List some reasons why people approve Barack Obama more worldwide than Donald Trump

USA got to be recognized and treated as Top Dog , feck them allies 'general mattis' .

There is no "Top Dog" outside juvenile fantasyland.
--------------------------- Top Dog because the USA will feck you up if we have to Pogo !!

As I just said ---- Fantasyland.

The world is not about "fecking up people". Even if that were a real word. The fact that you think it is tells us you have a loooooong way to go before you graduate into adulthood.
---------------------------- see post 110 to have things explained to you about 'mrobama' Pogo .

I just read post 110. It's confirmation that hallucinogens are alive and well in the Bay Area. Amusing.

But we're not talking about Bo and we're not talking about O'bama. We're talking about you.
The Clinton Foundaton raised $145 for the fight against AIDS and water projects for poor nations.

Sorry, I could not get past your 1st lie / spin.

Evidence shows the man who made the $145 million 'donation' to Hillary was THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

Easily-manipulated / conned snowflakes like yourself actually believe that is a 'coincidence' You also believe these are 'coincidences':

Hillary just happened to be on the committee tasked with either approving or denying Russia the permission to buy Uranium One.

Former US AG Eric Holder, the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to ever be Censured...for Perjury, also sat on that committee with Hillary. Both KNEW of the Russian crimes perpetrated associated with the Russian effort to buy Uranium One and neither one said a word - they hid the information from the committee. (The crimes being committed included BRIBERY of Uranium and POLITICAL officials who had influence over them getting that permission to buy Uranium One.)

Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by the KGB BANK for a one-hour speech. Clinton attempted to meet with Uranium Agency officials, and when he failed to get an audience with them HE MET DIRECTLY WITH PUTIN HIMSELF.

(I guess we are to believe this was another 'Chance Meeting' as was the one with US AG Loretta Lynch before the announcement Hillary would not be indicted for her crimes - perhaps slick Willy just happened to be 'in the neighborhood' while giving that speech and suddenly got the urge to talk 'grandkids' with Vlad?! :p )

An FBI Whistleblower has come forward - under the Whistleblower Act protection - with evidence that the FBI - run by then FBI Director Robert Mueller - NEVER investigated Hillary receiving $145 million from the Lead Russian in their Uranium One deal...and evidence showing Mueller and the FBI HID the evidence of the Russian crimes until the deal was done.

- Evidence also shows that despite knowing about the crimes, Barry signed off on the deal anyway after Hillary, Holder, and their committee agreed to vote to allow Russia to buy Uranium One.

*** Liberal Billionaire Admits To Manufacturing 'Evidence' Linking GOP To Russia

D@mn - those are a LOT of coincidences, none of which, according to snowflakes, have anything to do with each other or how the Obama administration handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to Vlad and the Russians ... after Barry told Medvedev to pass on to Putin 2 years earlier that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election.

Sure, claim a lie. But the only lying currently has been by YOU.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

So now you can admit lying or play the Snopes is a Liberal website card and play the stupid card.

Your chance.
Sorry, but Snopes was proven long ago to be a Liberal rag that covers for Democrats.

*** The unreliable ‘facts’ of a fact-checking site

That being said, the link at least admits that Hillary Clinton was on the Committee that had the task of casting a vote to approve or deny the sale of Uranium One to the Russians.

There IS evidence that Hillary Clinton took MILLIONS from not only the Russians but from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.

There IS evidence that the Russians were committing crimes in association with their effort to acquire Uranium One, crimes that included violence, extortion, and bribery.
*** Democrats have convinced themselves that Hillary's taking $100_ million from the Russian leading up the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One at a time when FBI Director Mueller knew about and hid the evidence of Russian's buying off US Uranium Agency officials and any high ranking US politician who had ANY influence in whether that committee approved / recommended the sale of Uranium One to them was all one big huge 'coincidence'. :p

The link leaves out the fact that there is evidence that Obama knew about the Russian crimes associated with buying Uranium One and yet still signed off on the deal. (Much like the Russian Interference he learned about that same year yet did nothing about, he learned of this Russian illegal activity and did nothing about it either.)

The article admits that once the uranium left the United States, where the US lost control of the uranium, at least part of it was shipped overseas to 'Western Europe'.

Finally, snowflakes aren't much for common sense....

