liberals & irresponsible blacks are digging a serious hole

Racists always blame the people they hate for their hatred.

Exactly. Which is why BLM exists and why there is so much anti-establishment sentiment among self-segregating blacks. They are conditioned to believe establishment is a white thing and they manifest their bigotry against that.

at least you tried, thats what counts
You're having a problem getting your foot out of your mouth.
Racists always blame the people they hate for their hatred.

Exactly. Which is why BLM exists and why there is so much anti-establishment sentiment among self-segregating blacks. They are conditioned to believe establishment is a white thing and they manifest their bigotry against that.

at least you tried, thats what counts
You're having a problem getting your foot out of your mouth.
You have a problem getting an intelligent thought to form in your head.
Racists always blame the people they hate for their hatred.

Exactly. Which is why BLM exists and why there is so much anti-establishment sentiment among self-segregating blacks. They are conditioned to believe establishment is a white thing and they manifest their bigotry against that.
Damn youre ignorant! :laugh:
Yet you don't have the intellect to rebut. You are rebut hurt.
I dont rebut idiocy. I laugh at it.
...but instead are CREATING racism & racists.
This is the one element of this whole mess that has fascinates me the most.

How can they not see that their behavior exacerbates racism and emboldens racists?

Surely they do, and that's why it finally occurred to me that they're not trying to improve race relations, they're just trying to maul anyone who dares to disagree with them.
...but instead are CREATING racism & racists.
This is the one element of this whole mess that has fascinates me the most.

How can they not see that their behavior exacerbates racism and emboldens racists?

Surely they do, and that's why it finally occurred to me that they're not trying to improve race relations, they're just trying to maul anyone who dares to disagree with them.
In all fairness he did say CREATES racism and racists. No Black people dont care about racists. What made you think they did or should?
...but instead are CREATING racism & racists.
This is the one element of this whole mess that has fascinates me the most.

How can they not see that their behavior exacerbates racism and emboldens racists?

Surely they do, and that's why it finally occurred to me that they're not trying to improve race relations, they're just trying to maul anyone who dares to disagree with them.
In all fairness he did say CREATES racism and racists. No Black people dont care about racists. What made you think they did or should?
Um, just the fact that I keep hearing about it from them and (especially) the PC Police.


Is this a trick question?
Care as in concern about what they think of them. The care you are seeing is for Blacks not racist pig cops.
Actually they're not just digging a hole, they're digging their own graves. This is quickly reaching a point where the public no longer has any sympathy for the left, for BLM, or for minorities as a whole.
Thats weird. I thought minorites, BLM, and the left were the public? When did they change that?

Actually, you're a minority. IT was only a little over 50% that elected Obama. Given his crappy performance, that number is lower now.

Liberals have always been a minority in this country. Unfortunately, they're a very noisy minority and have the backing of the communist-infested media.
In my world it is the conservatives and white nationalists are destroying the nation. But then it has been a long road since Reagan was elected until today for the naybobs of negativism to destroy what good men built.
In my world it is the conservatives and white nationalists are destroying the nation. But then it has been a long road since Reagan was elected until today for the naybobs of negativism to destroy what good men built.

So you think it's conservatives, Republicans, and white people who are stirring up this nation's unrest, calling for the murders of white cops?

Come on, really?
In my world it is the conservatives and white nationalists are destroying the nation. But then it has been a long road since Reagan was elected until today for the naybobs of negativism to destroy what good men built.

So you think it's conservatives, Republicans, and white people who are stirring up this nation's unrest, calling for the murders of white cops?

Come on, really?
Well it sure seems like the people with power are making life harder for those without power AKA trickle down or Peon. The whites I see adding fuel to the fire are the conservatives who feel they are entitled to some kind of wall to protect them from crooks. Now I know as a white male all to well what conservatives think as I get an earfull when ever I stop at a bar or have some Junior Samples guy talk to me in a gas station or Home depot. They seem to think it is totally incumbent on the blacks to somehow rise up and be rich like they are. But being in home depot or a gas station pumping your own gas is not being rich it is being low end middle class.
In my world it is the conservatives and white nationalists are destroying the nation. But then it has been a long road since Reagan was elected until today for the naybobs of negativism to destroy what good men built.

So you think it's conservatives, Republicans, and white people who are stirring up this nation's unrest, calling for the murders of white cops?

Come on, really?
Well it sure seems like the people with power are making life harder for those without power AKA trickle down or Peon. The whites I see adding fuel to the fire are the conservatives who feel they are entitled to some kind of wall to protect them from crooks. Now I know as a white male all to well what conservatives think as I get an earfull when ever I stop at a bar or have some Junior Samples guy talk to me in a gas station or Home depot. They seem to think it is totally incumbent on the blacks to somehow rise up and be rich like they are. But being in home depot or a gas station pumping your own gas is not being rich it is being low end middle class.

Your view of the economics of being black, is distorted. The only "trickle down" black people are benefiting from is that which the government collects from the taxpayers and corporations, and then filters down to black people in the form of welfare and food stamps.. Meanwhile, Obama's trickle-up poverty makes it even that much harder for them to get by on a daily basis. Anyone in this country can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make something of themselves. But the government can't do that for you. Once you're dependent on the government for subsistence, you're pretty much fucked.
I have had neighbors & customers who i can't imagine would ever express the things they are saying now. The daily murders or injuries of police by blacks AFTER the calls to action by blm & other liberal groups is turning the country against you. ANY sympathy for blacks because of the police is long forgotten.

Blacks & liberals are just too stupid to effect the change they're demanding but instead are CREATING racism & racists.
"The daily murders or injuries of police by blacks"? Huh?

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