Libyans Directed Rioters To Ambassador Stevens!!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Another horrible result of the inept foreign policy of the Obama administration.

What does this make......a dozen???

Why did he support these homicidal psychopaths???

What foresight????
What ideology????

Where the Marines ordered not to shoot these beasts??

"...Libyan security team seem to have indicated to the protesters the building to which the American officials had been relocated,..."

"He said Stevens, 52, and other officials were moved to a second building - deemed safer - after the initial wave of protests at the consulate compound. According to al-Sharef, members of the Libyan security team seem to have indicated to the protesters the building to which the American officials had been relocated, and that building then came under attack."
Assault on U.S. consulate in Benghazi leaves 4 dead, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens - CBS News

Where does this end???

Hopefully...November 6th!
I had no idea Libya was in the ME! But then, I did not study Geography in US schools...

Yes, beautiful news:

In Libya an elite revolutionary unit trained by Americans led an attack on US consulate murdering four, among the murdered -- US ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. His body was dragged through the streets with revolutionary democratic participants kicking it and defecating on it.

Mr Chris Stevens had a direct connection with the case of a doctor from Sirt whom Misurat revolutionaries captured and tortured forcing to denounce his sons for joining Gaddafi forces. When the doctor refused, the revolutionaries started demanding ransom from his family sending them first their father's foot, then -- hand... Still the family could not raise money. In desperation, they asked US ambassador to interfere. And Mr Stevens promised to help on one condition: the doctor had to go before the media and tell he became a victim of Gaddafi. The doctor refused and was tortured to death.

Well... It looks like yesterday Chris Stevens got what he justly deserved.

This was done to a nation not without Chris Stevens' direct participation



















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It is hard for me to imagine what "personal freedom" can unemployed hungry person who finds no use for his labor have. True freedom can only be where there is no exploitation and opression of one person by another; where there is no unemployment, and where a person is not living in fear of losing his job, his home and his bread. Only in such a society personal and any other freedom can exist for real and not "on paper" -- Josef Stalin, history's second biggest mass murderer as quoted by mememe, USMB's biggest fucking asshole
It is hard for me to imagine what "personal freedom" can unemployed hungry person who finds no use for his labor have. True freedom can only be where there is no exploitation and opression of one person by another; where there is no unemployment, and where a person is not living in fear of losing his job, his home and his bread. Only in such a society personal and any other freedom can exist for real and not "on paper" -- Josef Stalin, history's second biggest mass murderer as quoted by mememe, USMB's biggest fucking asshole


....unless I miss my is in actuality.......


[ame=]White House Praises Mao Tse Tung ... killed 77 million ... who is next Stalin? - YouTube[/ame]
Josef Stalin, history's second biggest mass murderer

According to US propaganda.

Continue believing it and you will have much more of your citizens murdered by "freedom fighters" and "oppositionists" you fund out of your taxes.

Never mind, US State Department will now learn that it has to write checks on-time. "Democracy" does not like delays in payments. :D
The Marines need to shoot the Libyan guards


Didn't you, American people, applaud revolutionaries murdering Gaddafi?

And now you seem to be displeased at revolutionaries murdering US ambassador?

No I didn't applaud the Qaddafi execution you moron. Only a complete fucking amateur like Obama and Hillary would be responsible for a mess like that.

Also, I have my doubts about the whole Osama bin laden episode as well.

But that's just me
Josef Stalin, history's second biggest mass murderer

According to US propaganda.

Continue believing it and you will have much more of your citizens murdered by "freedom fighters" and "oppositionists" you fund out of your taxes.

Never mind, US State Department will now learn that it has to write checks on-time. "Democracy" does not like delays in payments. :D

So, Stalin never tried to start WWIII either in Berlin, right?

Bucharest in 1956? Propaganda, right?
Bucharest in 1956? Propaganda, right?

US tentative attempts at orchestrating first "Arab Spring", oops -- COLOURED REVOLUTIONS in Europe!

Remind me, please, what US establishment does to Occupy Wall Street protesters?

Don't even start pointing fingers and moralising. Your country dwarfed Nazi crimes in the past 50 years!
No I didn't applaud the Qaddafi execution you moron.

You, moron, applaud your establishment interfering in every nation! You, moron, support your propaganda machine that serves your establishment!

First, your story about Steven and the hostage sounds like total fiction.

Second, the USA prefers influence and commerce over conquest.

Third, we don't model Rome enough in my opinion. We have their government, we have the bread and circuses, but -- we send the legions out under Varus.

