed as "liberal truth". I've seen a lot of bullshit shovelled in my time when it comes to politics, but this one's got to be in the top ten.

From Newsbusters and I'll give a link. It's unreal. Move all beverages away from the keyboard as the writer suggests.

The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part 'Mythical Terms'

By P.J. Gladnick | May 22, 2012 | 12:33

Bernie Quigley of The Hill has written himself into the laughstock status by his incredibly laughable excuse for Elizabeth Warren's false claim to be part Indian.

According to Quigley, paleface Warren really wasn't lying about her ancestry.

Why? I have placed Quigley's bizarre rationale below the fold so you have a chance to put down your drinks to prevent the drenching of your monitors when you read it:

...Warren's claim to be "part Indian" is correct in mythical terms.

So is this "fake but accurate" as Dan Rather would describe it? Not quite. It seems to be "fake but mythical" as proclaimed by Quigley.

And now let us enjoy the entertaining Quigley comedy as he expains his "mythical terms" reasoning:

..".In the heartland it is almost universal for those who have been there for a few generations to claim Indian blood; that is, to wish it were there even if it isn't.

It is not so much a lie as it is the acculturation of personal and regional American myth; the fabric of old-soul American consciousness."

Yes, this thought process proves once and for all liberalism is a mental disorder.:lol:

Finally Quigley hopes that Warren doubles down on her Indian claim because she is somehow validated by the mere desire to be Indian:

And I hope Elizabeth Warren doesn't back down on this, because wanting to be Indian, like Hawkeye, makes us in a deeper sense fully American.

Read more: The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part 'Mythical Terms' |

Like freaking Hawkeye :lmao:

The rest is at the link above.
<cue twilight zone music>

No lie is too great to be construed as "liberal truth". I've seen a lot of bullshit shovelled in my time when it comes to politics, but this one's got to be in the top ten.

From Newsbusters and I'll give a link. It's unreal. Move all beverages away from the keyboard as the writer suggests.

The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part 'Mythical Terms'

By P.J. Gladnick | May 22, 2012 | 12:33

Bernie Quigley of The Hill has written himself into the laughstock status by his incredibly laughable excuse for Elizabeth Warren's false claim to be part Indian.

According to Quigley, paleface Warren really wasn't lying about her ancestry.

Why? I have placed Quigley's bizarre rationale below the fold so you have a chance to put down your drinks to prevent the drenching of your monitors when you read it:

...Warren's claim to be "part Indian" is correct in mythical terms.

So is this "fake but accurate" as Dan Rather would describe it? Not quite. It seems to be "fake but mythical" as proclaimed by Quigley.

And now let us enjoy the entertaining Quigley comedy as he expains his "mythical terms" reasoning:

..".In the heartland it is almost universal for those who have been there for a few generations to claim Indian blood; that is, to wish it were there even if it isn't.

It is not so much a lie as it is the acculturation of personal and regional American myth; the fabric of old-soul American consciousness."

Yes, this thought process proves once and for all liberalism is a mental disorder.:lol:

Finally Quigley hopes that Warren doubles down on her Indian claim because she is somehow validated by the mere desire to be Indian:

And I hope Elizabeth Warren doesn't back down on this, because wanting to be Indian, like Hawkeye, makes us in a deeper sense fully American.

Read more: The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part 'Mythical Terms' |

Like freaking Hawkeye :lmao:

The rest is at the link above.

Feauxahontas has some real backers does she? :lol:
<cue twilight zone music>

No lie is too great to be construed as "liberal truth". I've seen a lot of bullshit shovelled in my time when it comes to politics, but this one's got to be in the top ten.

From Newsbusters and I'll give a link. It's unreal. Move all beverages away from the keyboard as the writer suggests.

The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part 'Mythical Terms'

By P.J. Gladnick | May 22, 2012 | 12:33

Bernie Quigley of The Hill has written himself into the laughstock status by his incredibly laughable excuse for Elizabeth Warren's false claim to be part Indian.

According to Quigley, paleface Warren really wasn't lying about her ancestry.

Why? I have placed Quigley's bizarre rationale below the fold so you have a chance to put down your drinks to prevent the drenching of your monitors when you read it:

...Warren's claim to be "part Indian" is correct in mythical terms.

So is this "fake but accurate" as Dan Rather would describe it? Not quite. It seems to be "fake but mythical" as proclaimed by Quigley.

And now let us enjoy the entertaining Quigley comedy as he expains his "mythical terms" reasoning:

..".In the heartland it is almost universal for those who have been there for a few generations to claim Indian blood; that is, to wish it were there even if it isn't.

