List Press Apologies to President Trump since April 10, 2019 for Carrying Lies

Where is the decency of the Press in regard to carrying lies drummed up by the Obama Administration?

  • The Press can and should apologize if they haven't already because they did not investigate.

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • I will wait to see if the Press is sorry for hurting Trump, Staff and family.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The press does not owe an apology to the President.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • None of the above. My response is below.

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

It's painfully obvious you haven't read shit.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.
That isn't what it says, you lying douchebag.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

Mueller said he found NO COLLUSION against President Trump and his staff.

You ought to be ashamed of your nasty, self-serving, hateful self.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

Too bad you just lied again. NO collusion, NO obstruction, NO evidence, NO indictment. You lose and don't even get a lousy copy of our home game. You and every other lefty here needs to apologize for 2+ years of lies. But that would require you to do the right thing for once.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

Too bad you just lied again. NO collusion, NO obstruction, NO evidence, NO indictment. You lose and don't even get a lousy copy of our home game. You and every other lefty here needs to apologize for 2+ years of lies. But that would require you to do the right thing for once.

She just makes shit up as she goes, it's sad really.
Quit being such a snowflake.
Let me run that through my spin machine to get rid of the gunk in your leftist/socialist slightly lunatic head:

OMG They caught onto us! How do we ever marginalize these perceptive people? I know! We'll act like they're unimportant lightweights! Snowflake! Yeah! That's a good 'un! That way we can throw the onus off our corrupt leaders, since we know that Obama and Hillary colluded by having a staff member contact the Russians to find poop on President Trump! Nobody will ever guess our lies broke numerous laws and is a felony! Yeah, haha, snowflake.
Quit being such a snowflake.
Let me run that through my spin machine to get rid of the gunk in your leftist/socialist slightly lunatic head:

OMG They caught onto us! How do we ever marginalize these perceptive people? I know! We'll act like they're unimportant lightweights! Snowflake! Yeah! That's a good 'un! That way we can throw the onus off our corrupt leaders, since we know that Obama and Hillary colluded by having a staff member contact the Russians to find poop on President Trump! Nobody will ever guess our lies broke numerous laws and is a felony! Yeah, haha, snowflake.

Gator is another Prog pretending to be a Conservative.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

Too bad you just lied again. NO collusion, NO obstruction, NO evidence, NO indictment. You lose and don't even get a lousy copy of our home game. You and every other lefty here needs to apologize for 2+ years of lies. But that would require you to do the right thing for once.
No I didn't. I told the truth. President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

Hillary, on the other hand, sicked her staff on a Russian agent to get poop on Trump. When she was told she committed a felony by her lawyer pals, she got some Clorox, put on her old rags and scrubbed her computer, took a hacksaw and an axe to it and swung like Lizzie Borden. hahahaha

You idiots can't fool all of the people all of the time, but nice bunt. Unfortunately, your team already has three strikes and you're out. You can yell anything you like, shriek to your heart's content, but you can't make innocent people guilty so you can convert a free nation to your socialism né communism. Too tough bananas.

I don't believe you lied. I agree with you. My response was to dragonlady and her claims.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

Too bad you just lied again. NO collusion, NO obstruction, NO evidence, NO indictment. You lose and don't even get a lousy copy of our home game. You and every other lefty here needs to apologize for 2+ years of lies. But that would require you to do the right thing for once.
No I didn't. I told the truth. President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

Hillary, on the other hand, sicked her staff on a Russian agent to get poop on Trump. When she was told she committed a felony by her lawyer pals, she got some Clorox, put on her old rags and scrubbed her computer, took a hacksaw and an axe to it and swung like Lizzie Borden. hahahaha

You idiots can't fool all of the people all of the time, but nice bunt. Unfortunately, your team already has three strikes and you're out. You can yell anything you like, shriek to your heart's content, but you can't make innocent people guilty so you can convert a free nation to your socialism né communism. Too tough bananas.

I don't believe you lied. I agree with you. My response was to dragonlady and her claims.
Oh, sorry, lantern2814. I deleted my offending post. I misread. I should be thanking you, so thanks.
Quit being such a snowflake.
Let me run that through my spin machine to get rid of the gunk in your leftist/socialist slightly lunatic head:

OMG They caught onto us! How do we ever marginalize these perceptive people? I know! We'll act like they're unimportant lightweights! Snowflake! Yeah! That's a good 'un! That way we can throw the onus off our corrupt leaders, since we know that Obama and Hillary colluded by having a staff member contact the Russians to find poop on President Trump! Nobody will ever guess our lies broke numerous laws and is a felony! Yeah, haha, snowflake.