The Russians at this time were attempting to hack our electrical grid, were trying to (and succeeding in, according to snowflakes) hack into Hillary's illegal sever / the DNC, and were successfully running counter-intelligence operations using US Social Media to con / manipulate Americans - primarily easily-manipulated Trump-Hating snowflakes - which resulted in snowflakes organizing and marching for the Russians AND while they were paying WILLING LIBERAL GROUPS (Antifa, The Black Fist, and BLM) to spread racial division and violence. THEY WERE DOING SO FOR 'NAFARIOUS' INTENT....

Now, and I know this is hard for snowflakes to try to do BUT... TRY to think rationally and with a grain of common sense....

WHY would the Russian KGB Bank give Hillary Clinton - who was sitting on the committee whose power was to decide If the Russians would be allowed to buy Uranium One - $100+ Million - during a period in which the Russians were committing crimes - that included violence / extortion / BRIBERY - against any and all US Uranium officials and high-ranking politicians who had anything to do with the Russians being able to acquire Uranium One?

WHY would the Russians bother using violence, extorting, and giving away MILLIONS of dollars in bribery money to Uranium officials and politicians who all had in common the ability in some way to affect their ability to buy Uranium One if - after finally acquiring Uranium One - they could never get their hands on it?

WHY, as evidence shows, would the FBI refuse to investigate Hillary and her receiving $100+ million from THE Russian leading the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium one?

WHY, as evidence shows, would Mueller HIDE these crimes perpetrated by the Russians associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One?

Hillary, Obama, Mueller, The FBI, and Democrats are asking Americans to ignore all the evidence, and demanding that Americans ignore basic common sense, in order to buy their unbelievable BULLSHIT.
The Clinton Foundaton raised $145 for the fight against AIDS and water projects for poor nations.

Sorry, I could not get past your 1st lie / spin.

Evidence shows the man who made the $145 million 'donation' to Hillary was THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

Easily-manipulated / conned snowflakes like yourself actually believe that is a 'coincidence' You also believe these are 'coincidences':

Hillary just happened to be on the committee tasked with either approving or denying Russia the permission to buy Uranium One.

Former US AG Eric Holder, the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to ever be Censured...for Perjury, also sat on that committee with Hillary. Both KNEW of the Russian crimes perpetrated associated with the Russian effort to buy Uranium One and neither one said a word - they hid the information from the committee. (The crimes being committed included BRIBERY of Uranium and POLITICAL officials who had influence over them getting that permission to buy Uranium One.)

Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by the KGB BANK for a one-hour speech. Clinton attempted to meet with Uranium Agency officials, and when he failed to get an audience with them HE MET DIRECTLY WITH PUTIN HIMSELF.

(I guess we are to believe this was another 'Chance Meeting' as was the one with US AG Loretta Lynch before the announcement Hillary would not be indicted for her crimes - perhaps slick Willy just happened to be 'in the neighborhood' while giving that speech and suddenly got the urge to talk 'grandkids' with Vlad?! :p )

An FBI Whistleblower has come forward - under the Whistleblower Act protection - with evidence that the FBI - run by then FBI Director Robert Mueller - NEVER investigated Hillary receiving $145 million from the Lead Russian in their Uranium One deal...and evidence showing Mueller and the FBI HID the evidence of the Russian crimes until the deal was done.

- Evidence also shows that despite knowing about the crimes, Barry signed off on the deal anyway after Hillary, Holder, and their committee agreed to vote to allow Russia to buy Uranium One.

*** Liberal Billionaire Admits To Manufacturing 'Evidence' Linking GOP To Russia

D@mn - those are a LOT of coincidences, none of which, according to snowflakes, have anything to do with each other or how the Obama administration handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to Vlad and the Russians ... after Barry told Medvedev to pass on to Putin 2 years earlier that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election.

Sure, claim a lie. But the only lying currently has been by YOU.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

So now you can admit lying or play the Snopes is a Liberal website card and play the stupid card.

Your chance.
Sorry, but Snopes was proven long ago to be a Liberal rag that covers for Democrats.

*** The unreliable ‘facts’ of a fact-checking site

That being said, the link at least admits that Hillary Clinton was on the Committee that had the task of casting a vote to approve or deny the sale of Uranium One to the Russians.

There IS evidence that Hillary Clinton took MILLIONS from not only the Russians but from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.

