Lists II


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Coldest temperature ever recorded in Oklahoma.............

Bartlesville ties Oklahoma state record for low temperature, Tulsa ties city record

Coldest January in USA since 1994

Bartlesville ties Oklahoma state record for low temperature, Tulsa ties city record

Tulsa.....snowiest winter on record.............

People of Tulsa take snow cleanup into their hands - Yahoo! News

North Texas............coldest temperatures in 30 years.................

North Texas Could See More Rolling Blackouts « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Al Gore......"The entire polar ice cap will be melted by 2012....."

Gore: “Entire north polar ice cap will be gone in 5 years” | Watts Up With That?
‘We used to call them snake oil salesmen, now we call them climate scientists’ — ‘Ten years ago climate scientists forecast warm winters and lack of snow, because we were having warm winters and a lack of snow. Now they forecast cold winters and lots of snow, because that is what is occurring’

"Snowfalls are a thing of the past"....Climate Research Unit......East Anglia, 2000

No Frakking Consensus: Climate Psychics: 10-Year-Old Snow Prediction Fails Miserably
Coldest temperature ever recorded in Oklahoma.............

Bartlesville ties Oklahoma state record for low temperature, Tulsa ties city record

Coldest January in USA since 1994

Bartlesville ties Oklahoma state record for low temperature, Tulsa ties city record

Tulsa.....snowiest winter on record.............

People of Tulsa take snow cleanup into their hands - Yahoo! News

North Texas............coldest temperatures in 30 years.................

North Texas Could See More Rolling Blackouts « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Al Gore......"The entire polar ice cap will be melted by 2012....."

Gore: “Entire north polar ice cap will be gone in 5 years” | Watts Up With That?

Your stupidity is astounding. Sea level has risen steadily 20 cm since 1900. That's a buttload of melted ice Sparky. Whatever the cause to deny that the earth is gradually getting warmer is asinine.
You could understand people trusting a book written by a scientist even if it theorized seemingly crazy stuff but why did people trust a book written by an angry buffoon with no scientific experience? It was proven early on that Al Gore was a hypocrite who used ten times more energy per family member in his home (before his wife kicked him out) and he was in it for the money which would be generated by a scam known as "carbon credit" trading (since collapsed). He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to bolster his failing credibility and it worked for a while but there is so much evidence to show that "man made" global warming is a scam that it has become an international scandal. Meanwhile the old buffoon is spending his time groping massage women.
You could understand people trusting a book written by a scientist even if it theorized seemingly crazy stuff but why did people trust a book written by an angry buffoon with no scientific experience? It was proven early on that Al Gore was a hypocrite who used ten times more energy per family member in his home (before his wife kicked him out) and he was in it for the money which would be generated by a scam known as "carbon credit" trading (since collapsed). He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to bolster his failing credibility and it worked for a while but there is so much evidence to show that "man made" global warming is a scam that it has become an international scandal. Meanwhile the old buffoon is spending his time groping massage women.

Why the constant hand wringing over Al Gore? He is neither the cause nor the solution to global warming. The only two things that matter are:

#1..are humans responsible for any significant part of it? ...and if so can we change that? ...and would it matter if we did?

And..#2 Are we planning to deal with rising sea level and the extremes in local weather as a result of the warming? Because that is a known...known.

All this BS about scientists conspiracy's and Al Gore is idiotic.
Let's not forget what America's preeminent Climatologist has to say: - Al Gore Explains 'Snowmageddon'


BTW, this lady has the right idea:

You could understand people trusting a book written by a scientist even if it theorized seemingly crazy stuff but why did people trust a book written by an angry buffoon with no scientific experience? It was proven early on that Al Gore was a hypocrite who used ten times more energy per family member in his home (before his wife kicked him out) and he was in it for the money which would be generated by a scam known as "carbon credit" trading (since collapsed). He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to bolster his failing credibility and it worked for a while but there is so much evidence to show that "man made" global warming is a scam that it has become an international scandal. Meanwhile the old buffoon is spending his time groping massage women.

OK. You are capable of posting yap-yap. Care to back your accusations up with real science? From peer reviewed sources? You do know what that is, do you not?
This January was the 37th coldest in the US in 117 years and came in at -.8F for the 1901-2000 average.


Thanks for the weather report. What does that have to do with anything?

Look at the sea level chart and tell me that the ice is not melting.

File:Recent Sea Level Rise.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sea level has been rising since 1850 Huggy. It's nothing new. Seal levels were much higher in the past and they've also been much lower. In the Black Sea hundreds of feet down are entire villages. It is normal.
No, Walleyes, the accelerating speed of the present rise is not normal for what we have seen in the last few thousand years. However, if you want to compare it to the period of the rapid meltoff at the end of the last glaciation, then meters rise per century is, indeed, normal. Of course, this is going to rather a bitch for such things as ocean shipping.

In fact the feedbacks may well put us into the same kind of rapid rise. That is why the models are not to be trusted. They simply don't know the kind of forcing the feedbacks will exert. We do know from the geological records, the melts following the ice ages, that the once the feedbacks start, the melt is rapid.
No, Walleyes, the accelerating speed of the present rise is not normal for what we have seen in the last few thousand years. However, if you want to compare it to the period of the rapid meltoff at the end of the last glaciation, then meters rise per century is, indeed, normal. Of course, this is going to rather a bitch for such things as ocean shipping.

