Limbaugh: "If I Had Demanded Akin Drop Out, He'd Be Gone"


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Did you hear the latest of El Fatso Rushbo?

Limbaugh: "If I Had Demanded Akin Drop Out, He'd Be Gone" | Video | Media Matters for America


I mean, have you ever seen or heard of a more arrogant, self-important, pompous so-and-so in all of your God-given life?

He really needs to go get stuffed.
Troy is running for...??? Isn't he a quarterback or something?

Oh and MarcATL listens to Limbaugh wayyyy too much :D
Rush is the leader of the Republican Party. Even he believes it.
If it wasn't for USMB Libs, I'd have no idea what Rush was saying.

Thanks, guys and gals and MarcATL

Troy is running for...??? Isn't he a quarterback or something?

Oh and MarcATL listens to Limbaugh wayyyy too much :D

Thanks for the Rush update. It has been awhile.
The joke's on your beloved one else. They're the ones that genuflect and kiss the ring of a big, fat, bloated, pompous, radical media figure.

MANY have done 180s and gone on his show to beg forgiveness, and MANY more will.

But carry on, as you were stooges....

Did you hear the latest of El Fatso Rushbo?

Limbaugh: "If I Had Demanded Akin Drop Out, He'd Be Gone" | Video | Media Matters for America


I mean, have you ever seen or heard of a more arrogant, self-important, pompous so-and-so in all of your God-given life?

He really needs to go get stuffed. usual when some lefty puke has a fit about Rush they don't know what's going on. Context, boy, context!
I'm glad you mentioned context.

Can you put it in the right context sir?

Did you hear the latest of El Fatso Rushbo?

Limbaugh: "If I Had Demanded Akin Drop Out, He'd Be Gone" | Video | Media Matters for America


I mean, have you ever seen or heard of a more arrogant, self-important, pompous so-and-so in all of your God-given life?

He really needs to go get stuffed. usual when some lefty puke has a fit about Rush they don't know what's going on. Context, boy, context!

what context makes it mean anything other than what it does?
annnnnnnnnnnd? Truthmatters said it doesn't matter what he says cause he's not running for office.
Did you hear the latest of El Fatso Rushbo?

Limbaugh: "If I Had Demanded Akin Drop Out, He'd Be Gone" | Video | Media Matters for America


I mean, have you ever seen or heard of a more arrogant, self-important, pompous so-and-so in all of your God-given life?

He really needs to go get stuffed. usual when some lefty puke has a fit about Rush they don't know what's going on. Context, boy, context!
I'm glad you mentioned context.

Can you put it in the right context sir?


Nope. Your job to go listen to it and try to concentrate a bit.
Did you hear the latest of El Fatso Rushbo?

Limbaugh: "If I Had Demanded Akin Drop Out, He'd Be Gone" | Video | Media Matters for America


I mean, have you ever seen or heard of a more arrogant, self-important, pompous so-and-so in all of your God-given life?

He really needs to go get stuffed.

Rush's Pimp hand is strong :clap2:

Remember when you guys thought you had run him out of town so to speak.Get him thrown off the radio
for the Sandra the birth control lady thing....
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Did you hear the latest of El Fatso Rushbo?

Limbaugh: "If I Had Demanded Akin Drop Out, He'd Be Gone" | Video | Media Matters for America


I mean, have you ever seen or heard of a more arrogant, self-important, pompous so-and-so in all of your God-given life?

He really needs to go get stuffed.

Rush's Pimp hand is strong :clap2:

Remember when you guys thought you had run him out of town so to speak.Get him thrown off the radio
for the Sandra the birth control lady thing....
I knew it was a long-shot, but it was worth a try.

Pimp is the right word, indeed, as he has all his whores in check. So keep praising and're just branding yourself.

If it wasn't for USMB Libs, I'd have no idea what Rush was saying.

Thanks, guys and gals and MarcATL

Troy is running for...??? Isn't he a quarterback or something?

Oh and MarcATL listens to Limbaugh wayyyy too much :D

Thanks for the Rush update. It has been awhile.
The joke's on your beloved one else. They're the ones that genuflect and kiss the ring of a big, fat, bloated, pompous, radical media figure.

MANY have done 180s and gone on his show to beg forgiveness, and MANY more will.

But carry on, as you were stooges....

Your assumption that Rush is in my 'beloved party' is erroneous.

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