Libya Goes Islamic And We Helped Pave The Way

I dunno Infidel......I see all this fear of sharia law in the same light as Salem witch trials, and McCarthyist fears of communism.

Please think about your statements.
Shariah law tolerates the disembowelment of women (they are left on the street to die).
Shariah law tolerates the beheading of people without the same beliefs
Shariah law tolerates laws to keep women out of passenger seats in vehicles
Shariah law tolerates men beating women if they accuse (any excuse will do) her first
Shariah law tolerates boys being used for sex toys
Shariah law tolerates the mutilation of girls
Shariah law tolerates domestic abuse, and even encourages it
Shariah law tolerates people ripping corpses with their bare hands and displaying internal organs and blood as a sign of "pride"
Shariah law tolerates the rape of non-believing men, and then punishes the victim for homosexuality
Shariah law tolerates deception of non-believers, and encourages it
Shariah law tolerates destruction of non-believers churches, homes, and places of business
Shariah law tolerates deaths and encourages more

Please feel free to demonstrate any other belief system that subjugates its own like islam. Demonstrate where any other belief system encourages the deception, destruction and deaths of every culture that does not agree with theirs.

Maybe you should be afraid, you don't seem smart enough to stand against the attrocities.
I lived in the middle east from 2000-2004, and my wife was Alevi Muslim.....I didn't see any of that you're talking about.

Not saying it doesn't exist...but that's in crazy places like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, African Muslim countries, and other places nobody should ever go to.

That crap won't ever happen in the US on an insitutional scale.

What have we unleashed in Egypt & Libya? And spare me the "It's Democracy" shit...

[ame=]Moammar Gaddafi Sodomized With Stick Before Execution. Does Obama Gets Credit for This Too? - YouTube[/ame]
I dunno Infidel......I see all this fear of sharia law in the same light as Salem witch trials, and McCarthyist fears of communism.

Please think about your statements.
Shariah law tolerates the disembowelment of women (they are left on the street to die).
Shariah law tolerates the beheading of people without the same beliefs
Shariah law tolerates laws to keep women out of passenger seats in vehicles
Shariah law tolerates men beating women if they accuse (any excuse will do) her first
Shariah law tolerates boys being used for sex toys
Shariah law tolerates the mutilation of girls
Shariah law tolerates domestic abuse, and even encourages it
Shariah law tolerates people ripping corpses with their bare hands and displaying internal organs and blood as a sign of "pride"
Shariah law tolerates the rape of non-believing men, and then punishes the victim for homosexuality
Shariah law tolerates deception of non-believers, and encourages it
Shariah law tolerates destruction of non-believers churches, homes, and places of business
Shariah law tolerates deaths and encourages more

Please feel free to demonstrate any other belief system that subjugates its own like islam. Demonstrate where any other belief system encourages the deception, destruction and deaths of every culture that does not agree with theirs.

Maybe you should be afraid, you don't seem smart enough to stand against the attrocities.
I lived in the middle east from 2000-2004, and my wife was Alevi Muslim.....I didn't see any of that you're talking about.

Not saying it doesn't exist...but that's in crazy places like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, African Muslim countries, and other places nobody should ever go to.

That crap won't ever happen in the US on an insitutional scale.

Unfortunately, that is what the "crazy places" are exporting.
Poor Christians are having a real tough time in Tunisia,Egypt,and Libya. What has our Government unleashed over there and why are so many Americans celebrating this stuff? Is anyone going to help the Christians? Where's NATO and the UN? It's so sad.
What "people"? Who do they get to vote for? Figureheads put up by islam? You can vote for this cleric, that cleric, or yes, this other cleric. Anyone that does not intend to run the country under direct influence of Shariah is accused of blasphemy and MURDERED. Yeah, that is the same as us (NOT).

Much better if they vote for who we want them to vote for. Now THAT'S true freedom and democracy. :tank:

Nice to see that you still don't let "truth" get in the way of a good story.

And what "truth" is that?
How could our own people here in America support the cretins in these "liberated" countries who are massacring Christians? That just seems so wrong. Who will save the Christians? I fear these interventions are going to backfire on us big-time.
Sounds like the United States.

Which makes me wonder why your panties are in such a bunch about it here but in the Middle East it's all hunky-dorry.

I'll tell you what, since you're so numb to reality why don't you ask the first person you see at work to kick you in the ass cuz you probably won't feel that ether.

Where are my "panties in a bunch"? In every election I've had the choice between the Christian or the Christian. Why are YOUR "panties in a bunch" because the same holds true for Muslims in countries dominated by Muslims?

I spent time with Muslims. They aren't as simplistic as you would like to believe.

Being a Christian isn't like being a Muslim for one.

Christians are brought up going to church but often times they don't continue in adulthood. It's pretty much their choice.

If you're born a Muslim in the Middle East the whole family and even the community is depending on you to be a good Muslim. There are pressures exerted on young Muslims that Christians will never see.

