Lincoln freed the slaves, Obama freed the gays

Chrissy's dream:

He is busy blowing the man and tossing his salad for good measure.

Chrissy makes a slurping sound.

Chrissy wipes his lips and chin with the back of his wrist, and smiles, satisfied.

Upon waking, Chrissy cries to discover he has not been in the Oval Office after all.
He insted awakes to the horror of torn pillows and pillow stuffing in his mouth and strewn about the bedroom...
... and a man with a crooked finger telling him as he walks out of the room, “You better put some ice on that.”

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

What the Hell does that have to do with changing the definition of marriage?

What a colossal waste of time. Civil unions will do the same exact thing.

..."A nation of LAWS...not of MEN..."

Obama and Romney share the same political position that it's a "State to State" issue!
There's only been a few things I've ever agreed with Obama about.

I'm glad this is one

Marriage laws are indeed Statutes, but equality under the law, as provided under the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution, is not merely a "State-to-State" issue!

Now you say the 10th....

Yesterday I was being told it was the 14th.....

14th doesn't apply. We are talking behaviour of citizens that beongs in the bedroom...NOT thier ability to be citizensand excercise thier rights...they already are...and there already IS law that addresses civil agreements between consenting parties.
There's only been a few things I've ever agreed with Obama about.

I'm glad this is one

Marriage laws are indeed Statutes, but equality under the law, as provided under the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution, is not merely a "State-to-State" issue!

Now you say the 10th....

Yesterday I was being told it was the 14th.....

:lol: My bad, yes, it's the 14th...

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
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Chrissy's dream:

He is busy blowing the man and tossing his salad for good measure.

Chrissy makes a slurping sound.

Chrissy wipes his lips and chin with the back of his wrist, and smiles, satisfied.

Upon waking, Chrissy cries to discover he has not been in the Oval Office after all.

Ew ew EW!!

Just make your point don't take us there!!!

No. You MUST be punished!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

What the Hell does that have to do with changing the definition of marriage?

What a colossal waste of time. Civil unions will do the same exact thing.
This is what happens when you have the government administering a religious sacrament. It ends up being a Faustian bargain.
man oh dumb was the title of this thread

obamabots are a weird creatures and I get this vision of them wanting to do weird things with the man...ick
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All citizens have the same right.

All men can marry one woman.

So what was your problem ?

Or are you willing to give me the right to marry three women at once ?

Let's hear it Chris.

The polygamy argument is really a red herring. What fucking state allows polygamy? What laws are on the books concerning the rights of deciding who your next of kin is, in polygamous relationships? We're talking about a right granted by every state, to enter a legal contract, which is what marriage is. To deny that right to a specific class, without cause, is to deny equal protection.

What has "what state allows polygamy" got to do with it.

Your second sentence makes no sense.

If you deny consenting adults the rights to enter a marriage contract they find acceptable (and which has no issues with the laws of genetics), then how you can make your last claim.

If gays can marry, then I should be allowed to marry two women who want to marry me.

If I can't marry two women who want to marry me, then you've denied me a "right" and you (or the state) can deny gays the same right (to marry who they please).

State support for polygamy has everything to do with it. Are you really this dumb? Do you support an idiotic right that makes women proprieties?
Marriage laws are indeed Statutes, but equality under the law, as provided under the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution, is not merely a "State-to-State" issue!

Now you say the 10th....

Yesterday I was being told it was the 14th.....

14th doesn't apply. We are talking behavior of citizens that belongs in the bedroom...NOT thier ability to be citizens and exercise their rights...they already are...and there already IS law that addresses civil agreements between consenting parties.

You seem to be thinking of this sort of backwards.

Gay citizens are Citizens period. Someone's son or daughter, brother or sister, friend or neighbor...Law abiding, tax paying, FREE citizens.

The legal mechanism which allows special access to certain rights & privileges by virtue of Marriage Statutes needs to be equal under the law for all consenting adult coupled Citizens...
The polygamy argument is really a red herring. What fucking state allows polygamy? What laws are on the books concerning the rights of deciding who your next of kin is, in polygamous relationships? We're talking about a right granted by every state, to enter a legal contract, which is what marriage is. To deny that right to a specific class, without cause, is to deny equal protection.

What has "what state allows polygamy" got to do with it.

Your second sentence makes no sense.

If you deny consenting adults the rights to enter a marriage contract they find acceptable (and which has no issues with the laws of genetics), then how you can make your last claim.

If gays can marry, then I should be allowed to marry two women who want to marry me.

If I can't marry two women who want to marry me, then you've denied me a "right" and you (or the state) can deny gays the same right (to marry who they please).

State support for polygamy has everything to do with it. Are you really this dumb? Do you support an idiotic right that makes women proprieties?

And now we get to where you now make stuff up.

You can answer the question or let your red herring hang out there to stink up the place.


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All citizens should have the same rights.

The last legal bigotry in America needs to be defeated.

Thank you, President Obama.

All citizens do have the same rights.

Most blacks are insulted by comparisons between the civil rights movement and the attempt of gays to get special privileges.

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