Liberals Trying To Start A Race War Over Ferguson

The liberal commie agitators have been looking for any way to cause their "revolution" since the 60s. Actually, they have been planning it since the 30s if you want to be technical.

Yes, these are the agitators that are there in Ferguson. They thought they had their opportunity during the OWS movements. They caused riots all over the place, like Seattle.

The commies have their person that they need in the white house. He is one of them, and they know it. Everything this piece of commie slime in the white house is a lie. He says one thing and means another. The like minded pieces of insidious shit are in the media. We see how they are and what they want.

It is very close people. It is very close. I hope people are preparing.
Michael Brown died for your sins. Black on black crime is the bigger issue, why no riots on that?

Oh yes! Why no riots on that. My goodness dear me!

Funny how the left has used your tactic of 'deflection'.That's what the liberal brain does since it can't process the difference between wrong and right. It's just not possible.


I don't think you know who is who and I know that you have a hard time recognizing sarcasm. Try once again.

Again, I recognize it as I just pointed it out to you.

I'll slow down for you next time


Bullshit. You missed the sarcasm.
This was posted on tumblr a few minutes ago:



EGYPT ‘2014








MEXICO ‘2014




BRAZIL ‘2014







You know, I looked at the accounts of some of those that "reblogged" this. I think that many of them may be fake.
The liberal commie agitators have been looking for any way to cause their "revolution" since the 60s. Actually, they have been planning it since the 30s if you want to be technical.

Yes, these are the agitators that are there in Ferguson. They thought they had their opportunity during the OWS movements. They caused riots all over the place, like Seattle.

The commies have their person that they need in the white house. He is one of them, and they know it. Everything this piece of commie slime in the white house is a lie. He says one thing and means another. The like minded pieces of insidious shit are in the media. We see how they are and what they want.

It is very close people. It is very close. I hope people are preparing.

Must be the Commies then...

Are there people that still believe this crap.

I would laugh at you but for the previous 4 pages of bile...

The facts are the Cop used 12 bullets to shoot one guy... that is 1/5 of all the bullets that Germany used in 2012...

The problem here is a social and policing problem. Ferguson Police handled this whole incident like the keystone cops and other law enforcement agencies(with better track records) have said criticising Ferguson, have made it very clear they would have handled it differently...


Look at it here... Live ammo at a riot... You are either going to retreat or cause a mass murder of some guilty and lot of innocent people in a crowd. This is insanity at work and shows the mentally of the police involved. Enforcement agencies around the world looked on in disbelief at this type idiocy.

Tell me how that diffuses the situation?
The liberal commie agitators have been looking for any way to cause their "revolution" since the 60s. Actually, they have been planning it since the 30s if you want to be technical.

Yes, these are the agitators that are there in Ferguson. They thought they had their opportunity during the OWS movements. They caused riots all over the place, like Seattle.

The commies have their person that they need in the white house. He is one of them, and they know it. Everything this piece of commie slime in the white house is a lie. He says one thing and means another. The like minded pieces of insidious shit are in the media. We see how they are and what they want.

It is very close people. It is very close. I hope people are preparing.

Must be the Commies then...

Are there people that still believe this crap.

I would laugh at you but for the previous 4 pages of bile...

The facts are the Cop used 12 bullets to shoot one guy... that is 1/5 of all the bullets that Germany used in 2012...

The problem here is a social and policing problem. Ferguson Police handled this whole incident like the keystone cops and other law enforcement agencies(with better track records) have said criticising Ferguson, have made it very clear they would have handled it differently...


Look at it here... Live ammo at a riot... You are either going to retreat or cause a mass murder of some guilty and lot of innocent people in a crowd. This is insanity at work and shows the mentally of the police involved. Enforcement agencies around the world looked on in disbelief at this type idiocy.

Tell me how that diffuses the situation?
All evidence contradicts all of your fucking lies you piece shit race baiting liar.

Your stupid jedi mind trick will not work on me you piece of marxist shit. Cannot wait for the violence to hit the fan.
Obama's Remarks on Ferguson Grand Jury Designed to 'Feed the Rage'

By Jack Coleman | November 25, 2014 | 8:20 PM EST

Seldom-heard praise for President Obama from Rush Limbaugh today -- wrapped within withering analysis of Obama's disingenuous remarks last night after a grand jury decided against indicting Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown in August.

