Libya is not ours


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
we don't want it and we don't have to.

as we should be. We cannot afford to police the world anymore and there is no reason to when other have an equal responsibility since we are all threatened where there are injustices anywhere.

Multilateral is the word to use for dealing with Qaddafi and should have been the word used when dealing with Saddam.

When we were being attacked by Qadaffi is when we should have acted and did not. Libya is not our call today and we have done our part. End of issue. We are not the only one that can deal with Qadaffi and it is not ours. We are not calling the shots. No fly zone is no longer ours.

If Qadaffi is removed, we will not be the one to remove him

We are a member of a body, not the body and as a member of the UN, we all have a purpose. There are no leaders, we all have a part to play and none play independently. If we had done things differently in dealing with Iraq, we would not still be there 8 years later.

Obama did this or that, did not do this or that, shoudl lhave done thsi or that, Obama did exactly what Obama should have done as a member of a body.
There is no we or Obama, but us the UN.
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I think the whole operation is backfiring on not only Obama but Hillary. Mrs Clinton addressed the Country and tried to look presidential and instead looked like a fool while she tried to justify the bombing. Meanwhile the president fled to South America and tried to pretend he wasn't involved. What a bunch.
I think the whole operation is backfiring on not only Obama but Hillary. Mrs Clinton addressed the Country and tried to look presidential and instead looked like a fool while she tried to justify the bombing. Meanwhile the president fled to South America and tried to pretend he wasn't involved. What a bunch.

What part of "obama and hillary is not calling the shots" do you not understand? We did not start this operation. UN and NATO did with the approval of 28 countries and with mulitilateral action.:confused:

Obama was in Brazil trying to get our asses some cheap oil since our need for oil is not going to disappear ever. Brazil has a good subsitute with Ethanol also. We need Brazil as our friend for our future.

Operation Odyssey Dawn is working. FYI. IF it does not work in is no blame on hillary or obama. Not like Iraq.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” Bishop Desmond Tutu quotes
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I think the whole operation is backfiring on not only Obama but Hillary. Mrs Clinton addressed the Country and tried to look presidential and instead looked like a fool while she tried to justify the bombing. Meanwhile the president fled to South America and tried to pretend he wasn't involved. What a bunch.

What part of "obama and hillary is not calling the shots" do you not understand? We did not start this operation. UN and NATO did with the approval of 28 countries and with mulitilateral action.:confused:

Obama was in Brazil trying to get our asses some cheap oil since our need for oil is not going to disappear ever. Brazil has a good subsitute with Ethanol also. We need Brazil as our friend for our future.

Operation Odyssey Dawn is working. FYI. IF it does not work in is no blame on hillary or obama. Not like Iraq.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” Bishop Desmond Tutu quotes

who do you think pushed it before NATO and the UN? I'll give you two guesses moron.
We did not start this operation. UN and NATO did with the approval of 28 countries and with mulitilateral action.:confused:

NATO did not start this operation.
NATO did convey for 4 days, before there could be reached an agreement with serious frictions during the negotiations with Germany pulling all her military assets from NATO operations in the Med-Sea as a reaction to the whole operation which now has been outsourced to NATO.
This whole thing was started by France, and history-books will write, that USA did deliver the most of the bombs.
This War is completely unjustified. This is a Libyan Civil War. Shame on this President for ordering the bombing & killing of Libyans. Libya is no threat to our country or the Region. This is an internal conflict. We have no right interfering and bombing. It's just wrong and it doesn't matter how much the Hopey Changey sycophants try and spin it. They're only lying to themselves in the end.
Man,at least with Iraq and Hussein you could argue he did gas his own People and invade other nations in the Region. I'm not defending the Iraq Wars but they made more sense than this Libyan War does. This is a Libyan Civil War and Gaddafi has never been hostile to his neighbors in the Region. And there is absolutely no evidence of Genocide either. Seriously,if there was ever a 'War for Oil',this Libyan War is it. It's actually pretty obvious.
Ropey said:
Libya is not ours

Not yet..give us a few more weeks. You think that air cover is for free? Somebody owes us at the pump for all this stupid turmoil in the Mid East.

Really? IRAQ was for OIL dontchaknow? PRICE continues to soar...Where is it?


Hey Schmuggy? Where'd ya go? Was this question too hard for you?

Maybe he's busy with his rat and vermin friends.

It is too bad rats and vermin breed in places that are not safe for their families.

The Jews put their own children and wives and mothers and fathers onto cattle cars. Your pussy whining about children comes up short. Jews are cowards...always have been...always will be.

The self appointed special ones.

TI don't really hate Jews. I have had many good Jewish friends.

Yes, you like rats and vermin, don't you?
So, anyone wondering whether Jews have sway over our foreign policy might ask themselves this question:

Our last president was a white Christian Republican. He did what they told him.

Our new president is a black Muslim Democrat. He does what they tell him.

It really doesn't seem to matter WHO is in the White House. It's always the same Jewish wire-pullers behind the curtain. What if Americans ran America?
So, anyone wondering whether Jews have sway over our foreign policy might ask themselves this question:

Our last president was a white Christian Republican. He did what they told him.

Our new president is a black Muslim Democrat. He does what they tell him.

It really doesn't seem to matter WHO is in the White House. It's always the same Jewish wire-pullers behind the curtain. What if Americans ran America?

It's the joos who are making poor willy boys life so bad. Americans do run America. Just not those of your ilk it would seem.


A good thing I put forward.

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