I have said from day one that Trump did nothing illegal. Do try and keep up.

oh, and quit being such snowflake, it is embarrassing to watch
The press has no reason to apologize. The press has been biased since press has existed. People act as if this started with 24 hour news.
Quit being such a snowflake.
Let me run that through my spin machine to get rid of the gunk in your leftist/socialist slightly lunatic head:

OMG They caught onto us! How do we ever marginalize these perceptive people? I know! We'll act like they're unimportant lightweights! Snowflake! Yeah! That's a good 'un! That way we can throw the onus off our corrupt leaders, since we know that Obama and Hillary colluded by having a staff member contact the Russians to find poop on President Trump! Nobody will ever guess our lies broke numerous laws and is a felony! Yeah, haha, snowflake.

Gator is another Prog pretending to be a Conservative.

Fuck that, no way I want to be called an this country a Conservative is someone that stand for bigger government and more know, people like you.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

Mueller said he found NO COLLUSION against President Trump and his staff.

You ought to be ashamed of your nasty, self-serving, hateful self.
I'm still believing he did have a golden shower at some time in his life...
When ever did the press that writes for the right ever apologize to Oblama? Including the morpheus blob of a man on loan from God.
The press should but they won't. Their objection is to sow seeds of discord and division.
You're right. I did find one apology. It was written on March 25, 2019:

By Sharyl Attkisson, opinion contributor — 03/25/19 09:30 AM EDT 12,011
The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

Apologies to President Trump

With the conclusions of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe now known to a significant degree, it seems apologies are in order.

However, judging by the recent past, apologies are not likely forthcoming from the responsible parties.

In this context, it matters not whether one is a supporter or a critic of President Trump.

Whatever his supposed flaws, the rampant accusations and speculation that shrouded Trump’s presidency, even before it began, ultimately have proven unfounded. Just as Trump said all along.

Yet, each time President Trump said so, some of us in the media lampooned him. We treated any words he spoke in his own defense as if they were automatically to be disbelieved because he had uttered them. Some even declared his words to be “lies,” although they had no evidence to back up their claims.

We in the media allowed unproven charges and false accusations to dominate the news landscape for more than two years, in a way that was wildly unbalanced and disproportionate to the evidence.

We did a poor job of tracking down leaks of false information. We failed to reasonably weigh the motives of anonymous sources and those claiming to have secret, special evidence of Trump’s “treason.”

As such, we reported a tremendous amount of false information, always to Trump’s detriment.

And when we corrected our mistakes, we often doubled down more than we apologized. We may have been technically wrong on that tiny point, we would acknowledge. But, in the same breath, we would insist that Trump was so obviously guilty of being Russian President Vladimir Putin’s puppet that the technical details hardly mattered.

So, a round of apologies seem in order.

Apologies to President Trump on behalf of those in the U.S. intelligence community, including the Department of Justice and the FBI, which allowed the weaponization of sensitive, intrusive intelligence tools against innocent citizens such as Carter Page, an adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign.

Apologies also to Page himself, to Jerome Corsi, Donald Trump, Jr., and other citizens whose rights were violated or who were unfairly caught up in surveillance or the heated pursuit of charges based on little more than false, unproven opposition research paid for by Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Apologies for the stress on their jobs and to their families, the damage to their reputations, the money they had to spend to hire legal representation and defend themselves from charges for crimes they did not commit.

Apologies on behalf of those in the intelligence community who leaked true information out of context to make Trump look guilty, and who sometimes leaked false information to try to implicate or frame him.

Apologies from those in the chain of command at the FBI and the Department of Justice who were supposed to make sure all information presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) is verified but did not do so.

Apologies from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court judges who are supposed to serve as one of the few checks and balances to prevent the FBI from wiretapping innocent Americans. Whether because of blind trust in the FBI, or out of ignorance or even malfeasance, they failed at this important job.

Apologies to the American people who did not receive the full attention of their government while political points were being scored; who were not told about some important world events because they were crowded out of the news by the persistent insistence that Trump was working for Russia.

And now, with those apologies handled — are more than apologies due?

Should we try to learn more about those supposed Russian sources who provided false “intel” contained in the “dossier” against Trump, Page and others? Should we learn how these sources came to the attention of ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who built the dossier and claimed that some of the sources were close to Putin?

When and where did Steele meet with these high-level Russian sources who provided the apparently false information?

Are these the people who actually took proven, concrete steps to interfere in the 2016 election and sabotage Trump’s presidency, beginning in its earliest days?

Just who conspired to put the “dossier” into the hands of the FBI? Who, within our intel community, dropped the ball on verifying the information and, instead, leaked it to the press and presented it to the FISA Court as if legitimate?

“Sorry” hardly seems to be enough.

Will anyone be held accountable? Read more at News Organization Apologizes To POTUS Trump For Fake Trump-Russia Coverage -


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