Limbaugh is a disgrace

I doubt Limbaugh cares what you say about him either...:lol:

But stay "classy"....

Oh jeeze, ouch. Limpball doesn't care what I say about him.. I may cry.

He's fair game after all of his ignorant commentary.

Yes, his lack of class gives you complete carte blanche to be classless as well...

Awsome.... So you want Limbaugh to be more classy than you?


You remind me of this woman....


Just because you weigh 500 lbs doesn't mean anyone else here does. :eusa_whistle:

Maybe that's why you love your hero Limbo. Fat guys can be successful (and crass) too.
This thread is funny.

Ole Rush sure knows how to get some peoples panties all in a bunch.:lol:
This thread is funny.

Ole Rush sure knows how to get some peoples panties all in a bunch.:lol:

Rush laughs at you each time he goes to the bank, as millions of you ultra conservatives buy his garish ties and listen to his moanings as he proclaims his daily dread on anyone, including Republicans, who disagree with him. He feels he is the keeper of the Republican badge of honor...or in his case dishonor.
This thread is funny.

Ole Rush sure knows how to get some peoples panties all in a bunch.:lol:

Rush laughs at you each time he goes to the bank, as millions of you ultra conservatives buy his garish ties and listen to his moanings as he proclaims his daily dread on anyone, including Republicans, who disagree with him. He feels he is the keeper of the Republican badge of honor...or in his case dishonor.

yeah yeah yeah...okey dokey...whateva:lol:
and he's good at getting people like you to SPEW.
This thread is funny.

Ole Rush sure knows how to get some peoples panties all in a bunch.:lol:

Rush laughs at you each time he goes to the bank, as millions of you ultra conservatives buy his garish ties and listen to his moanings as he proclaims his daily dread on anyone, including Republicans, who disagree with him. He feels he is the keeper of the Republican badge of honor...or in his case dishonor.

The funny thing is, they think that a lib responding whenever the subject comes up means they're all Rush, all the time. The man never crosses my mind independent of these threads, so "panties in a bunch?" not even in the Top 40 list.
This thread is funny.

Ole Rush sure knows how to get some peoples panties all in a bunch.:lol:

Rush laughs at you each time he goes to the bank, as millions of you ultra conservatives buy his garish ties and listen to his moanings as he proclaims his daily dread on anyone, including Republicans, who disagree with him. He feels he is the keeper of the Republican badge of honor...or in his case dishonor.

You idiots are a fucking riot...:lol:

You can pretend libs don't tune in regularly, but without you bedwetters crying 24x7 the man would be wallowing in obscurity...

You make him millions by regurgitating his words all over the liberal jingosphere...

The man is smart, knowing that saying things that butthurt the libs he can turn that into cold, hard cash....

Rush loves the libs... True Story...:thup:
This thread is funny.

Ole Rush sure knows how to get some peoples panties all in a bunch.:lol:

Rush laughs at you each time he goes to the bank, as millions of you ultra conservatives buy his garish ties and listen to his moanings as he proclaims his daily dread on anyone, including Republicans, who disagree with him. He feels he is the keeper of the Republican badge of honor...or in his case dishonor.

You idiots are a fucking riot...:lol:

You can pretend libs don't tune in regularly, but without you bedwetters crying 24x7 the man would be wallowing in obscurity...

You make him millions by regurgitating his words all over the liberal jingosphere...

The man is smart, knowing that saying things that butthurt the libs he can turn that into cold, hard cash....

Rush loves the libs... True Story...:thup:
Actually, it's you DittoTards who say Libs don't listen to your MessiahRushie. Every time Libs criticize him, the first thing CON$ say is they didn't listen to him and that they got fed it "out of context" from MediaMatters or some other Lib website.

As I have shown so many times, CON$ are always on all sides of every issue depending on which way the wind is blowing at the time.
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Rush laughs at you each time he goes to the bank, as millions of you ultra conservatives buy his garish ties and listen to his moanings as he proclaims his daily dread on anyone, including Republicans, who disagree with him. He feels he is the keeper of the Republican badge of honor...or in his case dishonor.

You idiots are a fucking riot...:lol:

You can pretend libs don't tune in regularly, but without you bedwetters crying 24x7 the man would be wallowing in obscurity...

You make him millions by regurgitating his words all over the liberal jingosphere...

The man is smart, knowing that saying things that butthurt the libs he can turn that into cold, hard cash....

Rush loves the libs... True Story...:thup:
Actually, it's you DittoTards who say Libs don't listen to your MessiahRushie. Every time Libs criticize him, the first thing CON$ say is they didn't listen to him and that they got fed it "out of context" from MediaMatters or some other Lib website.

As I have shown so many times, CON$ are always on all sides of every issue depending on which way the wind is blowing at the time.

who really GIVES A SHIT but you libs what RUSH has to say..I believe MOST of us feel there are MORE IMPORTANT things to worry about than something so petty as what Rush says.
my gawd.:lol:
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Stephanie, I swear at times you sound as silly but not imbecilic as Dr. House here.
Actually, it's you DittoTards who say Libs don't listen to your MessiahRushie. Every time Libs criticize him, the first thing CON$ say is they didn't listen to him and that they got fed it "out of context" from MediaMatters or some other Lib website.

I don't say that. I listen to Rush every day. I think the way he tears libs a new asshole is utterly hilarious.

As I have shown so many times, CON$ are always on all sides of every issue depending on which way the wind is blowing at the time.