I will try to avoid insulting you personally.
Bucharest in 1956? Propaganda, right?

US tentative attempts at orchestrating first "Arab Spring", oops -- COLOURED REVOLUTIONS in Europe!

Remind me, please, what US establishment does to Occupy Wall Street protesters?

Don't even start pointing fingers and moralising. Your country dwarfed Nazi crimes in the past 50 years!

The current establishment actually supports the OWS movement, but the Movement got a little to far ahead of themselves with their anti-Semitism and Neo-Marxism so they had to be shut down.

Reagan liberated Eastern Europe I don't know how you compare that to Nazi atrocities but I'd be delighted to hear your thoughts and observations
No I didn't applaud the Qaddafi execution you moron.

You, moron, applaud your establishment interfering in every nation! You, moron, support your propaganda machine that serves your establishment!

First, your story about Steven and the hostage sounds like total fiction.

Second, the USA prefers influence and commerce over conquest.

Do you mean to say your media did not report on it?

This takes a biscuit even at your level of thinking abilities.
You, moron, applaud your establishment interfering in every nation! You, moron, support your propaganda machine that serves your establishment!

First, your story about Steven and the hostage sounds like total fiction.

Second, the USA prefers influence and commerce over conquest.

Do you mean to say your media did not report on it?

This takes a biscuit even at your level of thinking abilities.

The media doesn't report a lot of things I think are newsworthy, but thats the first time Im hearing about this incident
Bucharest in 1956? Propaganda, right?

US tentative attempts at orchestrating first "Arab Spring", oops -- COLOURED REVOLUTIONS in Europe!

Remind me, please, what US establishment does to Occupy Wall Street protesters?

Don't even start pointing fingers and moralising. Your country dwarfed Nazi crimes in the past 50 years!

The current establishment actually supports the OWS movement, but the Movement got a little to far ahead of themselves with their anti-Semitism and Neo-Marxism so they had to be shut down.

Reagan liberated Eastern Europe I don't know how you compare that to Nazi atrocities but I'd be delighted to hear your thoughts and observations

Frank, darling! Are you really THAT naive?
I don't want to deflower your virgin believes in the purity of your establishment, but honestly...
US destroyed the nations of the former socialist block, robbed the former USSR, especially Russia, orchestrated wars in Africa, ME, Eastern Europe; and is actively supporting terrorism in every country of the world that has anything US establishment wants for its own.
Another horrible result of the inept foreign policy of the Obama administration.

What does this make......a dozen???

Why did he support these homicidal psychopaths???

What foresight????
What ideology????

Where the Marines ordered not to shoot these beasts??

"...Libyan security team seem to have indicated to the protesters the building to which the American officials had been relocated,..."

"He said Stevens, 52, and other officials were moved to a second building - deemed safer - after the initial wave of protests at the consulate compound. According to al-Sharef, members of the Libyan security team seem to have indicated to the protesters the building to which the American officials had been relocated, and that building then came under attack."
Assault on U.S. consulate in Benghazi leaves 4 dead, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens - CBS News

Where does this end???

Hopefully...November 6th!

Maybe they thought the mob just wanted to ask him a few questions? my god we are totally fucked.
US tentative attempts at orchestrating first "Arab Spring", oops -- COLOURED REVOLUTIONS in Europe!

Remind me, please, what US establishment does to Occupy Wall Street protesters?

Don't even start pointing fingers and moralising. Your country dwarfed Nazi crimes in the past 50 years!

The current establishment actually supports the OWS movement, but the Movement got a little to far ahead of themselves with their anti-Semitism and Neo-Marxism so they had to be shut down.

Reagan liberated Eastern Europe I don't know how you compare that to Nazi atrocities but I'd be delighted to hear your thoughts and observations

Frank, darling! Are you really THAT naive?
I don't want to deflower your virgin believes in the purity of your establishment, but honestly...
US destroyed the nations of the former socialist block, robbed the former USSR, especially Russia, orchestrated wars in Africa, ME, Eastern Europe; and is actively supporting terrorism in every country of the world that has anything US establishment wants for its own.

I liked Reagan and was never a big fan of Bush41 or BJ Clinton. I consider 41 one of the most evil people on the planet and remain convinced he had a hand in the Reagan assassination.

I thought it was wise and prudent for us to help transition the old USSR to the 20th century, instead 41 and Clinton orchestrated the wholesale looting of the nation and helped the oligarchs.

And like I said, Pax Americana is every bit as legitimate as Pax Romana, it's always a question of the personality and goals of the Current Emperor

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