Liberals Love Leaks...The More Unprecedented, The More Damaging To The US The Better, It Seems


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

With Putin threatening to nuke anyone who continues to help Ukraine and who threatens Russia, why the hell would some library leak that the US is helping Ukraine kill top Russian generals?

Broadcasting to Putin that the US is helping Ukraine track, target, and kill Putin's top generals "might end up giving Putin a pretext to widen the war, all thanks to the flapping gums of “senior American officials”.

Whoever these 'top US officials' are, they need to be publicly identified, stripped of their security clearances, and booted out of govt service.
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You're telling us that "The US is giving intel assistance to Ukraine" -- something everyone has always known -- is an intel leak?

Even for a Trump cultist, that's retarded.
Giving Intel is one thing. Giving Putin reason to expand his war / use nukes by telling the world Biden is helping target and kill Putin's generals is another.

You probably do realize that leaking to an enemy the tactics you are using to defeat them is a treasonable offense.

Declaring the US is actively looking for, tracking, and targeting Russian Command Centers in order to assassinate their generals is far more than 'knowing' the US is 'providing Intel'.

I have heard libs say we are not at war with Russia - we are just helping Ukraine. Bullshit - this puts us directly in the 'kill chain' in the middle of this war.

If Russia escalates his war and starts targeting US military he would technically be within his right to do so.

Declaring the US is actively engaged in the process of killing Russian generals is just stupid as hell...and a criminal breach of national security.
You're telling us that "The US is giving intel assistance to Ukraine" -- something everyone has always known -- is an intel leak?

Even for a Trump cultist, that's retarded.
Thank you for self-identifying as ignorant. You obviously do not have a security clearance, and if you do it should be revoked based on your stupid comments.
Giving Intel is one thing. Giving Putin reason to expand his war / use nukes by telling the world Biden is helping target and kill Putin's generals is another.
And again, everyone already knew it.

You're not really this stupid. You're just looking for excuses to whine and hate liberals.

Also, if Russia wants to attack US people inside Ukraine ... that's fine. Everyone expects it. It's not like they were holding back before. If they could have, they would have. They haven't because they can't.
And again, everyone already knew it.
ASSUMED it. Senior Govt official did not just confirm the US is at war with Russia, in the middle of the 'kill chain', helping to murder/ assassinate Russian Generals.

Again you prove you have no clue about 'EEFI's, classified information, rules regarding classified information, or laws regarding safeguarding classified Information.

Until recently I served 34 straight years in the military dealing with classified information every day. I know.

What was done is a violation of safeguarding of classified information.

Let me try to explain so you can possibly understand -- Confirming we are targeting his generals is less important than letting him know HOW.

Letting Putin know we were / are targeting his generals by tracking his Mobile Command Centers provides more info than the assumed belief we were 'providing Intel'.

It tell him HOW we are doing it, compromising the technique and giving the enemy an idea how to defeat this from happeming again.

The Senior Advisors gave away information to the enemy that could help him now defeat our efforts in the future.

Do you understand NOW?
With Putin threatening to nuke anyone who continues to help Ukraine and who threatens Russia, why the hell would some library leak that the US is helping Ukraine kill top Russian generals?

Broadcasting to Putin that the US is helping Ukraine track, target, and kill Putin's top generals "might end up giving Putin a pretext to widen the war, all thanks to the flapping gums of “senior American officials”.

Whoever these 'top US officials' are, they need to be publicly identified, stripped of their security clearances, and booted out of govt service.

Sometimes these kinds of "leaks" are authorized releases toward a certain purpose.

In the present case, perhaps the administration is trying to softly call Putin's bluff. Perhaps they're trying to take rhetorical ground an inch at a time to back Putin into a corner while progressively stronger interventions are strategically rolled out, with the objective of normalizing small changes over time. Maybe part of the calculation is that if Putin can be forced to move back his red lines one half inch 100 times, he'll suffer a loss in domestic standing to compound his difficult military standing.

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