In fact the feedbacks may well put us into the same kind of rapid rise. That is why the models are not to be trusted. They simply don't know the kind of forcing the feedbacks will exert. We do know from the geological records, the melts following the ice ages, that the once the feedbacks start, the melt is rapid.

Pure horsecrap. The rate of increase has been 1-2 mm per year and recently the claim is it has risen to 3 mm per year witha 3-4 mm error.

You whine and snivel about feedbacks and tipping points that will never come. We have two thousand years of recorded history and we KNOW that the temp has been much higher
worldwide (no matter how much your hero Mann tries to dissappear the MWP and the LIA)
no tipping point occured. Hansens predictions are 300% off with more CO2 then he even predicted.

They are all failures.
Wishing will never change reality. 2010 in a tie with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year. 2008, La Nina, lowest solar activity in 100 years, and it ranks at least #10 in the last 150 years. Were things as they have been for the last couple of thousand years, 2008 should have been a very cold year.
Wishing will never change reality. 2010 in a tie with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year. 2008, La Nina, lowest solar activity in 100 years, and it ranks at least #10 in the last 150 years. Were things as they have been for the last couple of thousand years, 2008 should have been a very cold year.

All the talk in this forum about temperatures is nothing short of hysterical. It really is. I'll even ceed the earth is warming........but the thought that man has the ability to reverse that is beyond laughable, unless you want to ignore the history of climate change for the last 500,000 years.

So.......what? Send in Gigantor to reverse it??

gigantor15hj3cx3.gif Denis Leary would say, "C'mon!!!" Even if TODAY it were proven warming is man made, we are multiple decades, at a minimum, from having the technology to do anything about it. Every member on here will long be in their box before it could seriously be considered.
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Wishing will never change reality. 2010 in a tie with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year. 2008, La Nina, lowest solar activity in 100 years, and it ranks at least #10 in the last 150 years. Were things as they have been for the last couple of thousand years, 2008 should have been a very cold year.

Neither will falsification of data. You can whine about 2010 being the warmest year since whenever, but the simple fact remains Hansen is falsifying the temp record to make it so. That you are a willing fool who allows him to get away with it does not alter the fact that the record is beyond suspect.
Wishing will never change reality. 2010 in a tie with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year. 2008, La Nina, lowest solar activity in 100 years, and it ranks at least #10 in the last 150 years. Were things as they have been for the last couple of thousand years, 2008 should have been a very cold year.

Neither will falsification of data. You can whine about 2010 being the warmest year since whenever, but the simple fact remains Hansen is falsifying the temp record to make it so. That you are a willing fool who allows him to get away with it does not alter the fact that the record is beyond suspect.

the warmists dont see it as falsification, just framing to put their point of view in the best light. it IS interesting that satellite data diverge from land temps but not so much from sea surface temps which are harder to 'adjust'.

I am very interested to find out why the RSS lowered the post-1999 temps down. If it had been the other way around there would have been a lot of media attention by now. oh well it will have to be explained sooner or later.
Wishing will never change reality. 2010 in a tie with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year. 2008, La Nina, lowest solar activity in 100 years, and it ranks at least #10 in the last 150 years. Were things as they have been for the last couple of thousand years, 2008 should have been a very cold year.

Neither will falsification of data. You can whine about 2010 being the warmest year since whenever, but the simple fact remains Hansen is falsifying the temp record to make it so. That you are a willing fool who allows him to get away with it does not alter the fact that the record is beyond suspect.

Really a fucking dumb post, Walleyes, old boy. This is Dr. Spencer's site, and his statement concerning 2010 versus 1998.

Dec. 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.18 deg. C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

As far as the race for warmest year goes, 1998 (+0.424 deg. C) barely edged out 2010 (+0.411 deg. C), but the difference (0.01 deg. C) is nowhere near statistically significant. So feel free to use or misuse those statistics to your heart’s content.

Walleyes, are you ever going to stop assuming that everyone out here is so stupid as to accept your bald faced lies concerning the changing climate without checking the real data?
Wishing will never change reality. 2010 in a tie with 1998 and 2005 for the warmest year. 2008, La Nina, lowest solar activity in 100 years, and it ranks at least #10 in the last 150 years. Were things as they have been for the last couple of thousand years, 2008 should have been a very cold year.

Neither will falsification of data. You can whine about 2010 being the warmest year since whenever, but the simple fact remains Hansen is falsifying the temp record to make it so. That you are a willing fool who allows him to get away with it does not alter the fact that the record is beyond suspect.

the warmists dont see it as falsification, just framing to put their point of view in the best light. it IS interesting that satellite data diverge from land temps but not so much from sea surface temps which are harder to 'adjust'.

I am very interested to find out why the RSS lowered the post-1999 temps down. If it had been the other way around there would have been a lot of media attention by now. oh well it will have to be explained sooner or later.

Ian. how do you answer the post above? Is Dr. Spencer also a fraud and liar?

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