There IS evidence that the Russians were committing crimes in association with their effort to acquire Uranium One, crimes that included violence, extortion, and bribery.
*** Democrats have convinced themselves that Hillary's taking $100_ million from the Russian leading up the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One at a time when FBI Director Mueller knew about and hid the evidence of Russian's buying off US Uranium Agency officials and any high ranking US politician who had ANY influence in whether that committee approved / recommended the sale of Uranium One to them was all one big huge 'coincidence'. :p

The link leaves out the fact that there is evidence that Obama knew about the Russian crimes associated with buying Uranium One and yet still signed off on the deal. (Much like the Russian Interference he learned about that same year yet did nothing about, he learned of this Russian illegal activity and did nothing about it either.)

The article admits that once the uranium left the United States, where the US lost control of the uranium, at least part of it was shipped overseas to 'Western Europe'.

Finally, snowflakes aren't much for common sense....

The Russians at this time were attempting to hack our electrical grid, were trying to (and succeeding in, according to snowflakes) hack into Hillary's illegal sever / the DNC, and were successfully running counter-intelligence operations using US Social Media to con / manipulate Americans - primarily easily-manipulated Trump-Hating snowflakes - which resulted in snowflakes organizing and marching for the Russians AND while they were paying WILLING LIBERAL GROUPS (Antifa, The Black Fist, and BLM) to spread racial division and violence. THEY WERE DOING SO FOR 'NAFARIOUS' INTENT....

Now, and I know this is hard for snowflakes to try to do BUT... TRY to think rationally and with a grain of common sense....

WHY would the Russian KGB Bank give Hillary Clinton - who was sitting on the committee whose power was to decide If the Russians would be allowed to buy Uranium One - $100+ Million - during a period in which the Russians were committing crimes - that included violence / extortion / BRIBERY - against any and all US Uranium officials and high-ranking politicians who had anything to do with the Russians being able to acquire Uranium One?

WHY would the Russians bother using violence, extorting, and giving away MILLIONS of dollars in bribery money to Uranium officials and politicians who all had in common the ability in some way to affect their ability to buy Uranium One if - after finally acquiring Uranium One - they could never get their hands on it?

WHY, as evidence shows, would the FBI refuse to investigate Hillary and her receiving $100+ million from THE Russian leading the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium one?

WHY, as evidence shows, would Mueller HIDE these crimes perpetrated by the Russians associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One?

Hillary, Obama, Mueller, The FBI, and Democrats are asking Americans to ignore all the evidence, and demanding that Americans ignore basic common sense, in order to buy their unbelievable BULLSHIT.

So flakey in the misrepresentation of even basic facts are you.

False assettion: "That being said, the link at least admits that Hillary Clinton was on the Committee that had the task of casting a vote to approve or deny the sale of Uranium One to the Russians."

The Uranium One Deal Was Not Clinton’s to Veto or Approve

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating proposed foreign acquisitions for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can.

All nine federal agencies were required to approve the Uranium One transaction before it could go forward. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, saidClinton “never intervened” in committee matters. Clinton herself has said she wasn’t personally involved.

Why is it that you cannot even represent the base of your assertion factually?
The Clinton Foundaton raised $145 for the fight against AIDS and water projects for poor nations.

Sorry, I could not get past your 1st lie / spin.

Evidence shows the man who made the $145 million 'donation' to Hillary was THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

Easily-manipulated / conned snowflakes like yourself actually believe that is a 'coincidence' You also believe these are 'coincidences':

Hillary just happened to be on the committee tasked with either approving or denying Russia the permission to buy Uranium One.

Former US AG Eric Holder, the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to ever be Censured...for Perjury, also sat on that committee with Hillary. Both KNEW of the Russian crimes perpetrated associated with the Russian effort to buy Uranium One and neither one said a word - they hid the information from the committee. (The crimes being committed included BRIBERY of Uranium and POLITICAL officials who had influence over them getting that permission to buy Uranium One.)

Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by the KGB BANK for a one-hour speech. Clinton attempted to meet with Uranium Agency officials, and when he failed to get an audience with them HE MET DIRECTLY WITH PUTIN HIMSELF.

