Libs Attempt To Stop Videos Being Shown At PP Hearing


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It is OBVIOUS that Liberals do not mind babies being capable of surviving outside the womb being murdered, chopped up, and their pieces sold for profit (cash, Lamborghinis, etc...) ...just as long as THEY don't have to see it and as long as no one else sees it and finds out what is really happening...

Dems Try to Block Planned Parenthood Videos at House Hearing

House Republicans showed the gruesome Planned Parenthood videos in a hearing today. Democrats tried to block them.

In the committee hearing last week, witnesses said the Democrats refused even to look at them. This time some of them looked, others looked away and still others “panicked,” in the words of one observer. They huddled together and then tried to have sub-committee chairman Pitts stop them. He refused. Despite refusing to even look at the videos, Democrats repeatedly claimed they had been ‘heavily edited’.

White House, Refuses to Watch, Dismisses Carly Fiorina ‘Dare’ To Watch Planned Parenthood Videos

The White House, who has Planned Parenthood and its murder, butchering, dismemberment, and selling pieces of babies for profit, all at tax payer expense, said it will NOT take up Fiorina's challenge and watch the videos.
- Nothing Like a President who won't keep an open mind, who turns a blind eye to atrocity and murder, and who advocates the murder of babies capable of surviving outside the womb.

Hillary Clinton Refuses To Watch, Dismisses Fiorina's Challenge to Watch, Dodges Question About it

Wolf Blitzer asks Hillary to answer Fiorina’s Dare to Watch Planned Parenthood – Hillary Dodges Question, Tries to ‘Break Down What’s going On’ in Rambling Response that Never Answered the Question / Dare.
- Trump says he likes whoever likes him...Hillary says she likes anyone who gives her money, which Planned Parenthood does...and a lot of it - all of it being in the form of our tax dollars given to them by the federal govt.
It is OBVIOUS that Liberals do not mind babies being capable of surviving outside the womb being murdered, chopped up, and their pieces sold for profit (cash, Lamborghinis, etc...) ...just as long as THEY don't have to see it and as long as no one else sees it and finds out what is really happening...

Dems Try to Block Planned Parenthood Videos at House Hearing

House Republicans showed the gruesome Planned Parenthood videos in a hearing today. Democrats tried to block them.

In the committee hearing last week, witnesses said the Democrats refused even to look at them. This time some of them looked, others looked away and still others “panicked,” in the words of one observer. They huddled together and then tried to have sub-committee chairman Pitts stop them. He refused. Despite refusing to even look at the videos, Democrats repeatedly claimed they had been ‘heavily edited’.

White House, Refuses to Watch, Dismisses Carly Fiorina ‘Dare’ To Watch Planned Parenthood Videos

The White House, who has Planned Parenthood and its murder, butchering, dismemberment, and selling pieces of babies for profit, all at tax payer expense, said it will NOT take up Fiorina's challenge and watch the videos.
- Nothing Like a President who won't keep an open mind, who turns a blind eye to atrocity and murder, and who advocates the murder of babies capable of surviving outside the womb.

Hillary Clinton Refuses To Watch, Dismisses Fiorina's Challenge to Watch, Dodges Question About it

Wolf Blitzer asks Hillary to answer Fiorina’s Dare to Watch Planned Parenthood – Hillary Dodges Question, Tries to ‘Break Down What’s going On’ in Rambling Response that Never Answered the Question / Dare.
- Trump says he likes whoever likes him...Hillary says she likes anyone who gives her money, which Planned Parenthood does...and a lot of it - all of it being in the form of our tax dollars given to them by the federal govt.

Indeed. I have two grandchildren, one aged five and one aged seven. I don't want a Liberal anywhere near them. There's no telling when one of the murdering despots will simply decide that any child can be murdered and chopped up for body parts at ages five or seven. It is an evil mindset.
Indeed. I have two grandchildren, one aged five and one aged seven. I don't want a Liberal anywhere near them. There's no telling when one of the murdering despots will simply decide that any child can be murdered and chopped up for body parts at ages five or seven. It is an evil mindset.

Well Obama DID argue once that it should be OK to KILL a LIVE baby lying on the doctor's table, that had survived a failed abortion, because that was the original intent of the mother. Obama opposed 'Born Alive' Bills: ( "His stated reasons for opposing "born-alive" bills have to do with preserving abortion rights.")
It is OBVIOUS that Liberals do not mind babies being capable of surviving outside the womb being murdered, chopped up, and their pieces sold for profit (cash, Lamborghinis, etc...) ...just as long as THEY don't have to see it and as long as no one else sees it and finds out what is really happening...

