Libya Goes Islamic And We Helped Pave The Way


Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

New Rulers In Libya Installing Sharia Law


The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi's forces. "This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence."
Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.

Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE, and other countries in the middle east have sharia law.....and that's not a problem for us.

We're not responsible for keeping sharia law from being implemented everywhere.

So, you are all for the violent invasions of other cultures if it is islam? You will be okay when Shariah is instituted on "your" block?
It's OFFICIAL. American conservatives are announcing to the world that they would rather have Arabs live under the tyranny (REAL tyranny) of a brutal dictator who indiscriminately kills the citizens of his country than allow them to have a chance at self-governance (that's democracy, folks) despite all the lip service conservatives give to the concept of self-determination.

Yeah, conservatives are so bigoted and fearful of Islam (despite the fact that only a very tiny fraction of Islamic men are terrorists) that conservatives are willing to let Arabs live in constant fear while similtaneously spreading unnecessary fear, themselves, about people who have been oppressed for decades while Arabs' desire to be free was so great that they were willing to risk their lives in a civil war to attain that freedom.

thought you libz were against nation building :eusa_liar:

As long as those crazy Islamic facists were being kept under control, I could care less about their tyrannical leaders.
You watch and see, they are going to be out of control before you know it.
It's OFFICIAL. American conservatives are announcing to the world that they would rather have Arabs live under the tyranny (REAL tyranny) of a brutal dictator who indiscriminately kills the citizens of his country than allow them to have a chance at self-governance (that's democracy, folks) despite all the lip service conservatives give to the concept of self-determination.

Yeah, conservatives are so bigoted and fearful of Islam (despite the fact that only a very tiny fraction of Islamic men are terrorists) that conservatives are willing to let Arabs live in constant fear while similtaneously spreading unnecessary fear, themselves, about people who have been oppressed for decades while Arabs' desire to be free was so great that they were willing to risk their lives in a civil war to attain that freedom.

thought you libz were against nation building :eusa_liar:

As long as those crazy Islamic facists were being kept under control, I could care less about their tyrannical leaders.
You watch and see, they are going to be out of control before you know it.

Did I say anything about nation building?
You were supposed to wait til the BO Admin hung up the "Mission Accomplished" banner.

Oh well.. Sharia law IS their culture. Probably SHOULD be the backbone of their civil law. It's just the arrogance of Americans to EXPECT that something different would be their choice.

Now the test will be how INDEPENDENT they are from radical Islamic causes like the Brotherhood, or Hamas, or Hezbollah.. I don't care if they stone people rather than use lethal injection.. I DO care if they align with sworn enemies of my country..

Sharia law isn't their culture whatsoever. Wow. I think you just registered 10 on the richter scale of dumb fucks who don't understand Islam whatsoever.

Oh and by the way, you don't care if they stone people? You must be a moron or seriously drinking/injecting or snorting something here.

Do you know what stoning a person to death entails? You don't do you? You're just popping off in a forum.

And what arrogance of Americans? See I know what you are when you post like a little rat, like a little pig.

When you post like that you are caught out because you can't resist yourself. Actually if you had been following American boards, you would realize conservative Americans knew from the get go all of the Arab Spring bullshit was exactly that.

Show me one democracy and one election since the Arab Spring movement started....

You can't show me can you?


And I caught you out. You are not an American.

Well it's ARROGANCE exactly like YOU have displayed in this thread. Especially when you reveal that you are working for Islamic "women's rights". THAT would be attempting to dictate to their culture. The idea that by MILITARY FORCE this country is gonna IMPOSE Western style values and democracy on these people is ARROGANT and dangerous. YOU are not American if that is your agenda to franchise Western values in every 3rd world hell hole with missiles raining down.

Of COURSE Islam and Sharia law is part of the Arab culture in Libya. Only a moron would deny that. In fact -- there is polling to show that the MAJORITY of Arab women in the Arab World are PROUD of their Islamic role in their society.

You must have missed the Primary quote from the OP..

The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified.

Show me a POLL where the MAJORITY of Libyans are AGAINST this!!!!!!!!!

Take your American Militarized Imperialism and shove it up your heiny.......

So.... attrocities are just fine with you as long as their are polls that indicate the people in power "support" those attrocities?

