Let's just say it


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Today's GOP: Worst Political Party Since the Civil War | | AlterNet

It was a move without parallel. The entirety of a party threatened to deliberately hurt the country unless their rivals paid a hefty ransom -- in this case, debt reduction. It didn't matter that Republicans were largely responsible for the debt in the first place, and it didn't matter that Republicans routinely raised the debt ceiling dozens of times over the last several decades.

This wasn't just another partisan dispute; it was a scandal for the ages. This one radical scheme helped lead to the first-ever downgrade of U.S. debt; it riled financial markets and generated widespread uncertainty about the stability of the American system; and it severely undermined American credibility on the global stage. Indeed, in many parts of the world, observers didn't just lose respect for us, they were actually laughing at us.

It's the kind of thing that should have scarred the Republican Party for a generation. Not only did that never happen, the Republican hostage-takers are already vowing to create this identical crisis all over again, on purpose.

Frankly, I'm surprised that more conservative Republicans on this board aren't wondering what the hell happened to their party.

And since the country isn't split on geographical lines, I don't see how we would have another civil war, but it certainly looks like we are due.
And now Boehner and crew are ready for another debt ceiling debacle. This is going to be fun.
For far too long the GOP caved on the threats of the Dems. We finally have some ready to stand and demand they give some too. Compromise isn't about one side making all the concessions. I hope they stand their ground.
Compromise isn't about one side making all the concessions.

Not according to this guy:
The tea party Republican candidate who defeated Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar (R) after six terms in Tuesday’s GOP primary says that his definition of “compromise” means that Democrats will have to come around the the right’s way of thinking.

“What I’ve said about compromise and bipartisanship is I hope to build a conservative majority in the United States Senate so that bipartisanship becomes Democrats joining Republicans..."

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Or this guy, for that matter.

Boehner: I got 98 percent of what I wanted - CBS News

Pelley: You were unable to get your own caucus behind your bill a few days ago. Do you intend to remain Speaker of the House?

Boehner: I do. When you look at this final agreement that we came to with the white House, I got 98 percent of what I wanted. I'm pretty happy.

Pelley: Folks at home have been watching the acrimony, name calling, finger pointing. And I wonder whether the Congress has lost something, an ability to talk to each other, to settle down and make agreements?

Boehner: Well, there's the public noise and then there's the private discussion. Some of the most liberal members of Congress are great friends of mind. But the American people don't see the cooperation that exists off camera that really are the glue that holds this place together.
Both the Democratic and Republican political parties have gone to hell in a hand basket. Used to be politicians wanted want was best for the country regardless of political party. Now, they want want's best for their political party and their own self-serving political agendas.
Page two, second link.

A blogger who goes by the nom de guerre driftglass recently wrote about New York Times columnist David Brooks' tendency to "waddle into the threshing blades." I like that imagery. That's what the Republicans have been doing to the country for a while now. Under Gingrich, they shut down the government and impeached the president after hounding him for six years with specious investigations. Then they disgraced the Supreme Court and stole the election away from its rightful winners. Then they dropped the ball on al-Qaeda. Next we wound up in Iraq with no plan.

From there it was on to Terri Schiavo and a drowned New Orleans and a failed attempt to privatize Social Security and a wrecked Department of Justice, and the Abramoff scandal. There was Guantanamo and black prisons and torture and murder and disaster in Afghanistan. When the stock market collapsed in September 2008, it might have seemed like the final culmination of a disastrous path embarked upon…when, exactly? 1964? 1980? 1994?
And now Boehner and crew are ready for another debt ceiling debacle. This is going to be fun.

With the Democrats not willing to make any cuts unless it's cuts under Article 1, Section 8 like the Military...but social spending stays put.

Yeah it will be fun to hear Obama and the Statists on the news with thier usual rhetoric of checks not going out for Socialist Security...and other crap.

WHEN are the Democrats going to come up with a real budget and cease with the continuing resolution shit and do thier damned jobs?

Reid and Obama need to be held to task for it.
For far too long the GOP caved on the threats of the Dems. We finally have some ready to stand and demand they give some too. Compromise isn't about one side making all the concessions. I hope they stand their ground.
Right. They should have been resisting this spending binge of shit long ago.
Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Today's GOP: Worst Political Party Since the Civil War | | AlterNet

It was a move without parallel. The entirety of a party threatened to deliberately hurt the country unless their rivals paid a hefty ransom -- in this case, debt reduction. It didn't matter that Republicans were largely responsible for the debt in the first place, and it didn't matter that Republicans routinely raised the debt ceiling dozens of times over the last several decades.

This wasn't just another partisan dispute; it was a scandal for the ages. This one radical scheme helped lead to the first-ever downgrade of U.S. debt; it riled financial markets and generated widespread uncertainty about the stability of the American system; and it severely undermined American credibility on the global stage. Indeed, in many parts of the world, observers didn't just lose respect for us, they were actually laughing at us.

