Little-Noticed FBI Meeting Connects With Claims That China Hacked Clinton Emails

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
On July 22, 2015, a meeting occurred between the FBI and the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) regarding the mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State.

It’s not clear what was specifically discussed during the meeting, and the FBI refused to even confirm the meeting took place. But its significance has recently been boosted by explosive allegations.

Among the thousands of published pages of official documents regarding the FBI investigation of Clinton, the meeting was mentioned only once in a heavily redacted document, confirming that the meeting indeed took place and an evidence slip was created for the original notes from the meeting.

The meeting would have attracted little attention if not for multiple people recently making claims that could explain why it took place.

Chinese Hack Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), along with multiple anonymous sources, has alleged that Clinton’s private server, which she used for official government business, was compromised by a foreign hostile power. That power was receiving Clinton’s incoming and outgoing emails.

That foreign power was China, using a company operating in northern Virginia, The Daily Caller reported, citing a former intelligence officer with expertise in cybersecurity issues and a government staff official—both anonymous.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The entire concept of a piece of rogue software sitting on HRCs server just “friendly forwarding” *all* her email activity to a foreign actor is 500 times the evidence collected so far against Trump. It’s galaxies beyond the worst possible thing Trump is alleged to have done.

The implications are so vast and overwhelming. You know, everything that has been said about Trump is an allegation >> implication. It’s left to the listener how much of traitor he supposedly was, how dirty his dealings supposed were, and on and on. The Clinton thing, it’s impossible NOT to imagine the worst possible implications. And the incompetents in the FBI/CIA were all so damn intimidated, nobody there had the cojones to bring up how egregious her permanent security breach was except in the most timid way, and those few who did generally paid with their jobs.

TOO DAMN BAD those whistleblowers couldn’t “leak” the info about the status of HRCs server. No assurance it would have been covered. But it might have been stopped.

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