Lindsey Graham (R) misses George Bush

Of course Lindsey Graham miss George W Bush!!

Without the libs protesting outside the Whitehouse and Republicans having to defend him against all types of charges, no one really focused on the fact of how much of an ASSHOLE Lindsey actually was.

Now that Lindsey has no cover................

George W. Bush, current occupant of the nation's #1 political job, the presidency. This may be quite a shock to some readers, but most folks in the Washington, D.C. beltway already know what I'm going to reveal here. Yes, they know that George W. is a bisexual and a procurer of male prostitutes.
Kuo presents evidence that the Bush people view Christian evangelical leaders and their flocks as ridiculous, silly, nuts, even insane. To the Bush people, Christianity is a farce and Christians are easily duped idiots.

If this picture is for real and not photo shopped our last president may have not been a Bush Boy...
He was a fake reporter given access to the WH daily briefing room by the WH. He was also outed as being a gay escort. No, you cannot make this stuff up.

George W. Bush, current occupant of the nation's #1 political job, the presidency. This may be quite a shock to some readers, but most folks in the Washington, D.C. beltway already know what I'm going to reveal here. Yes, they know that George W. is a bisexual and a procurer of male prostitutes.
Kuo presents evidence that the Bush people view Christian evangelical leaders and their flocks as ridiculous, silly, nuts, even insane. To the Bush people, Christianity is a farce and Christians are easily duped idiots.

If this picture is for real and not photo shopped our last president may have not been a Bush Boy...
If? Oh, it's real all right. The saga of Jeff Gannon is quite interesting. All the many nights he spent overnight in the White House. It's in their entry logs.

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