(I guess we are to believe this was another 'Chance Meeting' as was the one with US AG Loretta Lynch before the announcement Hillary would not be indicted for her crimes - perhaps slick Willy just happened to be 'in the neighborhood' while giving that speech and suddenly got the urge to talk 'grandkids' with Vlad?! :p )

An FBI Whistleblower has come forward - under the Whistleblower Act protection - with evidence that the FBI - run by then FBI Director Robert Mueller - NEVER investigated Hillary receiving $145 million from the Lead Russian in their Uranium One deal...and evidence showing Mueller and the FBI HID the evidence of the Russian crimes until the deal was done.

- Evidence also shows that despite knowing about the crimes, Barry signed off on the deal anyway after Hillary, Holder, and their committee agreed to vote to allow Russia to buy Uranium One.

*** Liberal Billionaire Admits To Manufacturing 'Evidence' Linking GOP To Russia

D@mn - those are a LOT of coincidences, none of which, according to snowflakes, have anything to do with each other or how the Obama administration handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to Vlad and the Russians ... after Barry told Medvedev to pass on to Putin 2 years earlier that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election.

Sure, claim a lie. But the only lying currently has been by YOU.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

So now you can admit lying or play the Snopes is a Liberal website card and play the stupid card.

Your chance.
Sorry, but Snopes was proven long ago to be a Liberal rag that covers for Democrats.

*** The unreliable ‘facts’ of a fact-checking site

That being said, the link at least admits that Hillary Clinton was on the Committee that had the task of casting a vote to approve or deny the sale of Uranium One to the Russians.

There IS evidence that Hillary Clinton took MILLIONS from not only the Russians but from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One.

There IS evidence that the Russians were committing crimes in association with their effort to acquire Uranium One, crimes that included violence, extortion, and bribery.
*** Democrats have convinced themselves that Hillary's taking $100_ million from the Russian leading up the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One at a time when FBI Director Mueller knew about and hid the evidence of Russian's buying off US Uranium Agency officials and any high ranking US politician who had ANY influence in whether that committee approved / recommended the sale of Uranium One to them was all one big huge 'coincidence'. :p

The link leaves out the fact that there is evidence that Obama knew about the Russian crimes associated with buying Uranium One and yet still signed off on the deal. (Much like the Russian Interference he learned about that same year yet did nothing about, he learned of this Russian illegal activity and did nothing about it either.)

The article admits that once the uranium left the United States, where the US lost control of the uranium, at least part of it was shipped overseas to 'Western Europe'.

Finally, snowflakes aren't much for common sense....

The Russians at this time were attempting to hack our electrical grid, were trying to (and succeeding in, according to snowflakes) hack into Hillary's illegal sever / the DNC, and were successfully running counter-intelligence operations using US Social Media to con / manipulate Americans - primarily easily-manipulated Trump-Hating snowflakes - which resulted in snowflakes organizing and marching for the Russians AND while they were paying WILLING LIBERAL GROUPS (Antifa, The Black Fist, and BLM) to spread racial division and violence. THEY WERE DOING SO FOR 'NAFARIOUS' INTENT....

Now, and I know this is hard for snowflakes to try to do BUT... TRY to think rationally and with a grain of common sense....

WHY would the Russian KGB Bank give Hillary Clinton - who was sitting on the committee whose power was to decide If the Russians would be allowed to buy Uranium One - $100+ Million - during a period in which the Russians were committing crimes - that included violence / extortion / BRIBERY - against any and all US Uranium officials and high-ranking politicians who had anything to do with the Russians being able to acquire Uranium One?

WHY would the Russians bother using violence, extorting, and giving away MILLIONS of dollars in bribery money to Uranium officials and politicians who all had in common the ability in some way to affect their ability to buy Uranium One if - after finally acquiring Uranium One - they could never get their hands on it?

WHY, as evidence shows, would the FBI refuse to investigate Hillary and her receiving $100+ million from THE Russian leading the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium one?

WHY, as evidence shows, would Mueller HIDE these crimes perpetrated by the Russians associated with their attempt to acquire Uranium One?

Hillary, Obama, Mueller, The FBI, and Democrats are asking Americans to ignore all the evidence, and demanding that Americans ignore basic common sense, in order to buy their unbelievable BULLSHIT.

Second false assertion that you make is the money.


