Limbaugh flips - kisses Rubio's ass on immigration reform


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Rush Limbaugh to Marco Rubio on Immigration Reform: "What You Are Doing is Admirable and Noteworthy."

By David Weigel
Jan. 29, 2013


"What you are doing is admirable and noteworthy," Limbaugh said. "You are recognizing reality. I'm just worried the president is trying to change reality."

That teed up Rubio for some inspiring wordplay about America and freedom and the people he grew up with. "It wasn't all that long ago when your message was what this country was," concluded Limbaugh. "Best to you, and good luck."
Granny says, "House Republicans worried more `bout dey's political careers...
Immigration bill splits GOP on national-local line
2 Feb.`13 WASHINGTON (AP) — The immigration debate is threatening to split the Republican Party, pitting those who focus mainly on presidential elections against those who care mostly about congressional races.
Strategists say that if Republicans are to win presidential elections, which they've been losing lately, partly because of dismal support from Hispanic voters, they must soften their rhetoric about illegal immigrants and embrace some version of "immigration reform." But granting illegal residents a path to citizenship, which critics call "amnesty," is deeply unpopular in many House Republicans' districts. President Barack Obama wants such a pathway. So do some prominent GOP lawmakers who are seeking a way out of their party's jam. The plans differ on when and how citizenship might occur, with border security a central issue. Resolving these differences may determine whether a major law is enacted in the coming months. Some GOP strategists fear they will lose either way.

If by the next election Latino voters think Republicans opposed and possibly blocked a comprehensive immigration overhaul, they might turn against the party in even bigger numbers. On the other hand, converting millions of illegal Hispanic residents into citizens might produce large numbers of new voters who will lean Democratic for years. "This is a perilous debate that Republicans have entered into," said John Ullyot, a Republican consultant and a former Senate aide. Obama won 71 percent of the Hispanic vote last November and 67 percent in 2008. GOP campaign professionals say Republicans are dooming themselves if they don't show a more welcoming face to this fast-growing segment of voters. "Republicans need to solve this issue, politically, if they wish to win national elections, and they know it," said Texas-based GOP consultant Matt Mackowiak.

Winning House elections, however, is a different matter. A number of Republican lawmakers and aides say "amnesty" for illegal immigrants triggers strong resentment among their constituents. The upcoming debates could stir passions further, even in swing districts. Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, lost his Cincinnati-area seat to a Democrat in 2008, then regained it two years later. He opposes giving illegal immigrants an eventual route to citizenship. "It is unfair to allow those who have willfully and intentionally broken our nation's immigration laws to, in essence, cut in front of those who have been patiently and legally waiting their turn to become U.S. citizens," Chabot wrote on his House blog. Republicans should appeal to Hispanic voters "on principle," he said, not by agreeing to liberal immigration policies. "Republicans are better for Hispanics because our policies are better for them," Chabot said.

Ironic isnt it...Reagan gave millions of illegal Immigrants amnesty then didnt do a damn thing to close the border, left it wide open, because republicans wanted cheap labor and to dilute the workforce. Fastforward till now, the gop is screwed in future elections unless they back off their principles. They earned the dilemna they are in
Ironic isnt it...Reagan gave millions of illegal Immigrants amnesty then didnt do a damn thing to close the border, left it wide open, because republicans wanted cheap labor and to dilute the workforce. Fastforward till now, the gop is screwed in future elections unless they back off their principles. They earned the dilemna they are in

That's not exactly accurate. Reagan signed the amnesty bill that Congress passed. And yes, they were supposed to close the border in the process. But Congress never funded the actual building of the fence or the hiring and training of additional Border Patrol agents.
Without the funding to complete the job, passing an amnesty bill such as this means less than what is hoped for. That went for then, and still goes now.
That said, even though a new amnesty bill has been passed, I'll be really, really surprised if adequate funding is passed for actually closing the border.
Ironic isnt it...Reagan gave millions of illegal Immigrants amnesty then didnt do a damn thing to close the border, left it wide open, because republicans wanted cheap labor and to dilute the workforce. Fastforward till now, the gop is screwed in future elections unless they back off their principles. They earned the dilemna they are in

That's not exactly accurate. Reagan signed the amnesty bill that Congress passed. And yes, they were supposed to close the border in the process. But Congress never funded the actual building of the fence or the hiring and training of additional Border Patrol agents.
Without the funding to complete the job, passing an amnesty bill such as this means less than what is hoped for. That went for then, and still goes now.
That said, even though a new amnesty bill has been passed, I'll be really, really surprised if adequate funding is passed for actually closing the border.