You are not allowed freedom of speech when it comes to criticism of Muhammad. It is called blasphemy and punishable by death.

Homosexuality is considered a sin against God and in countries like Iran is punishable by death. Egypt and Jordan do not impose death but soon that will change in Egypt.

Muslim women are not allowed to marry anyone other than a Muslim.

Muslims are allowed to have slaves. This is not advertized because of obvious reasons.

Imagine a religion that still thinks it's the 9th Century. Countries where shaving your beard gets you a flogging, where homosexuality will get you hung, where adultery will get a woman stoned, theft will get your fingers cut off, where a woman must have a witness to claim rape, where the husband is allowed to beat her on a whim, where women can't get an education or drive a car. Where women and families have to eat in separate rooms from single males in a Pizza Hut. Where if your new bride isn't a virgin it brings shame upon the family. Serious enough that honor killings happen on a regular basis.
That's right Gravity...and saddam did that without sharia law.

Iraq wasn't all that religious under Saddam, in fact he didn't trust religious people and had them under surveilence in his country, if Saddam wasn't such a dick and played ball with us he would still be around.
Saddam saw how much influence religious leaders had in Iran, and didn't want to share.

Places like Saudii Arabia have sharia law....and they don't really oppress their own people, but they do oppress foreign've got nothing to worry about in Saudii Arabia, unless you fornicate, or eat shellfish, or are a blasphemer.....other than's not a bad place I hear

I deployed to Saudi Arabia back in 2001 before 9/11, Saudi Arabia treats its citizens differently according to family name and religious sect, if you come from a rich prominent family and you are Sunni things will go well for you in the Kingdom, however if you are a Shite citizen with no money or connections you will have a tough time and not that many opportunities as the Sunnis, in the Kingdom Shites are held back from top government jobs, Military postions and academic opporunities, most of the other Arab countries are the same way. As far as Westerners the Saudis know they need us but at the same time they don't want to see us, US and other Western contractors are usually kept on complexes that are similar to Military bases, they are kept out of the public eye as much as possible but in general they do quite well over there money wise, as far as workers from countries like India, Bangladesh etc they get treated like garbage.

Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

New Rulers In Libya Installing Sharia Law


The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi's forces. "This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence."
Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.


Iraq has gone Islamic also, and Khaddaffi was second only to Bin Laden regarding being responsible for dead Americans in terrorist attacks.
Iraq wasn't all that religious under Saddam, in fact he didn't trust religious people and had them under surveilence in his country, if Saddam wasn't such a dick and played ball with us he would still be around.
Saddam saw how much influence religious leaders had in Iran, and didn't want to share.

Places like Saudii Arabia have sharia law....and they don't really oppress their own people, but they do oppress foreign've got nothing to worry about in Saudii Arabia, unless you fornicate, or eat shellfish, or are a blasphemer.....other than's not a bad place I hear

I deployed to Saudi Arabia back in 2001 before 9/11, Saudi Arabia treats its citizens differently according to family name and religious sect, if you come from a rich prominent family and you are Sunni things will go well for you in the Kingdom, however if you are a Shite citizen with no money or connections you will have a tough time and not that many opportunities as the Sunnis, in the Kingdom Shites are held back from top government jobs, Military postions and academic opporunities, most of the other Arab countries are the same way. As far as Westerners the Saudis know they need us but at the same time they don't want to see us, US and other Western contractors are usually kept on complexes that are similar to Military bases, they are kept out of the public eye as much as possible but in general they do quite well over there money wise, as far as workers from countries like India, Bangladesh etc they get treated like garbage.
The Shiite in Saudi Arabia are not what Saudiis would call their own people. In the pre-Aramco era....there was just dust, tents, and the Faisal's pushing all the other Sunniis around.
Saddam saw how much influence religious leaders had in Iran, and didn't want to share.

Places like Saudii Arabia have sharia law....and they don't really oppress their own people, but they do oppress foreign've got nothing to worry about in Saudii Arabia, unless you fornicate, or eat shellfish, or are a blasphemer.....other than's not a bad place I hear

I deployed to Saudi Arabia back in 2001 before 9/11, Saudi Arabia treats its citizens differently according to family name and religious sect, if you come from a rich prominent family and you are Sunni things will go well for you in the Kingdom, however if you are a Shite citizen with no money or connections you will have a tough time and not that many opportunities as the Sunnis, in the Kingdom Shites are held back from top government jobs, Military postions and academic opporunities, most of the other Arab countries are the same way. As far as Westerners the Saudis know they need us but at the same time they don't want to see us, US and other Western contractors are usually kept on complexes that are similar to Military bases, they are kept out of the public eye as much as possible but in general they do quite well over there money wise, as far as workers from countries like India, Bangladesh etc they get treated like garbage.
The Shiite in Saudi Arabia are not what Saudiis would call their own people. In the pre-Aramco era....there was just dust, tents, and the Faisal's pushing all the other Sunniis around.