The Timing of Most of the Clinton Foundation Donations Does Not Match

Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold offhis entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place, according to The New York Times — Ian Telfer (also a Canadian), the company’s chairman:

His donations through the Fernwood Foundation included $1 million reported in 2009, the year his company appealed to the American Embassy to help it keep its mines in Kazakhstan; $250,000 in 2010, the year the Russians sought majority control; as well as $600,000 in 2011 and $500,000 in 2012. Mr. Telfer said that his donations had nothing to do with his business dealings, and that he had never discussed Uranium One with Mr. or Mrs. Clinton. He said he had given the money because he wanted to support Mr. Giustra’s charitable endeavors with Mr. Clinton. “Frank and I have been friends and business partners for almost 20 years,” he said.

In addition to the Clinton Foundation donations, the New York Times also cited a $500,000 speaking fee paid to former president Bill Clinton by a Russian investment bank in June 2010, before the Uranium One deal was approved:

The $500,000 fee — among Mr. Clinton’s highest — was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin that has invited world leaders, including Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, to speak at its investor conferences.

Renaissance Capital analysts talked up Uranium One’s stock, assigning it a “buy” rating and saying in a July 2010 research report that it was “the best play” in the uranium markets.

The timing of Telfer’s Clinton Foundation donations and Bill Clinton’s Renaissance Capital speaking fee might be questionable if there was reason to believe that Hillary Clinton was instrumental in the approval of the deal with Russia, but all the evidence points to the contrary — that Clinton did not play a pivotal role, and, in fact, may not have played any role at all. Moreover, neither Clinton nor her department possessed sole power of approval over said transaction.

Again, why is it that you cannot represent the facts as it relates to the issue.
Hillary and Obama gave Putin 20% of US uranium,
Nope. Not one single gram of uranium went to Russia.

Why do you tards keep parroting this hoax?

I have zero interest in joining this stupid conversation except to say you have absolutely NO idea whether any uranium made it's way to Russia or not, none. All we know for sure is some uranium left the US and we lost track of it after that.

Oh we also know that you are a valor thief.
Hillary and Obama gave Putin 20% of US uranium,
Nope. Not one single gram of uranium went to Russia.

Why do you tards keep parroting this hoax?

I have zero interest in joining this stupid conversation except to say you have absolutely NO idea whether any uranium made it's way to Russia or not, none. All we know for sure is some uranium left the US and we lost track of it after that.

Oh we also know that you are a valor thief.

The US did not lose track of it.

There Is No Evidence That Uranium Went to Russia

That a change of company ownership occurred doesn’t mean that 10 to 20 percent of America’s uranium literally went to Russia. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ (Rosatom’s mining subsidiary) is licensed to export uranium from the U.S. to other countries.

Some exports did occur, however.

A 2015 letter from NRC official Mark Satorius to a member of Congress revealed that an unspecified amount of yellowcake (semi-processed) uranium was shipped from a Uranium One facility in Wyoming to Canada between 2012 and 2014 for conversion (additional processing to prepare it for enrichment). A portion of that uranium was subsequently shipped to enrichment plants in Europe.

The transfers to Canada were legal despite Uranium One’s not holding an export license because the NRC granted such a license to the company that transported it. The transfers to Europe were legal because they were approved by another agency, the U.S. Dept. of Energy. Satorius stressed that the transfers were subject to NRC oversight and all applicable safety and national security regulations:

Before issuing this license amendment to RSB Logistics Services — or any other export license or license amendment — the NRC must determine that the proposed export is not inimical to the common defense and security of the United States. Under existing NRC regulations, this means that any uranium proposed to be exported to any country for use in nuclear fuel would be subject to the Atomic Energy Act Section 123 agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation between the U.S. and that other country and confirmed in case-specific, government-to government assurances for each export license. The receiving country is required to commit to use the material only for peaceful purposes (not for development of any nuclear explosive device), to maintain adequate physical protection, and not to retransfer the material to a third country or alter it in form or content without the prior consent of the U.S. The transfer of the U.S.-supplied uranium from Canada to Europe noted above also was subject to applicable Section 123 agreements.

Additionally, a small amount of that exported uranium was, in fact, sold to other countries. According to a 2 November 2017 article in The Hill, Uranium One officials acknowledged that approximately 25 percent of the yellowcake exported for conversion was subsequently sold via “book transfer” to customers in Western Europe and Asia (yellowcake being a fungible commodity, that doesn’t necessarily translate to a physical transfer of the product, however).