It's the kind of thing that should have scarred the Republican Party for a generation. Not only did that never happen, the Republican hostage-takers are already vowing to create this identical crisis all over again, on purpose.

Frankly, I'm surprised that more conservative Republicans on this board aren't wondering what the hell happened to their party.

And since the country isn't split on geographical lines, I don't see how we would have another civil war, but it certainly looks like we are due.

All I can do when I read your putrid TRIPE, is to shake my head in amazement at your ignorance, your pathological hypocrisy, and your complete lack of honesty and integrity.

NONE of these "defects" you have are politically "specific". There are wack jobs on both sides, but the vast majority of the lemmings and morally bankrupt bottom feeding bed wetters are on YOUR side of the aisle.

Just the facts. Embrace them, and you may begin to see the errors of your ways!
Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Today's GOP: Worst Political Party Since the Civil War | | AlterNet

It was a move without parallel. The entirety of a party threatened to deliberately hurt the country unless their rivals paid a hefty ransom -- in this case, debt reduction. It didn't matter that Republicans were largely responsible for the debt in the first place, and it didn't matter that Republicans routinely raised the debt ceiling dozens of times over the last several decades.

This wasn't just another partisan dispute; it was a scandal for the ages. This one radical scheme helped lead to the first-ever downgrade of U.S. debt; it riled financial markets and generated widespread uncertainty about the stability of the American system; and it severely undermined American credibility on the global stage. Indeed, in many parts of the world, observers didn't just lose respect for us, they were actually laughing at us.

It's the kind of thing that should have scarred the Republican Party for a generation. Not only did that never happen, the Republican hostage-takers are already vowing to create this identical crisis all over again, on purpose.

Frankly, I'm surprised that more conservative Republicans on this board aren't wondering what the hell happened to their party.

And since the country isn't split on geographical lines, I don't see how we would have another civil war, but it certainly looks like we are due.

All I can do when I read your putrid TRIPE, is to shake my head in amazement at your ignorance, your pathological hypocrisy, and your complete lack of honesty and integrity.

NONE of these "defects" you have are politically "specific". There are wack jobs on both sides, but the vast majority of the lemmings and morally bankrupt bottom feeding bed wetters are on YOUR side of the aisle.

Just the facts. Embrace them, and you may begin to see the errors of your ways!

Personal attacks, joy.
Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. - The Washington Post

Today's GOP: Worst Political Party Since the Civil War | | AlterNet

It was a move without parallel. The entirety of a party threatened to deliberately hurt the country unless their rivals paid a hefty ransom -- in this case, debt reduction. It didn't matter that Republicans were largely responsible for the debt in the first place, and it didn't matter that Republicans routinely raised the debt ceiling dozens of times over the last several decades.

This wasn't just another partisan dispute; it was a scandal for the ages. This one radical scheme helped lead to the first-ever downgrade of U.S. debt; it riled financial markets and generated widespread uncertainty about the stability of the American system; and it severely undermined American credibility on the global stage. Indeed, in many parts of the world, observers didn't just lose respect for us, they were actually laughing at us.

It's the kind of thing that should have scarred the Republican Party for a generation. Not only did that never happen, the Republican hostage-takers are already vowing to create this identical crisis all over again, on purpose.

Frankly, I'm surprised that more conservative Republicans on this board aren't wondering what the hell happened to their party.

And since the country isn't split on geographical lines, I don't see how we would have another civil war, but it certainly looks like we are due.

I for one don't base my views of the Republican party on the opinions of the Washington Post or Alternet neither of which is known for being fair minded about Republicans.
LOL, the only "civil war" you all are going to see is the one coming in November by the VOTERS, just like the one the Obama and his comrades in arms saw in 2010..

alternet and the Washingtoncompost..what a pair
Let's just say it. Both parties are a disgrace.

Both the Democratic and Republican political parties have gone to hell in a hand basket. Used to be politicians wanted want was best for the country regardless of political party. Now, they want want's best for their political party and their own self-serving political agendas.

Remembering that the definition of insanity is repeating a process and expecting a different result...

:eusa_think: Choices, choices, choices!
And I dare to dream that everybody actually read the article, instead of the usual kneejerk reactions. ;)

I read most of the first page of the first link. Please tell me you are not trying to pass that off as some kind of non-partisan attempt at reasonable journalism. It was slanted so far left I got a kink in my neck while reading it.

And I dare to dream that everybody actually read the article, instead of the usual kneejerk reactions. ;)

I read most of the first page of the first link. Please tell me you are not trying to pass that off as some kind of non-partisan attempt at reasonable journalism. It was slanted so far left I got a kink in my neck while reading it.


Okay, what do you disagree with.

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