So, the failure was due to not enough taxpayer funding? Do you realize that if you were talking about a Democratic president and said that you would be called a big-government liberal?
Regan's amnesty for 3 million illegal aliens back in 86' didn't solve anything THEN, and seemed to make matters worse. It is ironic now that the GOP and conservatives are the ones on the losing end of the stick now 27 years later. I cannot make my cynicism of the American political system any clearer. Our political system doesn&#8217;t work anymore. Outsiders, wealthy and other groups manipulate our political system to their benefit. I myself have stopped voting. We need to fix this thing, America is broken.
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Ironic isnt it...Reagan gave millions of illegal Immigrants amnesty then didnt do a damn thing to close the border, left it wide open, because republicans wanted cheap labor and to dilute the workforce. Fastforward till now, the gop is screwed in future elections unless they back off their principles. They earned the dilemna they are in

That's not exactly accurate. Reagan signed the amnesty bill that Congress passed. And yes, they were supposed to close the border in the process. But Congress never funded the actual building of the fence or the hiring and training of additional Border Patrol agents.
Without the funding to complete the job, passing an amnesty bill such as this means less than what is hoped for. That went for then, and still goes now.
That said, even though a new amnesty bill has been passed, I'll be really, really surprised if adequate funding is passed for actually closing the border.

So, the failure was due to not enough taxpayer funding? Do you realize that if you were talking about a Democratic president and said that you would be called a big-government liberal?

I don't really care whether Reagan was a Democrat or Republican. (even though he was a Democrat before changing parties and being elected as POTUS as a Republican).
I'm not making any comment about Reagan himself, one way or the other. I'm just saying that it was Congress that passed the amnesty bill that Reagan signed, and that it was Congress that failed to pass the funding necessary to secure the border.
Yes, I realize it is taxpayer money. I don't like it, but I realize it just the same.
That's not exactly accurate. Reagan signed the amnesty bill that Congress passed. And yes, they were supposed to close the border in the process. But Congress never funded the actual building of the fence or the hiring and training of additional Border Patrol agents.
Without the funding to complete the job, passing an amnesty bill such as this means less than what is hoped for. That went for then, and still goes now.
That said, even though a new amnesty bill has been passed, I'll be really, really surprised if adequate funding is passed for actually closing the border.

So, the failure was due to not enough taxpayer funding? Do you realize that if you were talking about a Democratic president and said that you would be called a big-government liberal?

I don't really care whether Reagan was a Democrat or Republican. (even though he was a Democrat before changing parties and being elected as POTUS as a Republican).
I'm not making any comment about Reagan himself, one way or the other. I'm just saying that it was Congress that passed the amnesty bill that Reagan signed, and that it was Congress that failed to pass the funding necessary to secure the border.
Yes, I realize it is taxpayer money. I don't like it, but I realize it just the same.

Touche. I just figured I would take a stab at getting a rise out of you and obviously failed. Eh, can't win 'em all I guess.

Rush Limbaugh to Marco Rubio on Immigration Reform: "What You Are Doing is Admirable and Noteworthy."

By David Weigel
Jan. 29, 2013


"What you are doing is admirable and noteworthy," Limbaugh said. "You are recognizing reality. I'm just worried the president is trying to change reality."

That teed up Rubio for some inspiring wordplay about America and freedom and the people he grew up with. "It wasn't all that long ago when your message was what this country was," concluded Limbaugh. "Best to you, and good luck."

Not surprising. He wants to tie his cart to Rubio in case that Mexican runs in 2016

Rush Limbaugh to Marco Rubio on Immigration Reform: "What You Are Doing is Admirable and Noteworthy."

By David Weigel
Jan. 29, 2013


"What you are doing is admirable and noteworthy," Limbaugh said. "You are recognizing reality. I'm just worried the president is trying to change reality."

That teed up Rubio for some inspiring wordplay about America and freedom and the people he grew up with. "It wasn't all that long ago when your message was what this country was," concluded Limbaugh. "Best to you, and good luck."

Not surprising. He wants to tie his cart to Rubio in case that Mexican runs in 2016

He's actually Cuban.....
the obsession over a radio host is a little twisted

is that so Steph :doubt: :eusa_shhh: r u just playing dumb or are you really that out of the loop? :eusa_eh:

Steele to Rush: I'm sorry - Mike Allen -

Another tax exempt media matters scoop? How did Limbaugh "flip" and why is the left so concerned about a voice on the radio?
Mediamatters, slate, salon has become a dump for stupid and useless information
the obsession over a radio host is a little twisted

is that so Steph :doubt: :eusa_shhh: r u just playing dumb or are you really that out of the loop? :eusa_eh:

Steele to Rush: I'm sorry - Mike Allen -


&#8220;My intent was not to go after Rush &#8211; I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,&#8221; Steele said in a telephone interview. &#8220;I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. &#8230; There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.&#8221;

care to address your cluelessness/misinformation Steph?

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