Thats part of the problem, there is alot of discontent among the Shite population in the Kingdom and thats why the Saudis were quick to send their Military over to Bahrain to stop the Shite uprisings there, they don't the Shites to get any ideas in Saudi Arabia and try the same thing.
I deployed to Saudi Arabia back in 2001 before 9/11, Saudi Arabia treats its citizens differently according to family name and religious sect, if you come from a rich prominent family and you are Sunni things will go well for you in the Kingdom, however if you are a Shite citizen with no money or connections you will have a tough time and not that many opportunities as the Sunnis, in the Kingdom Shites are held back from top government jobs, Military postions and academic opporunities, most of the other Arab countries are the same way. As far as Westerners the Saudis know they need us but at the same time they don't want to see us, US and other Western contractors are usually kept on complexes that are similar to Military bases, they are kept out of the public eye as much as possible but in general they do quite well over there money wise, as far as workers from countries like India, Bangladesh etc they get treated like garbage.
The Shiite in Saudi Arabia are not what Saudiis would call their own people. In the pre-Aramco era....there was just dust, tents, and the Faisal's pushing all the other Sunniis around.

Thats part of the problem, there is alot of discontent among the Shite population in the Kingdom and thats why the Saudis were quick to send their Military over to Bahrain to stop the Shite uprisings there, they don't the Shites to get any ideas in Saudi Arabia and try the same thing.
From what I've heard from my very few Saudii friends....the Shiite have no business being in the kingdom, and are valued about as much as we value illegal hispanic workers. We're happy to employ them for peanuts...but we don't want to see them walking around amongst us.
Who cares if Libya has sharia law...Saudii Arabia, UAE, Dubai, and other US allies have sharia law, and righties aren't complaining....

We're not the world religious police...and shouldn't go around the world telling countries what type of laws they can, and cannot create. If they're killing thier people, that's another thing.

This is all just GOP fearmongering to minimize any bump Obama might get for the whole Quddafi thing.
The Shiite in Saudi Arabia are not what Saudiis would call their own people. In the pre-Aramco era....there was just dust, tents, and the Faisal's pushing all the other Sunniis around.

Thats part of the problem, there is alot of discontent among the Shite population in the Kingdom and thats why the Saudis were quick to send their Military over to Bahrain to stop the Shite uprisings there, they don't the Shites to get any ideas in Saudi Arabia and try the same thing.
From what I've heard from my very few Saudii friends....the Shiite have no business being in the kingdom, and are valued about as much as we value illegal hispanic workers. We're happy to employ them for peanuts...but we don't want to see them walking around amongst us.

I don't think thats good because most of these Shites have been living in the Kingdom for generations, I don't think showing preference towards someone because of their religion is a good thing. This is also another reason the Saudis are nervous about Irans growing role in the region.

Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

New Rulers In Libya Installing Sharia Law


The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi's forces. "This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence."
Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.


I think the word you're looking for is Islamist, not Islamic. Libya "went Islamic" a long time ago.
Who cares if Libya has sharia law...Saudii Arabia, UAE, Dubai, and other US allies have sharia law, and righties aren't complaining....

We're not the world religious police...and shouldn't go around the world telling countries what type of laws they can, and cannot create. If they're killing thier people, that's another thing.

This is all just GOP fearmongering to minimize any bump Obama might get for the whole Quddafi thing.

That's the whole point, the religion will be used to kill people.

And it's not GOP fearmongering, the US over-stepping it's bounds in the ME, blowing up countries that have nothing to do with US defense, is a totally bipartisan issue. Asshole Bush blew up sections of the middle east, and now Asshole Obama is doing the exact same thing.

They're going to kill each other anyways, no reason for us to sacrifice american soldiers and american taxpayer dollars just so we can get in the middle of the bloodshed.
Thats part of the problem, there is alot of discontent among the Shite population in the Kingdom and thats why the Saudis were quick to send their Military over to Bahrain to stop the Shite uprisings there, they don't the Shites to get any ideas in Saudi Arabia and try the same thing.
From what I've heard from my very few Saudii friends....the Shiite have no business being in the kingdom, and are valued about as much as we value illegal hispanic workers. We're happy to employ them for peanuts...but we don't want to see them walking around amongst us.

I don't think thats good because most of these Shites have been living in the Kingdom for generations, I don't think showing preference towards someone because of their religion is a good thing. This is also another reason the Saudis are nervous about Irans growing role in the region.
I think people are putting way too much faith in the Saudiis. From what I'm told, the royals especially, are spoiled childish panseys. The Faisals were warlike overly religious hicks before they got a bunch of oil money then started thinking they're all that........hey! that I think about it....they're alot like Texans in that regard...................................I kid! Ikid!...go Rangers! :razz:

Anyway...Expecting Sunnis to treat Shiites well and visa versa, will never happen.

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