Lindsey Graham is an American hero...the new Maverick of the Senate after loss of his buddy McCain!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
He’s willing to work on more things than the others. Lindsey, to his credit, has a small-government vision that’s out of fashion with his party, which stands for no government. He’s one of the last big voices to give that vision intellectual energy

And when it came to shaping the debate, Graham said: “I think I do that better than John. You know, he’s always been a romantic. He’s got to be fighting the bad guys. I’ve never been a Luke Skywalker. I’m a much more calculating guy than that. I understand that you just don’t charge into these things based on some moral belief that you’re right and the other guy’s wrong. I believe that you lay the groundwork before you get involved in these fights.”

then there's this...

“I know it’s really gonna upset a lot of gay men — I’m sure hundreds of ’em are gonna be jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge — but I ain’t available. I ain’t gay. Sorry.” - Graham once quipped

i'm gonna go jump off a bridge!
He’s willing to work on more things than the others. Lindsey, to his credit, has a small-government vision that’s out of fashion with his party, which stands for no government. He’s one of the last big voices to give that vision intellectual energy

And when it came to shaping the debate, Graham said: “I think I do that better than John. You know, he’s always been a romantic. He’s got to be fighting the bad guys. I’ve never been a Luke Skywalker. I’m a much more calculating guy than that. I understand that you just don’t charge into these things based on some moral belief that you’re right and the other guy’s wrong. I believe that you lay the groundwork before you get involved in these fights.”

then there's this...

“I know it’s really gonna upset a lot of gay men — I’m sure hundreds of ’em are gonna be jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge — but I ain’t available. I ain’t gay. Sorry.” - Graham once quipped

i'm gonna go jump off a bridge!
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"By the 2008 campaign, the two were inseparable. Graham found a role as the court jester who kept things light even when there seemed little to laugh about. He remained by the candidate’s side on election night. The following day, Graham stayed with the McCains at their ranch outside Sedona, Ariz."

thats kinda gay
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He’s willing to work on more things than the others. Lindsey, to his credit, has a small-government vision that’s out of fashion with his party, which stands for no government. He’s one of the last big voices to give that vision intellectual energy

And when it came to shaping the debate, Graham said: “I think I do that better than John. You know, he’s always been a romantic. He’s got to be fighting the bad guys. I’ve never been a Luke Skywalker. I’m a much more calculating guy than that. I understand that you just don’t charge into these things based on some moral belief that you’re right and the other guy’s wrong. I believe that you lay the groundwork before you get involved in these fights.”

then there's this...

“I know it’s really gonna upset a lot of gay men — I’m sure hundreds of ’em are gonna be jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge — but I ain’t available. I ain’t gay. Sorry.” - Graham once quipped

i'm gonna go jump off a bridge!
if Trump doesnt divorce Melania and marry me by midnight, sure
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i like this part:

"Graham professes a wariness of Obama that goes back to the comprehensive immigration-reform bill in 2007. Late in the game, Obama, who was still in the Senate, offered a seemingly innocuous amendment that would shorten the expiration period of merit-based visa evaluations. To Graham, it appeared that presidential candidate Obama was doing the bidding of the trade unions and that the move would collapse the bill’s fragile coalition. Graham exploded on the Senate floor, saying: “This is why we can’t work together. Because some people, when it comes to the tough decisions, back away.” The amendment failed, but Graham nonetheless came away convinced, as he would tell me, that Obama “folded like a cheap suit.”
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He’s willing to work on more things than the others. Lindsey, to his credit, has a small-government vision that’s out of fashion with his party, which stands for no government. He’s one of the last big voices to give that vision intellectual energy

And when it came to shaping the debate, Graham said: “I think I do that better than John. You know, he’s always been a romantic. He’s got to be fighting the bad guys. I’ve never been a Luke Skywalker. I’m a much more calculating guy than that. I understand that you just don’t charge into these things based on some moral belief that you’re right and the other guy’s wrong. I believe that you lay the groundwork before you get involved in these fights.”

then there's this...

“I know it’s really gonna upset a lot of gay men — I’m sure hundreds of ’em are gonna be jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge — but I ain’t available. I ain’t gay. Sorry.” - Graham once quipped

i'm gonna go jump off a bridge!
i'm just a loud gay Trump fanboy

you're gonna have to deal with me the rest of your miserable life!
He’s willing to work on more things than the others. Lindsey, to his credit, has a small-government vision that’s out of fashion with his party, which stands for no government. He’s one of the last big voices to give that vision intellectual energy

And when it came to shaping the debate, Graham said: “I think I do that better than John. You know, he’s always been a romantic. He’s got to be fighting the bad guys. I’ve never been a Luke Skywalker. I’m a much more calculating guy than that. I understand that you just don’t charge into these things based on some moral belief that you’re right and the other guy’s wrong. I believe that you lay the groundwork before you get involved in these fights.”

then there's this...

“I know it’s really gonna upset a lot of gay men — I’m sure hundreds of ’em are gonna be jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge — but I ain’t available. I ain’t gay. Sorry.” - Graham once quipped

i'm gonna go jump off a bridge!
I just coughed up my lunch

than you

too funny

Whatever Trump has on Lindsey, it must be good
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He’s willing to work on more things than the others. Lindsey, to his credit, has a small-government vision that’s out of fashion with his party, which stands for no government. He’s one of the last big voices to give that vision intellectual energy

And when it came to shaping the debate, Graham said: “I think I do that better than John. You know, he’s always been a romantic. He’s got to be fighting the bad guys. I’ve never been a Luke Skywalker. I’m a much more calculating guy than that. I understand that you just don’t charge into these things based on some moral belief that you’re right and the other guy’s wrong. I believe that you lay the groundwork before you get involved in these fights.”

then there's this...

“I know it’s really gonna upset a lot of gay men — I’m sure hundreds of ’em are gonna be jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge — but I ain’t available. I ain’t gay. Sorry.” - Graham once quipped

i'm gonna go jump off a bridge!
I just coughed up my lunch

than you

too funny

Whatever Trump has on Lindsey, it must be good
these are actual quotes, bro. Graham also said people think he's sleeping with Ricky Martin
He’s willing to work on more things than the others. Lindsey, to his credit, has a small-government vision that’s out of fashion with his party, which stands for no government. He’s one of the last big voices to give that vision intellectual energy

And when it came to shaping the debate, Graham said: “I think I do that better than John. You know, he’s always been a romantic. He’s got to be fighting the bad guys. I’ve never been a Luke Skywalker. I’m a much more calculating guy than that. I understand that you just don’t charge into these things based on some moral belief that you’re right and the other guy’s wrong. I believe that you lay the groundwork before you get involved in these fights.”

then there's this...

“I know it’s really gonna upset a lot of gay men — I’m sure hundreds of ’em are gonna be jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge — but I ain’t available. I ain’t gay. Sorry.” - Graham once quipped

i'm gonna go jump off a bridge!
I just coughed up my lunch

than you

too funny

Whatever Trump has on Lindsey, it must be good
I agree. Miss Lindsey did an about face the day she played golf with tramp.

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