Yet again, Obama fails to live up to his billing as a unifying figure, Limbaugh pointed out. Instead, he's just the opposite (audio) --

The grand jury system, I was kind of surprised. I know the legal beagles that I've listened to, a lot of legal people for whom I have great respect said, Rush, this is a slam dunk. There is, we've seen the evidence, as much as we've seen and as much as we've heard about, the testimony, there's no way this cop gets indicted. And I said yeah but that's not the way things happen in the country anymore. Everybody, episodes like this need sacrificial lambs and everybody's going to be focused on keeping the peace and everybody's going to be focused on, you know, just make the problem go away.

So I was surprised, grand jury system worked, despite enormous pressures exerted by the president's representative, Eric Holder, the attorney general. A police officer was not indicted and the president let it be known last night that if some people don't think justice was done, he understands. If some people are deeply upset and they don't think justice happened last night or the last two months, then he understands they're being upset. I think he missed a golden opportunity, I can't tell you how many golden opportunities this man has missed. He missed an opportunity last night, if he really cared about unity, he could have done a lot for it last night. If he really cares about bringing people together, if he really cares about a functioning, orderly society, even if he wants to transform it, he had a golden opportunity last night -- and he punted. He had 20 minutes of inane ramblings that were designed subtly to feed the rage. And he could have done so much. You do have to admit that he is, when he applies himself, a very persuasive and talented speaker and orator, when he applies himself. If it's on the teleprompter and the words he wants to use are there, then he can do it really well. Didn't even try. Didn't even try, it was just the exact opposite, it was so disappointing to me.

But then I had to stop and realize, that's not what Obama's about. Obama, transforming America, he knows it's going to be messy and he knows it's going to be filled with strife and he knows there's going to be a certain amount of chaos, that's unavoidable given the scope of the change he desires. He knows people aren't going to just sit idly by and let it happen, they're going to fight it, those who don't agree with it. And that is what community organizers do, they agitate, and that's what Obama sadly did last night was agitate. And he had a chance, he had a golden opportunity to do exact opposite, and he - didn't - even - try.

You see, to me what happened in Ferguson last night -- if you say, as the president did, it's an understandable reaction that there are Americans deeply upset, even angry, it's an understandable reaction -- how is it understandable? What if the rage and what if the anger is not legitimate? What if it's the product of, this is my whole point, the Democrat party, the American left, has created in its base supporters a degree of anger and rage that borders on the irrational. And they do it about everything! They do it about the Iraq war, they're doing it about the war on terror, they're doing it about virtually everything! And they keep their base supporters in a fevered pitch where their base supporters think virtually everybody is out to get 'em, that the deck is so unfairly stacked that they don't even have a chance, even with a man who is as historic as president, the first African-American. That doesn't even matter. You create this hopelessness, you create a circumstance where the foregone conclusion is disaster.

But why should the reaction last night be understandable when it isn't, really. I have to define understandable in the way Obama meant it. He meant it in a way of justifying it and that's where he missed a golden opportunity, but this is unnecessary and it's not going to change anything. It's not going to improve circumstances for anybody, it's going to make them worse for practically everybody involved -- other than the people that benefit from this. Who benefits from this chaos? Who benefits from this strife? Who benefits from the continuing racial strife in America? Who benefits from this? If you answer that question, you'll find out who's responsible for it. And don't doubt somebody benefits from it or it wouldn't happen.​

Yeah, he definitely has you in mind, Al Sharpton.

Right out of the gate when Obama made his remarks last night after the grand jury's decision was announced, he referred to two different responses -- "There are Americans who agree with it and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It's an understandable reaction."

... While agreeing with the grand jury is simply not an "understandable reaction," at least not to Obama and like-minded leftists. The signal is duly sent to the mob -- rampage away. After all, looting is merely socialism in a hurry.

Still, this pales compared to the shabby editorializing of NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams when he reported that the grand jury "failed" to bring charges against Officer Wilson. Kinda like when the U.S. Senate "failed" to convict Clinton in 1999?