Love your kind.... "Christians should act more Christian (according to how you think they should act, especially if it means not defending themselves and cowering to everyone else), but hey... that's just how muslims are, we should just be more open to their culture (so what if they rape little boys, mutilate little girls, torture women, murder homosexuals, and outlaw liberty and freedom). I'll bet you are really proud of your "intellect".
If there is any silver lining here (for those of us of like mind) it's that Ron Paul should have a field day with this along with a big 'ol 'I told you so!'

Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.

Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE, and other countries in the middle east have sharia law.....and that's not a problem for us.

We're not responsible for keeping sharia law from being implemented everywhere.

So, you are all for the violent invasions of other cultures if it is islam? You will be okay when Shariah is instituted on "your" block?
I'm against all violent invasions of any countries. Sharia law would never be insituted on my block, it's not consitutional
Remember when they kept showing pictures of the women in Iraq with purple fingers because they got to vote freely? Well, what are they voting freely for?

Apparently, there are some here not too happy to have the people in the ME and North Africa make their own decisions IF those decisions are not what we want.

Guess you are all for the Christians being "murdered" and their churches burned while islam pretends it is the "religion of peace"? Guess you choose to ignore that women are being brutalized (worse than before Arab spring), raped, beaten, stoned, and murdered in the streets, because some of the radicals think that is how you run a "successful" civilization?
Corruption (moral, economic, political, etc, etc, etc) does not stop once it starts. Those that think they can limit corruption are naive, or idiots.

You are currently watching one form of corruption being replaced by another, and you, choose to celebrate that corruption. It seems that those that embrace corruption are the first ones to tell others to "tolerate" all forms of corruption, right up until it knocks on their door. At that point, there is no one left to help them or that "cares".

All great reasons for why we need to stay the hell out of the middle east.

I might actually be all for staying out of the middle east.... as long as they know, if they as much as step foot in Isreal, or are found to be behind ONE terror attack outside their own boundaries, we will turn their land into one giant sheet of glass.

Otherwise we have to have a presence there.
They (Islamic facists) are animals and need to be watched closely.

Personally, I wish our leaders would turn our boys loose to do what soldiers do, kill people and break things, they animals would respect and fear us. Instead they get to fight by their rules and we have to follow the Geneva Convention.

If they were there to win, we would have been out years ago.

Oil from Iraq should be paying for their liberation by the way, not my hard earned money!

Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

New Rulers In Libya Installing Sharia Law


The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi's forces. "This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence."
Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.


It's OFFICIAL. American conservatives are announcing to the world that they would rather have Arabs live under the tyranny (REAL tyranny) of a brutal dictator who indiscriminately kills the citizens of his country than allow them to have a chance at self-governance (that's democracy, folks) despite all the lip service conservatives give to the concept of self-determination.

Yeah, conservatives are so bigoted and fearful of Islam (despite the fact that only a very tiny fraction of Islamic men are terrorists) that conservatives are willing to let Arabs live in constant fear while similtaneously spreading unnecessary fear, themselves, about people who have been oppressed for decades while Arabs' desire to be free was so great that they were willing to risk their lives in a civil war to attain that freedom.

Where is shariah law practiced in a democracy?
It's OFFICIAL. American conservatives are announcing to the world that they would rather have Arabs live under the tyranny (REAL tyranny) of a brutal dictator who indiscriminately kills the citizens of his country than allow them to have a chance at self-governance (that's democracy, folks) despite all the lip service conservatives give to the concept of self-determination.

Yeah, conservatives are so bigoted and fearful of Islam (despite the fact that only a very tiny fraction of Islamic men are terrorists) that conservatives are willing to let Arabs live in constant fear while similtaneously spreading unnecessary fear, themselves, about people who have been oppressed for decades while Arabs' desire to be free was so great that they were willing to risk their lives in a civil war to attain that freedom.

thought you libz were against nation building :eusa_liar:

As long as those crazy Islamic facists were being kept under control, I could care less about their tyrannical leaders.
You watch and see, they are going to be out of control before you know it.

Did I say anything about nation building?

Thats what your liberal comrades were accusing Boosh of, and you know it. Stop acting stupid :eusa_hand:
Democracy to do WHAT? Seriously. Democracy can be even more evil than the dictator! Democracy is not an end goal. You can have a democracy of murderers. Which is pretty much what a democratic islamic republic is.

