Liberals need Conservatives - Conservatives don't need Liberals

No carpetmuncher. It is why California is broke; Too many libs, not enough Conservatives

California is "broke" because they voted themselves lots of candy and no way to pay for it. It's the kind of "Direct Democracy" you guys say you hate all the time.

Like I said: Too many libs, not enough Conservatives

Too many on social programs (Libs) and not enough people to pay for it (Conservatives)

You can't just keep taxing more you fool. Conservatives are already fleeing the state. If they tax anymore I will leave too. Then who will pay for your filthy programs?

You cut my post in half...which is understandable..since you don't understand a couple of things.

First off..government collects taxes..that's it's source of revenue.

Second off...government isn't around do sit on their hands. If they do nothing..guess don't need them.

The Conservative way to do let's say in a Conservative Theocracy is to kill people you don't like..and that's usually people that are different from you. So lets say the government backs a Spanish Inquistion, like they did in Europe, to get rid of Jews and Heretics...Conservatives are pretty happy with the results.

The Liberal way to do let's say in a Democratic to recognize a problem..determine root cause..and treat the ills. Like FDR and the New Deal. Many vets returning from war weren't ready to get back into society because they lacked the skills. FDR passed the GI bill to help train them. Worked out very well without having to burn anyone at the stake. Even some America Conservatives, despite themselves, were pretty happy with the results.
Those ideologies contradict themselves.

How can you be a fiscal conservative yet support social welfare programs??

If social liberals had it their way we'd be living under totalitarian communism.

do what you can for the truely needy hang the fraudulent ones but balance the budget.

You know what? social welfare fraud is an epidemic and liberals don't give a shit as long as those that commit that fraud vote democrat..

Then you got these democrats bailing out public sector union demands?? do you know that in the state of Illinois 1500 public sector employees make more than the governor??

Besides, its up to the people to help the needy not the government. The government will just use entitlements to buy votes and democrats are masters at that.

Now its one thing to be liberal, its another to support a criminal organization like the democrat party that flaunts the phrase "Chicago style politics" as if its a good term.

Just so you know - here in Illinois, these democrats not only look the other way when social welfare fraud is being committed - they encourage it like Calderon encouraged Mexicans to illegally enter the US...

So if you believe in stringin' those who commit welfare fraud up, then you're going to need allot of rope.

Just think.....if you can have your way, Democrats can be thrown in jail for being Democrats.
Hey now! I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal.
With views all over the spectrum.

Those ideologies contradict themselves.

How can you be a fiscal conservative yet support social welfare programs??

If social liberals had it their way we'd be living under totalitarian communism.

I am also fiscal conservative and socially liberal too. That does not mean that you support social programs.

I support fag marriage, even though I am disgusted by it. It is still about freedom. I support legalizing drugs because it is a personal choice, even though I would never use any. I support legalize prostitution, even though I am happily married for 16 years. I want less regulation and more freedom. I must be consistent in freedom for all.
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Oh yeah....:eusa_whistle:

I don't get it. Stupity is a real problem with liberals these days

:rofl: Lovin' it! :rofl:

Oh Great - Lezbo spell check. Your time would be better spent brushing your mullet


Mullet check!!!!

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