- See more at: Rush Limbaugh Obama s Remarks on Ferguson Grand Jury Designed to Feed the Rage
You are turning into another Political Chic with these lengthy posts.
Michael Brown died for your sins. Black on black crime is the bigger issue, why no riots on that?
Excellent Point and a great question but I doubt you will get an answer because that does not fit into their agenda.
The liberal commie agitators have been looking for any way to cause their "revolution" since the 60s. Actually, they have been planning it since the 30s if you want to be technical.

Yes, these are the agitators that are there in Ferguson. They thought they had their opportunity during the OWS movements. They caused riots all over the place, like Seattle.

The commies have their person that they need in the white house. He is one of them, and they know it. Everything this piece of commie slime in the white house is a lie. He says one thing and means another. The like minded pieces of insidious shit are in the media. We see how they are and what they want.

It is very close people. It is very close. I hope people are preparing.

Must be the Commies then...

Are there people that still believe this crap.

I would laugh at you but for the previous 4 pages of bile...

The facts are the Cop used 12 bullets to shoot one guy... that is 1/5 of all the bullets that Germany used in 2012...

The problem here is a social and policing problem. Ferguson Police handled this whole incident like the keystone cops and other law enforcement agencies(with better track records) have said criticising Ferguson, have made it very clear they would have handled it differently...


Look at it here... Live ammo at a riot... You are either going to retreat or cause a mass murder of some guilty and lot of innocent people in a crowd. This is insanity at work and shows the mentally of the police involved. Enforcement agencies around the world looked on in disbelief at this type idiocy.

Tell me how that diffuses the situation?
All evidence contradicts all of your fucking lies you piece shit race baiting liar.

Your stupid jedi mind trick will not work on me you piece of marxist shit. Cannot wait for the violence to hit the fan.

Ahh you're nice... Now I am a Marxist... You get the anger out, no point being bitter...

To even question the policies actions now are met a barrage of abuse, none which actually address the problem.

Your post tell us a lot more about the type of person you are, than anything about myself.
Obama's Remarks on Ferguson Grand Jury Designed to 'Feed the Rage'

By Jack Coleman | November 25, 2014 | 8:20 PM EST

Seldom-heard praise for President Obama from Rush Limbaugh today -- wrapped within withering analysis of Obama's disingenuous remarks last night after a grand jury decided against indicting Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown in August.

Yet again, Obama fails to live up to his billing as a unifying figure, Limbaugh pointed out. Instead, he's just the opposite (audio) --

The grand jury system, I was kind of surprised. I know the legal beagles that I've listened to, a lot of legal people for whom I have great respect said, Rush, this is a slam dunk. There is, we've seen the evidence, as much as we've seen and as much as we've heard about, the testimony, there's no way this cop gets indicted. And I said yeah but that's not the way things happen in the country anymore. Everybody, episodes like this need sacrificial lambs and everybody's going to be focused on keeping the peace and everybody's going to be focused on, you know, just make the problem go away.

So I was surprised, grand jury system worked, despite enormous pressures exerted by the president's representative, Eric Holder, the attorney general. A police officer was not indicted and the president let it be known last night that if some people don't think justice was done, he understands. If some people are deeply upset and they don't think justice happened last night or the last two months, then he understands they're being upset. I think he missed a golden opportunity, I can't tell you how many golden opportunities this man has missed. He missed an opportunity last night, if he really cared about unity, he could have done a lot for it last night. If he really cares about bringing people together, if he really cares about a functioning, orderly society, even if he wants to transform it, he had a golden opportunity last night -- and he punted. He had 20 minutes of inane ramblings that were designed subtly to feed the rage. And he could have done so much. You do have to admit that he is, when he applies himself, a very persuasive and talented speaker and orator, when he applies himself. If it's on the teleprompter and the words he wants to use are there, then he can do it really well. Didn't even try. Didn't even try, it was just the exact opposite, it was so disappointing to me.

But then I had to stop and realize, that's not what Obama's about. Obama, transforming America, he knows it's going to be messy and he knows it's going to be filled with strife and he knows there's going to be a certain amount of chaos, that's unavoidable given the scope of the change he desires. He knows people aren't going to just sit idly by and let it happen, they're going to fight it, those who don't agree with it. And that is what community organizers do, they agitate, and that's what Obama sadly did last night was agitate. And he had a chance, he had a golden opportunity to do exact opposite, and he - didn't - even - try.