In Egypt democracy was used to slaughter the Coptic monks. The people wanted it! That's democracy. How did we get to be such an ignorant people? Really? How did this happen? In Africa the Hutus quite democratically decided to kill all the Tutsis. Rwanda was a democracy!
Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE, and other countries in the middle east have sharia law.....and that's not a problem for us.

We're not responsible for keeping sharia law from being implemented everywhere.

So, you are all for the violent invasions of other cultures if it is islam? You will be okay when Shariah is instituted on "your" block?
I'm against all violent invasions of any countries. Sharia law would never be insituted on my block, it's not consitutional

Well, neither is Obamacare. :eusa_shhh:
Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE, and other countries in the middle east have sharia law.....and that's not a problem for us.

We're not responsible for keeping sharia law from being implemented everywhere.

So, you are all for the violent invasions of other cultures if it is islam? You will be okay when Shariah is instituted on "your" block?
I'm against all violent invasions of any countries. Sharia law would never be insituted on my block, it's not consitutional

Why do you think military conflicts have been fought in the ME for the last 1400+ years? Could it be.... to stop...... islam? Why are we in Iraq? Why are we in Afganistan? Could it be..... radical islamists DECLARED WAR against us and our way of life? Could it be, that the same radical islamists have promised not to stop until the USA is no more?

Wake up!

Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.


It's OFFICIAL. American conservatives are announcing to the world that they would rather have Arabs live under the tyranny (REAL tyranny) of a brutal dictator who indiscriminately kills the citizens of his country than allow them to have a chance at self-governance (that's democracy, folks) despite all the lip service conservatives give to the concept of self-determination.

Yeah, conservatives are so bigoted and fearful of Islam (despite the fact that only a very tiny fraction of Islamic men are terrorists) that conservatives are willing to let Arabs live in constant fear while similtaneously spreading unnecessary fear, themselves, about people who have been oppressed for decades while Arabs' desire to be free was so great that they were willing to risk their lives in a civil war to attain that freedom.

Where is shariah law practiced in a democracy?

Throughout the middle east with some exceptions. Israel is a democracy that does not recognize shariah law. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy but does.

Afghanistan is a democracy. Iran is a democracy. Egypt is a democracy and was even under Mubarak who kept getting reelected. Iraq was a democracy with regular elections and Hussein getting 90% of the vote. Pakistan is a democracy. Turkey, Chad, Qtar, Kuwait. The people quite democratically demanded that shariah law be the law of the land.
Why do people persist in the erroneous belief that if the people have democracy they will automatically have a free and stable country?
Throughout the middle east with some exceptions. Israel is a democracy that does not recognize shariah law. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy but does.

Afghanistan is a democracy. Iran is a democracy. Egypt is a democracy and was even under Mubarak who kept getting reelected. Iraq was a democracy with regular elections and Hussein getting 90% of the vote. Pakistan is a democracy. Turkey, Chad, Qtar, Kuwait. The people quite democratically demanded that shariah law be the law of the land.

I would say those are theocracies :dunno:
I'm completely confused by the overt partisian posturing on all these events.

Can't even determine if most posters HAVE a coherent concept of what Foreign Policy in the Mid East should be.

But what I DO KNOW --- is that whether we helped win Democracy for any Arab nation state -- or they took it for themselves --- we have NO BUSINESS dictating their democratically determined choices. And if ANYONE was aware of the public opinion in those countries -- they SHOULD HAVE KNOWN -- that internal policies would NEVER be compliant with Western sensibilities. This is not our job to IMPOSE thru military power or coercion how they determine to organize their legal or social structure.

We are NOT gonna give the keys to the American military to IMPOSE our values on these people. This is NOT a 21st Century Crusade. So y'all had better HOPE that we haven't invested in creating the next Arabian Caliphate.. The policies have been indistiguishable between Reps/Dems. And all have been completely naive about future results.

To wit...

Michael Totten » Egyptian Public Opinion

The chances for democracy and liberalism are different in every country. Tunisia has a good chance because there is a strong middle class and a weak Islamist movement. But in Egypt look at the numbers in the latest Pew poll.

In Egypt, 30 percent like Hizballah (66 percent don’t). 49 percent are favorable toward Hamas (48 percent are negative); and 20 percent smile (72 percent frown) at al-Qaida. Roughly speaking, one-fifth of Egyptians applaud the most extreme Islamist terrorist group, while around one-third back revolutionary Islamists abroad. This doesn’t tell us what proportion of Egyptians want an Islamist government at home, but it is an indicator.

