Licensing for Hand-Held Hedge Clippers??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "(CNN) -- A New Mexico inmate, an ex-convict on probation and his nephew are under investigation for plotting to castrate and murder pop singer Justin Bieber, police said Thursday.

2. The inmate, Dana Martin, who is serving two life sentences for a 2000 rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl in Vermont, has a tattoo of Bieber on his leg and had attempted to correspond with Bieber, who never responded,...

3. "This perceived slight made Mr. Martin upset and that, coupled with Mr. Martin's perception of being a 'nobody' in prison, led him to begin plotting the kidnap and murder of (Bieber),"...

4. ... Tanner Ruane, 23, was released with their 1983 BMW, but he then spilled the beans about the murder plots when he called Martin in prison the same day, New Mexico authorities said. Prison guards were recording the phone call, ...

5. The instrument for castration would be hand-held hedge clippers used for trimming roses, the court document said. The victims were to be strangled with a paisley tie "because that was what he (Mr. Martin) had used previously," the affidavit said,...

6. ...Mr. Ruane stated he was going to do it and get 'five large for each one I get.' Mr. Martin confirmed that Mr. Ruane was going to get $2,500.00 per testicle,"...

7. The testicles were to be put in bags, to be hidden in a place such as the engine compartment, the document said.

8. When asked by CNN if that grisly plan would be applied to all victims, including Bieber, McDonald stated: "It would be safe to say they were going to do it for every one of them."

9. "But the good thing is we nipped this thing in the bud and we caught it before anyone was hurt."
Justin Bieber's murder, castration plotted, police say -

Given the context....I don't believe I would have used the phrase "nipped this thing in the bud..."

So....when do we begin speculating about whether it was video games, Hollywood films, psychotropic drugs, or bullying that was the provenance?
it's so funny watching rightwingnuts play all these straw men.


Why is it that you Leftists always find 'hysterical' any resistance to your master's this case the demand that some inanimate hunk of metal be restricted, regulated out of existence,or confiscated?

The OP just proved that guns aren't the only inanimate hunks of metal that could prove deadly.

Or is the satirical nature of the OP that has you bridling?

Seems the new crypto-fascist definition of 'hysterical' is anything but lock-step total submission.

I guess that's why it's known as totalitarianism, huh?

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