Lindsay Graham threatens to destroy US solvency

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Lindsay Graham: I Will Destroy America's Solvency Unless The Social Security Retirement Age Is Raised | ThinkProgress

I’m not going to raise the debt ceiling unless we get serious about keeping the country from becoming Greece, saving Social Security and Medicare [sic]. So here’s what i would like: meaningful entitlement reform — not to turn Social Security into private accounts, not to take a voucher approach to Medicare — but, adjust the age for Social Security, CPI changes and means testing and look beyond the ten-year window. I cannot in good conscience raise the debt ceiling without addressing the long term debt problems of this country and I will not.

Here we go again.

They would just love to force another blow to our credit.
Raising retirement age = Kicking the can down the road and grossly unfair to people who have paid in
Lindsay Graham: I Will Destroy America's Solvency Unless The Social Security Retirement Age Is Raised | ThinkProgress

I’m not going to raise the debt ceiling unless we get serious about keeping the country from becoming Greece, saving Social Security and Medicare [sic]. So here’s what i would like: meaningful entitlement reform — not to turn Social Security into private accounts, not to take a voucher approach to Medicare — but, adjust the age for Social Security, CPI changes and means testing and look beyond the ten-year window. I cannot in good conscience raise the debt ceiling without addressing the long term debt problems of this country and I will not.

Here we go again.

They would just love to force another blow to our credit.

His proposal is perfectly reasonable.

Why are you people so insistent on stealing from our children and bankrupting our nation?
If Reid and Obama would just do budgets, we wouldn't have such a crisis each year.

But they of course don't want to give up Obama's totalitarian power.

So, fuck them very much. They can come begging to the Tea Party for money to spend.
Right, there's no reason to look past tomorrow and what your dear leader wants, is there? Short sighted ignorant liberals are the one who now refuse to look at the near 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities looming that will crush our economy. But what the hell, future generations can deal with it, RIGHT?
Lindsay Graham: I Will Destroy America's Solvency Unless The Social Security Retirement Age Is Raised | ThinkProgress

I’m not going to raise the debt ceiling unless we get serious about keeping the country from becoming Greece, saving Social Security and Medicare [sic]. So here’s what i would like: meaningful entitlement reform — not to turn Social Security into private accounts, not to take a voucher approach to Medicare — but, adjust the age for Social Security, CPI changes and means testing and look beyond the ten-year window. I cannot in good conscience raise the debt ceiling without addressing the long term debt problems of this country and I will not.

Here we go again.

They would just love to force another blow to our credit.

lindsay is afraid of getting a primary
Lindsay Graham: I Will Destroy America's Solvency Unless The Social Security Retirement Age Is Raised | ThinkProgress

I’m not going to raise the debt ceiling unless we get serious about keeping the country from becoming Greece, saving Social Security and Medicare [sic]. So here’s what i would like: meaningful entitlement reform — not to turn Social Security into private accounts, not to take a voucher approach to Medicare — but, adjust the age for Social Security, CPI changes and means testing and look beyond the ten-year window. I cannot in good conscience raise the debt ceiling without addressing the long term debt problems of this country and I will not.

Here we go again.

They would just love to force another blow to our credit.

Well, 2 credit downgrades on Odumma's watch.... Brilliant!
Raising retirement age = Kicking the can down the road and grossly unfair to people who have paid in

How is raising retirement age "grossly unfair to people who have paid in?"

We made a deal, you can't change the terms in the middle of the deal

Dont Taz Me Bro is right. Most young people, when asked if they ever expect to see any SS $, openly guffaw. Raising the retirement age by a couple/few years would make the program solvent longer & make it more in line w/ the better health/longer life-spans than when the program was created. Now, if we could just keep the politicians from looting it for other things .
Raising retirement age = Kicking the can down the road and grossly unfair to people who have paid in

How is raising retirement age "grossly unfair to people who have paid in?"

We made a deal, you can't change the terms in the middle of the deal

Oh really? Because I'm pretty sure it's already been a done a few times.

When Social Security was first enacted the retirement age was 60 and that's because the average life span was only 60. Today the average life span is almost 80 and yet the retirement age has only been raised up to 65 in the last 80 years.

You must be a Baby Boomer because only your generation is this selfish.
I agree w/ most of what Lindsay says BUT now is not the time. 'lest we forget, Boehner & Cantor walked away from a $4 TRILLION deal before this.

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