In Egypt, 82 percent want stoning for those who commit adultery; 77 percent would like to see whippings and hands cut off for robbery; and 84 percent favor the death penalty for any Muslim who changes his religion.

Asked if they supported “modernizers” or “Islamists” only 27 percent said modernizers while 59 percent said Islamists

In many cases (as it was in Iran) the only Secular influence available to RESTRAIN Islamic Sharia culture has been a powerful central figure like there was in Egypt or Libya. Good luck with blaming each other for the results...

It's one thing to impose your values on them, but quite another to remind them of the consequences if they threaten us.

Right now nobody fears what we might do if they decide to carry out more attacks in the U.S.

They figure we're fools. Only the renegades like UBL need worry. Governments are safe. A failure to act against Iran proves that.
Throughout the middle east with some exceptions. Israel is a democracy that does not recognize shariah law. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy but does.

Afghanistan is a democracy. Iran is a democracy. Egypt is a democracy and was even under Mubarak who kept getting reelected. Iraq was a democracy with regular elections and Hussein getting 90% of the vote. Pakistan is a democracy. Turkey, Chad, Qtar, Kuwait. The people quite democratically demanded that shariah law be the law of the land.

I would say those are theocracies :dunno:

THe people democratically elect their leaders. Most of them are parliamentary democracies. They elect members of parliament, and their leaders. What makes them theocracies is that there is a state mandated religion that all must follow or be punished.
So, you are all for the violent invasions of other cultures if it is islam? You will be okay when Shariah is instituted on "your" block?
I'm against all violent invasions of any countries. Sharia law would never be insituted on my block, it's not consitutional

Well, neither is Obamacare. :eusa_shhh:
I dunno Infidel......I see all this fear of sharia law in the same light as Salem witch trials, and McCarthyist fears of communism.
I'm completely confused by the overt partisian posturing on all these events.

Can't even determine if most posters HAVE a coherent concept of what Foreign Policy in the Mid East should be.

But what I DO KNOW --- is that whether we helped win Democracy for any Arab nation state -- or they took it for themselves --- we have NO BUSINESS dictating their democratically determined choices. And if ANYONE was aware of the public opinion in those countries -- they SHOULD HAVE KNOWN -- that internal policies would NEVER be compliant with Western sensibilities. This is not our job to IMPOSE thru military power or coercion how they determine to organize their legal or social structure.

We are NOT gonna give the keys to the American military to IMPOSE our values on these people. This is NOT a 21st Century Crusade. So y'all had better HOPE that we haven't invested in creating the next Arabian Caliphate.. The policies have been indistiguishable between Reps/Dems. And all have been completely naive about future results.

To wit...

Michael Totten » Egyptian Public Opinion

The chances for democracy and liberalism are different in every country. Tunisia has a good chance because there is a strong middle class and a weak Islamist movement. But in Egypt look at the numbers in the latest Pew poll.

In Egypt, 30 percent like Hizballah (66 percent don’t). 49 percent are favorable toward Hamas (48 percent are negative); and 20 percent smile (72 percent frown) at al-Qaida. Roughly speaking, one-fifth of Egyptians applaud the most extreme Islamist terrorist group, while around one-third back revolutionary Islamists abroad. This doesn’t tell us what proportion of Egyptians want an Islamist government at home, but it is an indicator.

In Egypt, 82 percent want stoning for those who commit adultery; 77 percent would like to see whippings and hands cut off for robbery; and 84 percent favor the death penalty for any Muslim who changes his religion.

Asked if they supported “modernizers” or “Islamists” only 27 percent said modernizers while 59 percent said Islamists

In many cases (as it was in Iran) the only Secular influence available to RESTRAIN Islamic Sharia culture has been a powerful central figure like there was in Egypt or Libya. Good luck with blaming each other for the results...

It's one thing to impose your values on them, but quite another to remind them of the consequences if they threaten us.

Right now nobody fears what we might do if they decide to carry out more attacks in the U.S.

They figure we're fools. Only the renegades like UBL need worry. Governments are safe. A failure to act against Iran proves that.

Quick question, do dead american soldiers ever cross your mind when you formulate an opinion of where we should be warmongering?

I know dead innocent Iranian civilians don't, but what about the thousands of dead american soldiers that would be the fallout of a war with Iran?

For what? To "teach them a lesson"?

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