It is not so much a lie as it is the acculturation of personal and regional American myth; the fabric of old-soul American consciousness."

Yes, this thought process proves once and for all liberalism is a mental disorder.:lol:

Finally Quigley hopes that Warren doubles down on her Indian claim because she is somehow validated by the mere desire to be Indian:

And I hope Elizabeth Warren doesn't back down on this, because wanting to be Indian, like Hawkeye, makes us in a deeper sense fully American.

Read more: The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part 'Mythical Terms' |

Like freaking Hawkeye :lmao:

The rest is at the link above.

Feauxahontas has some real backers does she? :lol:

Quiqley is truly typing his pieces from "lala land." That Hawkeye bit just slayed me.
Oh hell!
In mythical terms I am a billionaire!
(who pays all my taxes)
<cue twilight zone music>

No lie is too great to be construed as "liberal truth". I've seen a lot of bullshit shovelled in my time when it comes to politics, but this one's got to be in the top ten.

From Newsbusters and I'll give a link. It's unreal. Move all beverages away from the keyboard as the writer suggests.

The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part 'Mythical Terms'

By P.J. Gladnick | May 22, 2012 | 12:33

Bernie Quigley of The Hill has written himself into the laughstock status by his incredibly laughable excuse for Elizabeth Warren's false claim to be part Indian.

According to Quigley, paleface Warren really wasn't lying about her ancestry.

Why? I have placed Quigley's bizarre rationale below the fold so you have a chance to put down your drinks to prevent the drenching of your monitors when you read it:

...Warren's claim to be "part Indian" is correct in mythical terms.

So is this "fake but accurate" as Dan Rather would describe it? Not quite. It seems to be "fake but mythical" as proclaimed by Quigley.

And now let us enjoy the entertaining Quigley comedy as he expains his "mythical terms" reasoning:

..".In the heartland it is almost universal for those who have been there for a few generations to claim Indian blood; that is, to wish it were there even if it isn't.

It is not so much a lie as it is the acculturation of personal and regional American myth; the fabric of old-soul American consciousness."

Yes, this thought process proves once and for all liberalism is a mental disorder.:lol:

Finally Quigley hopes that Warren doubles down on her Indian claim because she is somehow validated by the mere desire to be Indian:

And I hope Elizabeth Warren doesn't back down on this, because wanting to be Indian, like Hawkeye, makes us in a deeper sense fully American.

Read more: The Hill: Elizabeth Warren Really Is Part 'Mythical Terms' |

Like freaking Hawkeye :lmao:

The rest is at the link above.

Feauxahontas has some real backers does she? :lol:

Quiqley is truly typing his pieces from "lala land." That Hawkeye bit just slayed me.

Last of the Mohicans...indeed...I really AM from that tribe and have real vetting for it...Iriquois..NY State, but don't use it to get deals from anyone...just accept it as part of my unique heritage.

Pubcrappe. She's 1/32 Native American, and it doesn't matter. Get a life. LOL

Sorry. Proven bullshit. Boston Globe was caught out "purposefully misleading" on 1/32 claim aka lying their asses off in the real world.

No evidence whatsoever of any Indian heritage.
Pubcrappe. She's 1/32 Native American, and it doesn't matter. Get a life. LOL

Sorry. Proven bullshit. Boston Globe was caught out "purposefully misleading" on 1/32 claim aka lying their asses off in the real world.

No evidence whatsoever of any Indian heritage.

Ms Warren isn't even 1/32nd truthful. Me see um big heap trouble. :lol:
Pubcrappe. She's 1/32 Native American, and it doesn't matter. Get a life. LOL

Sorry. Proven bullshit. Boston Globe was caught out "purposefully misleading" on 1/32 claim aka lying their asses off in the real world.

No evidence whatsoever of any Indian heritage.

Ms Warren isn't even 1/32nd truthful. Me see um big heap trouble. :lol:

i like to call her sacaja-liar, although pinnochio-hontas has a nice ring to it, too
Sorry. Proven bullshit. Boston Globe was caught out "purposefully misleading" on 1/32 claim aka lying their asses off in the real world.

No evidence whatsoever of any Indian heritage.

Ms Warren isn't even 1/32nd truthful. Me see um big heap trouble. :lol:

i like to call her sacaja-liar, although pinnochio-hontas has a nice ring to it, too
good ones....
I also like "Shitting Bull" or "Lie-awatha". :lol:

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