To date, there is no evidence that any of this uranium made its way to Russia. An NRC spokesman cited by in October 2017 reaffirmed Satorius’s assurances that “the U.S. government has not authorized any country to re-transfer U.S. uranium to Russia.” NRC officials also say they’re unaware of any Uranium One exports from the U.S. to foreign countries since 2014.
Hillary and Obama gave Putin 20% of US uranium,
Nope. Not one single gram of uranium went to Russia.

Why do you tards keep parroting this hoax?

I have zero interest in joining this stupid conversation except to say you have absolutely NO idea whether any uranium made it's way to Russia or not, none. All we know for sure is some uranium left the US and we lost track of it after that.

Oh we also know that you are a valor thief.

The US did not lose track of it.

There Is No Evidence That Uranium Went to Russia

That a change of company ownership occurred doesn’t mean that 10 to 20 percent of America’s uranium literally went to Russia. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ (Rosatom’s mining subsidiary) is licensed to export uranium from the U.S. to other countries.

Some exports did occur, however.

A 2015 letter from NRC official Mark Satorius to a member of Congress revealed that an unspecified amount of yellowcake (semi-processed) uranium was shipped from a Uranium One facility in Wyoming to Canada between 2012 and 2014 for conversion (additional processing to prepare it for enrichment). A portion of that uranium was subsequently shipped to enrichment plants in Europe.

The transfers to Canada were legal despite Uranium One’s not holding an export license because the NRC granted such a license to the company that transported it. The transfers to Europe were legal because they were approved by another agency, the U.S. Dept. of Energy. Satorius stressed that the transfers were subject to NRC oversight and all applicable safety and national security regulations:

Before issuing this license amendment to RSB Logistics Services — or any other export license or license amendment — the NRC must determine that the proposed export is not inimical to the common defense and security of the United States. Under existing NRC regulations, this means that any uranium proposed to be exported to any country for use in nuclear fuel would be subject to the Atomic Energy Act Section 123 agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation between the U.S. and that other country and confirmed in case-specific, government-to government assurances for each export license. The receiving country is required to commit to use the material only for peaceful purposes (not for development of any nuclear explosive device), to maintain adequate physical protection, and not to retransfer the material to a third country or alter it in form or content without the prior consent of the U.S. The transfer of the U.S.-supplied uranium from Canada to Europe noted above also was subject to applicable Section 123 agreements.

Additionally, a small amount of that exported uranium was, in fact, sold to other countries. According to a 2 November 2017 article in The Hill, Uranium One officials acknowledged that approximately 25 percent of the yellowcake exported for conversion was subsequently sold via “book transfer” to customers in Western Europe and Asia (yellowcake being a fungible commodity, that doesn’t necessarily translate to a physical transfer of the product, however).

To date, there is no evidence that any of this uranium made its way to Russia. An NRC spokesman cited by in October 2017 reaffirmed Satorius’s assurances that “the U.S. government has not authorized any country to re-transfer U.S. uranium to Russia.” NRC officials also say they’re unaware of any Uranium One exports from the U.S. to foreign countries since 2014.

You people are stupid. The fact is we don't know WHAT happened to that uranium once it left the US. Saying "we can't prove it went to Russia" in no way negates the statement.
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?

Respectful to Women ? You do know Hillary Clinton was Obama's secretary of State, you people couldn't have forgotten who her husband is.
" “all accusers have a right to be believed,” "
Hillary Clinton
"Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them"
Also Hillary Clinton.
Wow, the way you talk about Hillary, you make it seem that Bill had unprotected sex with a porn star.
No he just used his political position and power to get sex. Hillary and the press covered for him.
How man CEO's use their position for sexual favors?
Just ignore Clinton right ?
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?


Of course foreigners loved the Hussein. He let every other country screw America in trade deals and wacko environmental pacts. He let them flood their goods into our market, while letting them slap huge tariffs on our goods. The world has been laughing at us for decades because of this. The Hussein conformed to the globalist Agenda so he was rewarded with glowing media praise all over.

Then President Trump comes along, puts America first, changes trade deals, threatens reciprocal tariffs if tariffs against us aren’t dropped, and gets us out of unfair and stupid environmental pacts that are just a scam to penalize the US. The globalist corporations stand to lose a lot of money, so of course they use their propaganda industry to attack our President.

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