Life-and-death provisions of the stupid "Fiscal Cliff" charade


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
How many times did I say that the contrived fecal cliff "crisis" was all abut saving pet programs, rather than actual fiscal responsibility?...More than I can count, that's how many.

From, of all places, ABC Snooze:
The “fiscal cliff” compromise has been heralded as a saving grace for middle class taxpayers, their families and the unemployed.

But buried in the fine print of the 150-page deal are also some lesser-known New Year’s gifts to some of Washington’s favorite industries.

Under the plan, the federal government would eat nearly $100 billion in forgone tax revenue over the next two years by extending special tax credits for select businesses that had been set to expire.


  • $430 million for Hollywood through “special expensing rules” to encourage TV and film production in the United States. Producers can expense up to $15 million of costs for their projects.
  • $331 million for railroads by allowing short-line and regional operators to claim a tax credit up to 50 percent of the cost to maintain tracks that they own or lease.
  • $222 million for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands through returned excise taxes collected by the federal government on rum produced in the islands and imported to the mainland.
  • $70 million for NASCAR by extending a “7-year cost recovery period for certain motorsports racing track facilities.”
  • $59 million for algae growers through tax credits to encourage production of “cellulosic biofuel” at up to $1.01 per gallon.
  • $4 million for electric motorcycle makers by expanding an existing green-energy tax credit for buyers of plug-in vehicles to include electric motorbikes.

‘Fiscal Cliff’ Deal Also Doles Out Millions for Hollywood, Railroads, Rum Producers - ABC News

A nation of pure political hacks and the rubes who cram their heads up their asses is what America has turned into.
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Yup... Nothing has changed. The fiscal cliff... Like goalposts, has merely been moved to a later date. If any of you have never visited Greece, don't worry... Greece is coming to visit you.

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