Dems Try to Block Planned Parenthood Videos at House Hearing

House Republicans showed the gruesome Planned Parenthood videos in a hearing today. Democrats tried to block them.

In the committee hearing last week, witnesses said the Democrats refused even to look at them. This time some of them looked, others looked away and still others “panicked,” in the words of one observer. They huddled together and then tried to have sub-committee chairman Pitts stop them. He refused. Despite refusing to even look at the videos, Democrats repeatedly claimed they had been ‘heavily edited’.

White House, Refuses to Watch, Dismisses Carly Fiorina ‘Dare’ To Watch Planned Parenthood Videos

The White House, who has Planned Parenthood and its murder, butchering, dismemberment, and selling pieces of babies for profit, all at tax payer expense, said it will NOT take up Fiorina's challenge and watch the videos.
- Nothing Like a President who won't keep an open mind, who turns a blind eye to atrocity and murder, and who advocates the murder of babies capable of surviving outside the womb.

Hillary Clinton Refuses To Watch, Dismisses Fiorina's Challenge to Watch, Dodges Question About it

Wolf Blitzer asks Hillary to answer Fiorina’s Dare to Watch Planned Parenthood – Hillary Dodges Question, Tries to ‘Break Down What’s going On’ in Rambling Response that Never Answered the Question / Dare.
- Trump says he likes whoever likes him...Hillary says she likes anyone who gives her money, which Planned Parenthood does...and a lot of it - all of it being in the form of our tax dollars given to them by the federal govt.

Indeed. I have two grandchildren, one aged five and one aged seven. I don't want a Liberal anywhere near them. There's no telling when one of the murdering despots will simply decide that any child can be murdered and chopped up for body parts at ages five or seven. It is an evil mindset.

I take it your anti-war, anti-death penalty, pro SNAP/Welfare, right?
control the media, work toward a state controlled media, i'd say Obama already has, in significant ways, benghazi being just one of them.
Dafuck's this have to do with "Liberals"?

Headlines: 'Democrats Threaten to Block Planned Parenthood De-funding' Vote

Ummm, Hillary supports them, Obama supports them, almost ALL Liberals support them, and now we see, despite over 70% of Americans calling for it to be defunded, Liberals are pulling a 'Harry Reid' and vowing to prevent it from coming to the floor for a vote...
Dafuck's this have to do with "Liberals"?

Headlines: 'Democrats Threaten to Block Planned Parenthood De-funding' Vote

Ummm, Hillary supports them, Obama supports them, almost ALL Liberals support them, and now we see, despite over 70% of Americans calling for it to be defunded, Liberals are pulling a 'Harry Reid' and vowing to prevent it from coming to the floor for a vote...

So you're publicly admitting you don't know the difference between Liberals and "Democrats".
Thanks for that. Although it was already obvious. :rolleyes:
Progs told us there were no videos

Progs say that a baby whose entire body is out of the mother but whose head remains inside the mother is NOT a live baby capable of surviving outside the womb but is instead a 'fetus' so they can get away with shoving scissors up inside the baby's head, kill it (aka 'Partial Birth Abortion', chop it up, and sell it.
So you're publicly admitting you don't know the difference between Liberals and "Democrats".
Thanks for that. Although it was already obvious. :rolleyes:

Nice try, P, but still a FAIL. There is no more 'Democratic Party'. Progressive Liberals, aka SOCIAILISTS, stole the party name long ago and now have 'evolved' the Party into what it is now, a bastion of Progressive Socialism. There are still a few politicians who consider themselves 'Democrats' but not 'Liberals', but they have been forced to join the new DNC Socialist party because there's only 2 parties out there. They are just as much out-siders as the Conservatives within the Republican Party, a Party that declares it espouses Conservative values / ideas but as a party has proven that it is no different than the Liberal Progressive Democratic Socialist party.

But thank you for the demonstration of how Liberals like to delve into the 'Bil Clinton' definition of 'is' to avoid condemnation when the light is shined upon them, much like cockroaches in a kitchen at midnight when the light comes on.
It is OBVIOUS that Liberals do not mind babies being capable of surviving outside the womb being murdered, chopped up, and their pieces sold for profit (cash, Lamborghinis, etc...) ...just as long as THEY don't have to see it and as long as no one else sees it and finds out what is really happening...

Dems Try to Block Planned Parenthood Videos at House Hearing

House Republicans showed the gruesome Planned Parenthood videos in a hearing today. Democrats tried to block them.