You idiots are a fucking riot...:lol:

You can pretend libs don't tune in regularly, but without you bedwetters crying 24x7 the man would be wallowing in obscurity...

You make him millions by regurgitating his words all over the liberal jingosphere...

The man is smart, knowing that saying things that butthurt the libs he can turn that into cold, hard cash....

Rush loves the libs... True Story...:thup:
Actually, it's you DittoTards who say Libs don't listen to your MessiahRushie. Every time Libs criticize him, the first thing CON$ say is they didn't listen to him and that they got fed it "out of context" from MediaMatters or some other Lib website.

As I have shown so many times, CON$ are always on all sides of every issue depending on which way the wind is blowing at the time.

who really GIVES A SHIT but you libs what RUSH has to say..I believe MOST of us feel there are MORE IMPORTANT things to worry about than something so petty as what Rush says.
my gawd.:lol:
Your MessiahRushie is the voice of the GOP, so what he says become the clichés that the mindless drones of the GOP echo chamber parrot over and over again.

The main reason he is quoted is twofold. CON$ habitually deny they ever said what they said and he has transcripts of his GOP scripts on line, and CON$ say that every time a CON$ervative puts their foot in their mouth the CON$ervative is suddenly no longer CON$ervative but either a RINO or Lib. But even CON$ feel stupid calling Limpboy a RINO or Lib, so quoting your MessiahRushie takes away the two most common CON$ervative denials.

Obviously this is very effective as the drones always have a shit fit when they have to eat their MessiahRushie's words, like his claim that women without men are stupid.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship? Remember that? It was not the word, but what was the word? I use the word stupid because it worked. Less informed, ignorant, whatever.
Actually, it's you DittoTards who say Libs don't listen to your MessiahRushie. Every time Libs criticize him, the first thing CON$ say is they didn't listen to him and that they got fed it "out of context" from MediaMatters or some other Lib website.

I don't say that. I listen to Rush every day. I think the way he tears libs a new asshole is utterly hilarious.

As I have shown so many times, CON$ are always on all sides of every issue depending on which way the wind is blowing at the time.


I've been a regular listener of Rush since before Daddy Bush invaded Iraq the first time. No One better out there. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually, it's you DittoTards who say Libs don't listen to your MessiahRushie. Every time Libs criticize him, the first thing CON$ say is they didn't listen to him and that they got fed it "out of context" from MediaMatters or some other Lib website.
I don't say that. I listen to Rush every day. I think the way he tears libs a new asshole is utterly hilarious.
As I have shown so many times, CON$ are always on all sides of every issue depending on which way the wind is blowing at the time.

The value of Rush is two fold. First, about as much of his criticism of the Left is as valid as Schultz's criticism of the Right. Second, RL's hypocrisy is monumental: apply the criteria to him that he applies to his enemies, particularly the twisting of words and dissimulation of material, and you can see why he is the most popular of the talk hosts today. A certain type of true believe listener loves the viciousness dished by Rush, because it relieves his own inadequacies to some extent.
Actually, it's you DittoTards who say Libs don't listen to your MessiahRushie. Every time Libs criticize him, the first thing CON$ say is they didn't listen to him and that they got fed it "out of context" from MediaMatters or some other Lib website.

I don't say that. I listen to Rush every day. I think the way he tears libs a new asshole is utterly hilarious.

As I have shown so many times, CON$ are always on all sides of every issue depending on which way the wind is blowing at the time.

So then "thug" and "goon" are ALWAYS "terms of endearment." :cuckoo:

April 24, 2008
RUSH: Mayor Daley's cops, his thugs went out there and were attacking Democrats, and the SDS was there and all the anti-war crowd -- the Jerry Reubens and the Tom Haydens -- they were starting fires and so forth, and the Democrats sent Mayor Daley's thugs out there to beat 'em upside the head!

April 24, 2008
CALLER: However, I'm one of those so-called thugs that you referred to. A Chicago policeman from '68 that was one of Daley so-called henchmen -- which we weren't, by the way, Rush.

RUSH: Wait, wait, wait just a second. You know, I understand why you called. You don't understand. I was proud of the cops. It was a term -- Daley's goons, Daley's thugs -- the point to me was that Daley had sent you guys out to beat up on his own people.

CALLER: A lot of us were very, very conservative.

RUSH: No, no, no. It was a term of endearment.

February 15, 2010
RUSH: Obama is the lead thug of the Chicago thugocracy

November 09, 2011
RUSH: And you people in Ohio, the SEIU, Service Employees International Union official is calling Kasich a thug. John Kasich, the governor of Ohio, a thug.
Tip for Liberals: If you don't like Rush Limbaugh, stop listening to him.

You're welcome...

Tips for Dittoheads: If you don't like to hear criticism of the "Boss" and the lies he tells disquised as humor or entertainment, then stop reading it.
So fabricating stories about a Presidential candidate aren't a disgrace, but not believing her ridiculous claim is?

The story about Bush and his dismal Gaurd record was not fabricated. A single document that Dan used was. But the MSM decided Dan Rather was the story not the Presidents' Guard Record. Dan took one for the team, again. Just like in Dallas in 63.

[ame=]Dan Rather's account from November 25, 1963 - YouTube[/ame]
Too bad the left can't find a radio personality who can last more than a month and talk radio with the exception of PBS is still capitalist. Limbaugh would be out in the cold like all the left wing voices if people didn't listen to him. The left is capable of incredible hatred and you can bet your ass-ets they are trying to find a way to silence him for good. I hope Rush has good security people if you know what I mean.

To bad all the major markets are controlled.

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