You see, to me what happened in Ferguson last night -- if you say, as the president did, it's an understandable reaction that there are Americans deeply upset, even angry, it's an understandable reaction -- how is it understandable? What if the rage and what if the anger is not legitimate? What if it's the product of, this is my whole point, the Democrat party, the American left, has created in its base supporters a degree of anger and rage that borders on the irrational. And they do it about everything! They do it about the Iraq war, they're doing it about the war on terror, they're doing it about virtually everything! And they keep their base supporters in a fevered pitch where their base supporters think virtually everybody is out to get 'em, that the deck is so unfairly stacked that they don't even have a chance, even with a man who is as historic as president, the first African-American. That doesn't even matter. You create this hopelessness, you create a circumstance where the foregone conclusion is disaster.

But why should the reaction last night be understandable when it isn't, really. I have to define understandable in the way Obama meant it. He meant it in a way of justifying it and that's where he missed a golden opportunity, but this is unnecessary and it's not going to change anything. It's not going to improve circumstances for anybody, it's going to make them worse for practically everybody involved -- other than the people that benefit from this. Who benefits from this chaos? Who benefits from this strife? Who benefits from the continuing racial strife in America? Who benefits from this? If you answer that question, you'll find out who's responsible for it. And don't doubt somebody benefits from it or it wouldn't happen.​

Yeah, he definitely has you in mind, Al Sharpton.

Right out of the gate when Obama made his remarks last night after the grand jury's decision was announced, he referred to two different responses -- "There are Americans who agree with it and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It's an understandable reaction."

... While agreeing with the grand jury is simply not an "understandable reaction," at least not to Obama and like-minded leftists. The signal is duly sent to the mob -- rampage away. After all, looting is merely socialism in a hurry.

Still, this pales compared to the shabby editorializing of NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams when he reported that the grand jury "failed" to bring charges against Officer Wilson. Kinda like when the U.S. Senate "failed" to convict Clinton in 1999?

- See more at: Rush Limbaugh Obama s Remarks on Ferguson Grand Jury Designed to Feed the Rage
You are turning into another Political Chic with these lengthy posts.
Why thank you!!!
This was posted on tumblr a few minutes ago:



EGYPT ‘2014








MEXICO ‘2014




BRAZIL ‘2014







You know, I looked at the accounts of some of those that "reblogged" this. I think that many of them may be fake.
I think all of it is faked.

I don't trust any of it.


Notice how the people there turned this from he's suspected to be a KKK member to he is a KKK member:

Dr. Marva Robinson @drmarvarobinson Follow
KKK member showed up and the cops escorted him away from the crowd. At least 20 stlco cops protecting and surrounding him. #Ferguson

7:27 PM - 24 Nov 2014

No member of the KKK is going to show up there without massive backup. If they had showed up packing heat this would have been a blood-bath.

These assholes just wanted to beat up a white guy.

Notice how the people there turned this from he's suspected to be a KKK member to he is a KKK member.

Dr. Marva Robinson @drmarvarobinson Follow
KKK member showed up and the cops escorted him away from the crowd. At least 20 stlco cops protecting and surrounding him. #Ferguson

7:27 PM - 24 Nov 2014
No member of the KKK is going to show up there without massive backup. If they had showed up packing heat this would have been a blood-bath.

These assholes just wanted to beat up a white guy.

Or the guy was so hammered that he wanted his fifteen minutes of fame. That said, it's making it's way across the interweb that nobody is talking about the kkk showing up.
It's the jury system they want to do away with. It has failed them by finding non blacks innocent. The Duke Lacrosse boys walked. George Zimmerman walked. Darren Wilson didn't even have enough evidence to charge. Justice by mob. Instantly. No expensive trials.

Yeah, payback for what our Grandfathers might have done.

They might want to focus on the Democrats, because they did more than their share of lynching.

The liberal commie agitators have been looking for any way to cause their "revolution" since the 60s. Actually, they have been planning it since the 30s if you want to be technical.

