Lindsey Graham says '91% chance he'll run for prez'

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Just saw that on the crawl on TV news.

What fun. The first president who could be his own First Lady.

For a guy named Lindsey, what's the standard going to be when the "would you wanna have a beer with him" comes up? "Would you wanna have phone sex with him?" :)
That is the last thing we need...another welfare/warfare big government statist.
Oh fer Chrissake, get off the gay thing already. Youse guys are as bad as some right wing nutjobs. Lindsey Graham's gayness is irrelevant to the job.
You notice they can't criticize one of their own without throwing UP THE RIGHT WING?

You want to see the party that is the homophobes look at the left/democrat party
Oh fer Chrissake, get off the gay thing already. Youse guys are as bad as some right wing nutjobs. Lindsey Graham's gayness is irrelevant to the job.

Actually, I doubt he's gay and I agree that being gay is not germane. But, Graham's demeanor is relevant to the job. He's already the laughing stock of Congress because he appears to be ineffectual and impotent.

Not to mention that he talks out of both sides of his mouth at once. He's like Rand Paul and some others who pretend to agree with libertarian policies but really does not.
He's probably hoping to Jeb will ask him to be veep in exchange for pulling out and backing him.

No puns intended.

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