In the committee hearing last week, witnesses said the Democrats refused even to look at them. This time some of them looked, others looked away and still others “panicked,” in the words of one observer. They huddled together and then tried to have sub-committee chairman Pitts stop them. He refused. Despite refusing to even look at the videos, Democrats repeatedly claimed they had been ‘heavily edited’.

White House, Refuses to Watch, Dismisses Carly Fiorina ‘Dare’ To Watch Planned Parenthood Videos

The White House, who has Planned Parenthood and its murder, butchering, dismemberment, and selling pieces of babies for profit, all at tax payer expense, said it will NOT take up Fiorina's challenge and watch the videos.
- Nothing Like a President who won't keep an open mind, who turns a blind eye to atrocity and murder, and who advocates the murder of babies capable of surviving outside the womb.

Hillary Clinton Refuses To Watch, Dismisses Fiorina's Challenge to Watch, Dodges Question About it

Wolf Blitzer asks Hillary to answer Fiorina’s Dare to Watch Planned Parenthood – Hillary Dodges Question, Tries to ‘Break Down What’s going On’ in Rambling Response that Never Answered the Question / Dare.
- Trump says he likes whoever likes him...Hillary says she likes anyone who gives her money, which Planned Parenthood does...and a lot of it - all of it being in the form of our tax dollars given to them by the federal govt.

Indeed. I have two grandchildren, one aged five and one aged seven. I don't want a Liberal anywhere near them. There's no telling when one of the murdering despots will simply decide that any child can be murdered and chopped up for body parts at ages five or seven. It is an evil mindset.

I take it your anti-war, anti-death penalty, pro SNAP/Welfare, right?

Then you take me wrong. I don't hate children.
So you're publicly admitting you don't know the difference between Liberals and "Democrats".
Thanks for that. Although it was already obvious. :rolleyes:

Nice try, P, but still a FAIL. There is no more 'Democratic Party'. Progressive Liberals, aka SOCIAILISTS, stole the party name long ago and now have 'evolved' the Party into what it is now, a bastion of Progressive Socialism. There are still a few politicians who consider themselves 'Democrats' but not 'Liberals', but they have been forced to join the new DNC Socialist party because there's only 2 parties out there. They are just as much out-siders as the Conservatives within the Republican Party, a Party that declares it espouses Conservative values / ideas but as a party has proven that it is no different than the Liberal Progressive Democratic Socialist party.

But thank you for the demonstration of how Liberals like to delve into the 'Bil Clinton' definition of 'is' to avoid condemnation when the light is shined upon them, much like cockroaches in a kitchen at midnight when the light comes on.

Indeed. I have two grandchildren, one aged five and one aged seven. I don't want a Liberal anywhere near them. There's no telling when one of the murdering despots will simply decide that any child can be murdered and chopped up for body parts at ages five or seven. It is an evil mindset.
Agreed. Anyone who, at any point, thought it was morally acceptable to murder my children won't be allowed within fifty feet of them. I just do not fucking trust them, especially around kids.
Indeed. I have two grandchildren, one aged five and one aged seven. I don't want a Liberal anywhere near them. There's no telling when one of the murdering despots will simply decide that any child can be murdered and chopped up for body parts at ages five or seven. It is an evil mindset.
Agreed. Anyone who, at any point, thought it was morally acceptable to murder my children won't be allowed within fifty feet of them. I just do not fucking trust them, especially around kids.

Indeed. There should be a database listing them as there exists databases of sex offenders so human beings can protect their children and grandchildren from them.
Typical lawyer courtroom tactic.....attempt to throw out damaging evidence.

doctored evidence has no place in any hearing.

poor baby.

LOL! How the hail would Liberals know if it was doctored evidence? They won't even look at it...because while the concept of murdering babies and chopping them up and selling their parts is ok in concept but looking at it and seeing it is altogether different.

And who needs the video anyway? An Ex-Head of PPP has already come forward and validated everything that is on the video.
Typical lawyer courtroom tactic.....attempt to throw out damaging evidence.

doctored evidence has no place in any hearing.

poor baby.

LOL! How the hail would Liberals know if it was doctored evidence? They won't even look at it...because while the concept of murdering babies and chopping them up and selling their parts is ok in concept but looking at it and seeing it is altogether different.

And who needs the video anyway? An Ex-Head of PPP has already come forward and validated everything that is on the video.
But the current head of PP will say the videos only show actors reading scripts and that will immediately become the inviolable truth against which no objection may be raised. In fact, if you do question it, then that will just be reason for them to investigate you and possibly convict you of being an Islamophobic racist.

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