Yes, these are the agitators that are there in Ferguson. They thought they had their opportunity during the OWS movements. They caused riots all over the place, like Seattle.

The commies have their person that they need in the white house. He is one of them, and they know it. Everything this piece of commie slime in the white house is a lie. He says one thing and means another. The like minded pieces of insidious shit are in the media. We see how they are and what they want.

It is very close people. It is very close. I hope people are preparing.

Must be the Commies then...

Are there people that still believe this crap.

I would laugh at you but for the previous 4 pages of bile...

The facts are the Cop used 12 bullets to shoot one guy... that is 1/5 of all the bullets that Germany used in 2012...

The problem here is a social and policing problem. Ferguson Police handled this whole incident like the keystone cops and other law enforcement agencies(with better track records) have said criticising Ferguson, have made it very clear they would have handled it differently...


Look at it here... Live ammo at a riot... You are either going to retreat or cause a mass murder of some guilty and lot of innocent people in a crowd. This is insanity at work and shows the mentally of the police involved. Enforcement agencies around the world looked on in disbelief at this type idiocy.

Tell me how that diffuses the situation?
The threat of death is a pretty good deterrent.

I don't understand why you feel that bringing a gun to protect businesses means that you don't bring bullets as well. You might as well roll out the red-carpet to rioters.
Race Wars are good for business for the Democratic Party. Keeping the People bitter and divided is exactly what Saul Alinsky taught them. It's all in Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' if anyone's interested in understanding what Community (Communist) Organizing is all about.

They need to keep people thinking they're victims. It's vital they keep them in permanent 'Grievance' mode. 'Divide & Conquer.' That's the name of the game for Communists/Democrats.
The Democratic Party is solely responsible for creating this 'Grievance/Entitlement' Nation we've become.' They've created Millions & Millions of programmed robots who see themselves as permanent victims with endless grievances. These bots truly believe the deserve something because they're 'poor victims.'

It really is all about the Community (Communist) Organizing. People really should read up on Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' They need to get better-informed on the Communist/Democrat agenda.
The Democratic Party is solely responsible for creating this 'Grievance/Entitlement' Nation we've become.' They've created Millions & Millions of programmed robots who see themselves as permanent victims with endless grievances. These bots truly believe the deserve something because they're 'poor victims.'

It really is all about the Community (Communist) Organizing. People really should read up on Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' They need to get better-informed on the Communist/Democrat agenda.
Better yet just read the damn book, it's not what you've been told.
The Democratic Party is solely responsible for creating this 'Grievance/Entitlement' Nation we've become.' They've created Millions & Millions of programmed robots who see themselves as permanent victims with endless grievances. These bots truly believe the deserve something because they're 'poor victims.'

It really is all about the Community (Communist) Organizing. People really should read up on Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' They need to get better-informed on the Communist/Democrat agenda.
Better yet just read the damn book, it's not what you've been told.

We have become a 'Grievance/Entitlement' Nation. And that's exactly what the Communists/Democrats have always wanted. Millions & Millions of people rushing to claim they're 'victims' of something. It is what it is.
It's the jury system they want to do away with. It has failed them by finding non blacks innocent. The Duke Lacrosse boys walked. George Zimmerman walked. Darren Wilson didn't even have enough evidence to charge. Justice by mob. Instantly. No expensive trials.
It's why blacks should not be put into position of power. They react to things from the heart and not with their brain. Otherwise they would recognize that the system worked in the Wilson/Brown case and rioting would be the last thing on their mind.
Last edited:
The Democratic Party is solely responsible for creating this 'Grievance/Entitlement' Nation we've become.' They've created Millions & Millions of programmed robots who see themselves as permanent victims with endless grievances. These bots truly believe the deserve something because they're 'poor victims.'

It really is all about the Community (Communist) Organizing. People really should read up on Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' They need to get better-informed on the Communist/Democrat agenda.
Better yet just read the damn book, it's not what you've been told.

We have become a 'Grievance/Entitlement' Nation. And that's exactly what the Communists/Democrats have always wanted. Millions & Millions of people rushing to claim they're 'victims' of something. It is what it is.
American is a nation of selfish children, that's what is.

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